This program targets high school juniors and seniors, providing a five-week paid internship. The Academic Policy Committee is made up of representatives from the business community, parent community, staff, and student population of Highland Academy. With a young child at home, Shelly knew that her next career interest was to help others find and achieve opportunities, which led to her current position at ACPE, where she has worked since 2011. 5:00 PM - 6:00 PM
Fall Break - All school sites are closed. New Year's Day - We are closed. Chico States campus core has grown to 132 acres, which was designated as an arboretum in 1982. We will open on January 11, 2023. Their Summer Program will include business building, financial literacy, and life lessons! The Anchorage School District is an equal opportunity provider. Established in 1887 on thetraditional lands of the Mechoopda people, the University campus restsin a fertile valley tract was rich with alluvial sediment from Chico Creek and other nearby rivers and streams descending from the Sierra-Cascade mountains. District English Language Advisory Committee (DELAC) Meeting, Minimum Day Schedule for all School Sites, Report Cards/End of Semester 1 for Middle and High Schools. Testing is open from 1-4pm on Tuesdays and Thursday at Antioch High's Beede Auditorium. She believes that education is the heartbeat of every community and that when we work together collectively, we can achieve our vision. We will return on October 10, 2022. We will open on January 11, 2023. The campus also includes an 800-acre University Farm and 4,043 acres of ecological reserves. She has served on the Highland board for many years as a way to continue to give to the Highland learning community as well as the Anchorage School District. While much has changed since those early years, the Universitys campus has remained a centerpiece of its attraction to students, staff, faculty, and visitors from near and far. Parent Advisory Committee (PAC) Meeting, 5:30 PM - 7:30 PM
We acknowledge and are mindful that Chico State stands on lands that were originally occupied by the first people of this area, Mechoopda, and we recognize their distinctive spiritual relationship with this land, the flora, the fauna, and the waters that run through campus. The Antioch Unified School District (AUSD) is pleased to announce it was selected by the California Department of Education as a 2022 California Pivotal Practice Award Winner. Her vision is to help equity and agency become a reality for each and every learner by activating personalized competency-based education systems across the country. 5530 E Northern Lights Blvd Anchorage, AK 99504, Blackboard Web Community Manager Privacy Policy (Updated).
Workshops 2021-2022 ENGLISH, Talleres de Solicitud Para Ayuda Financiera 2021-2022 ESPANOL, Content Standards from the California Department of Education, Current Ordering Specifications (Purchasing), Elementary Progress Reports - Word Documents, Elementary Report Card System (Common Core), Maintenance & Operations Work Order System, 2021-2022 RUSD Parent Handbook (espaol), Current School Accountability Report Cards, ESSER enables district to meet more needs of homeless students, History-Social Science textbook considered for adoption, Website by Riverside Unified School District , Csar E. Chavez Day of Service and Learning. AUSD Staff Development Day - No school for students. The UC-Davis C-STEM Ujima Program will be hosted at AHS this summer for both middle and high school African American girls. After completing a middle college program during her junior and senior years of high school, Shelly earned her Associate degree in Biology and Multiple Disciplinary Studies from DeAnza College in California. Copyright 2002-2022 Blackboard, Inc. All rights reserved. New Teacher Workday - No school for students. Changes may be made to information on a non-specific time basis and, as such, automatically become part of the document. Bridge Builders was started to fill the gap between public education spending and the needs of at-risk youth from underprivileged communities. Admission Day - We are closed. African American Parent Advisory Committee (AAPAC) Meeting. Not all basis of discrimination will apply to both educational services and employment. All AUSD School Sites are Closed to the Public, All AUSD School Sites Reopen to the Public, Progress Reports for Middle and High Schools. Christmas Day Observance- We are closed.
While volunteering during the Presidential campaign season of 2008, Shelly was hired to the campaign, and shortly after began work in the Alaska State Legislature as staff to Senator Bill Wielechowski. We will open on January 11, 2023. We will open on November 28, 2022. 5:00 PM - 7:00 PM An avid gardener and student advocate, Shelly enjoys planting seeds, nurturing them, and watching them grow! Mission Statement - Our responsibility is to prepare every student for success in college, career, and life. Virtual MS Teams Meeting. New Year's Day Observance - We are closed. Preparatoria Antioch Auditorio Beede, Abierto 1-4pm, martes y jueves. Please have a look at the attached flyer for more information. Thanksgiving Break - We are closed. Districts Capital Facilities Program Update, Ramona Avid Program Claims Spotlight For Influence On Student Success, Free Breakfast And Lunch For Students During 2022-2023 School Year, RUSD Artists Honored At Mayor's Contest Reception, Arlington Students Rank Top 30 In Nation In HOSA, MLK's Emily Ausmus Earns Position on Womens USA Water Polo Team, Community Member Spotlight: Ofelia Valdez-yeager, Delena Wall Named Riverside's Finest By Riversider Magazine, Alumni Spotlight: Dell Roberts, RUSD Alumni, Arlington Receives Recognition For Empowering Students, RUSD Nutrition Services kicks off Summer Fest, CSBA Calls On Schools To Help With Climate Change, Bryant Awarded As A Core Knowledge School Of Distinction, RUSD Students Receive Honors At History Day, RUSD Hosts Stem Institute In Partnership With CBU, Ramona Grad Receives Spanish Town Heritage Scholarship, RUSD Receives Donation For Inspire Her Mind Program, Ofelia Valdez Yeager Presented With Athena Award, Message from the Board and Superintendent regarding safety, Lucy Chavez Becomes Individual Aquatics CIF Champion, Riverside Unified Students Display Passion For Social Change, RUSD Introduces New 22-23 Student Board Members, Public invited to review Fundamental Literacy Materials, North Students Participate In Pollution Awareness Project, Los Angeles Rams Vince Lombardi Trophy Tour, Emily Torres Receives Adopt-A-School Scholarship, RUSD Students Participated In Youth Job Corps, Public invited to review History-Social Science materials, RUSD Teachers Received The Crystal Apple Award, Congressman Mark Takano Visits Two RUSD High Schools, Riverside Stem Academy Ranks Top 10 In Best Schools Ranking, RUSD Holds Family Wellness And Resource Fair, RUSD Honors 2022 Legacy Scholars At Recognition Ceremony, Arlington Biomedical Science Students Placed Top Ten In The State, North High School Dedicates Two Athletic Fields, Ramonas Brian Gallagher Selected Lifechanger Of The Year, Social-Emotional Curriculum Considered For Adoption, World Language Program Textbooks Considered for Adoption, Community Members give back to RUSD schools, RUSD students recognized at County Academic Awards, SB 328 Bell Schedule Changes Coming In 2022-23, Arlington Celebrates Kindness Is Wellness Week, RUSD Students To Play Prestigious Band And Orchestra, Summit View Student Wins Riverside County 2022 Exceptional Graduate, RUSD receives award from Big Brothers Big Sisters, RUSD Students Participate in History Day Competition, 2022 Riverside County Science and Engineering Fair Results, Poly recognized for exemplary school counseling, Arlington Lions Honored by Board of Education, Poly & MLK High School students receive Scholarship, Registration is Open for the 2022/2023 School Year, Superintendent Renee Hill Named Woman of the Year, TK Registration is Open for the 2022/2023 School Year, Health and Safety Guidance Update Released by CDPH, RUSD programs create workforce experience for students, Arlington High Adopted by My Dentist & Orthodontist, Masking Message from the RUSD Board President, RUSD's Katie Williams Nominated for NHL Award, RUSD Support of California Indian Education Act, Post Office named after Woodie Rucker-Hughes, Governor Announces Updated Guidance for Schools, Black Voice News and Footsteps to you You Exhibit, Ramona High School Educators honored with Award, RUSD represents in Computer Science Equity Project, Health and Safety Message for RUSD Families, University Heights receives award from California League of Schools, Textbooks & materials considered for adoption, Families Receive Chromebook Donations to Support At-Home Learning, Update: Arlington to play at CIF Football State Championship, Board approves naming of Casa Blanca Elementary, Riverside Adult School recognized at CEAP, Citizens Bond Oversight Committee Applications, Extracurricular Activities COVID-19 Protocol, 6 RUSD Grads Receive $500 STEM Scholarship, Alumni Receives $1,500 eSports Scholarship, Resolution for Revision of COVID K-12 Guidance, RUSD Board Approves Partnership with CCAP, Ellen Nguyen awarded Littleworth Scholarship, North Varsity Field Renamed Rich Stalder Field, RUSD Adopts Mental Health Awareness Resolution, Ms. Renee Hill appointed Superintendent of RUSD, RUSD Superintendent David Hansen to Retire, Csar E. Chavez Day of Service and Learning, Riverside Unified School Board Election Results, Riverside County Students soon to ride Bus Fare-Free, Response to Governor Message on School Closure, Clippers Donate Backpacks to All RUSD Students, RUSD Ranks Number One in Riverside County for Graduation Rate, English Language Materials For Consideration, New Student Board Members Sworn In for 2018-19, Funeral Services for Woodie Rucker-Hughes, Lock-Dawson: Distinguished Alumna of the Year, Lewis J. Vanderzyl - Longtime RUSD Educator, Administrator and Board Member Passes, RUSD Statement/Resources on Parkland, FL Tragedy, King Student Wins Prestigious Computing Award, Important Castle View Incident Information, Buckets are full at M&O Department Picnic, Lake Matthews Thinks Pink for Breast Cancer Awareness, Poly Alumni Angie Gomez is Remembered After Losing Her Life in Las Vegas Tragedy, NBA's Jerry West Comes To Speak At Coaches Clinic, Arlington Science Teacher Receives Environmental Educator Excellence Award, MLK Track Team Earns Cif Southern Division Championship, Lilia Tomoff Reaches Finals At Speech & Debate Tournament, Ramona's U.N. Club Featured In Publication For Gender Equality, North Student Mary Ogbogu Wins District Optimist Oratorical Contest, Alumni Spotlight: Justin Hudson Inspires RUSD Students, Track & Field Champions Mackenzie Browne & Alyssa Hope, RUSD Family Resource Center Hosts Backpack & Resource Fair, RUSD Board Passes Resolution In Opposition Of RCTC Project, Communications & Marketing Committee Archive, Academic & CTE Oversight Committee Archive, Operations & Facilities Planning Committee Archive, Memorials, Naming of School Facilities Archive, Local Control and Accountability Plan & Community Engagement, Equity, Access, and Community Engagement Directory, Innovation & Learner Engagement Directory, Parent Involvement - participations de los padres, SPSAs (Single Plan for Student Achievement), K-12 Gifted and Talented Education (GATE), Distance Learning Instructional Support Team, Click Here to Visit BenefitsCal (CalFresh & CalWORKS), Directions for Securing a Substitute Teacher, Noon Duty Supervisor Handbook / Job Description, Nondiscrimination, Title IX and Uniform Complaint, Research, Assessment, and Evaluation Directory, Notice Of Public Hearing For 2022/2023 SELPA Annual Budget And Service Plans, District African American Parent Advisory Committee, District English Learner Advisory Committee, District English Learner Advisory Committee Calendars, Dual Language Immersion Research Articles, Calendar of Activities- Virtual Workshops, Free or Low cost Internet Access for Low Income Families, Cash for College Fin Aid App. DV's Spring Choir concert is coming Friday May 13th at 7pm in the DV theatre, Click the Read More link to buy your tickets online! 5:00 PM - 7:00 PM Department Name Or see Mr. Wright in room 416. Shelly manages the early college & career exploration programs I Know I Can and Kids2College, connects schools with Early Career Explorer educational resources, and assists upper elementary and middle school classrooms with establishing AKCIS Junior curriculum. While working with TNC, she managed the Board of Trustees, developed a volunteer program, and worked on conservation projects. Students will learn about robotics, engineering, programming, film production, and black women in STEM. 5530 E Northern Lights Blvd Anchorage, AK 99504Phone: 907-742-1700Fax: Anchorage School District website accessibility and nondiscrimination notice. Copyright 2002-2022 Blackboard, Inc. All rights reserved. Documents may contain inaccuracies or errors. || The Antioch Unified School District (AUSD) is committed to ensuring equal, fair, and meaningful access to employment and education services. California State University, Chico400 West First StreetChico, CA 95929, TodayCalifornia State University, Chico, Residence Halls: Esken, Konkow, Mechoopda. John Bidwell purchased the land dubbed Rancho Arroyo Chico in the early 1850s and later donated eight acres of his orchard land for the original Normal School campus. AUSD has made reasonable attempts to insure our web pages are educationally sound and do not contain links to any questionable material or anything in violation of the AUSD Acceptable Use of Technology Policy. District English Language Advisory Committee (DELAC) Meeting, African American Parent Advisory Committee (AAPAC) Meeting, Expanded Learning Opportunities Grant Plan, Safe Return to In-Person Instruction and Continuity of Services Plan, AUSD Parent/Guardian & Student Handbook - English & Spanish, Federal Immigration and Customs (ICE) Guidelines, Title II, TItle V, Title IX, and 504 Plans, Blackboard Web Community Manager Privacy Policy (Updated). The City of Antioch is launching the second annual Springboard Project. DVHS graduation will be livestreamed beginning at 9am on Friday June 10th. Click the link to go to youtube and set a reminder for yourself. click read more to view it! We will open on January 11, 2023. Winter Break - We are closed. AUSD staff may improve, reschedule, change, or discontinue products, serves, and/or programs described in documents at any time without notice. AUSD prohibits discrimination, intimidation, harassment, and bullying in any employment practice, education program, or educational activity on the basis of actual or perceived age, ancestry, color, disability, ethnicity, gender, gender identity or expression, genetic information, immigration status, marital, family or parental status, medical condition, national origin, political affiliation, pregnancy and related conditions, race, religion, retaliation, sex (including sexual harassment), sexual orientation, Vietnam Era Veterans' status, or association with a person or group with one or more of these actual or perceived characteristics or any other basis prohibited by California state and federal nondiscrimination laws respectively. For more information, click on READ MORE. AUSD website documents are provided as is. Shelly trains volunteers, teachers, campuses, and coordinators in program implementation and best practices. We will open on January 11, 2023. Since 2016, she has been serving as a Director of Teaching and Learning for KnowledgeWorks, which is a non-profit that supports learning communities across the country. We will open on January 11, 2023. The application is open and will close on June 5th, 2022. We will open on January 11, 2023. Brenda Bidwell -, Jim Dube (VICE CHAIR) -, Kelly Daugherty -, Todd Burningham (TREASURER) -, Alex Tatum, (CHAIR) -, Laura Hilger, (SECRETARY) - We are humbled that our campus resides upon sacred lands that since time immemorial have sustained the Mechoopda people and continue to do so today. During her years at ACPE, Shelly has expanded the early college & career exploration resources available, developed a strong volunteer program, and has grown each program from 400 students to approximately 2500 students annually. Enrollment Procedures - New Students Only, AUSD Selected as a 2022 California Pivotal Practice Award Winner, UC-Davis C-STEM Ujima Program for both middle and high school African American girls, COVID-19 AUSD Summer Testing Clinic / COVID-19 Clinica de Pruebas de Verano de AUSD. Click the link to sign up. Inquiries regarding nondiscrimination and civil rights should be directed to the District's Title IX Coordinator: Christine Ibarra, Associate Superintendent - Educational Services, 510 G Street, Antioch, CA 94509, 925-779-7500 or by email at The Schedule for the 2nd semester finals is out. Shelly Morgan is currently a member of the Highland APC, President of the Highland Academy PTSO, and a K-12 Specialist with the Alaska Commission on Postsecondary Education (ACPE). Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday - The district office and all school sites are closed. ADDRESS: 4700 Lone Tree Way, Antioch, CA 94531. District English Language Advisory Committee (DELAC) Meeting, 5:30 PM - 7:30 PM Download the Free Blackboard District App. Floating Holiday - We are closed. Christmas Eve Observance - We are closed. Veteran's Day Holiday - The district office and all school sites are closed. Labor Day Holiday - The district office and all school sites are closed. She moved to Santa Cruz, California to complete her Bachelor Degree in Biology and Environmental Studies and spent six years working as a field biologist before moving to Alaska to work for The Nature Conservancy (TNC). Oneof the founding members of Highland Academy, and a dedicated staff member until 2013, Laura Hilger has spent her entire career devoted to learning communities and systemic change in a variety of roles.
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