Make turns on sidewalks and driveways, or make wide turns to avoid tearing turf. Ensure that you remain within the tolerance values for any change you make as stated in the owners manual. It is also helpful if your lawn has to deal with shady conditions. Or else, your lawnmower could produce uneven cutting patterns on the opposite side. In lawns with mixed turf species, use the higher recommended setting. We'll assume you're ok with this, but you can opt-out if you wish. If they dont seem impaired, try a grinder or a file to sharpen them. Locate the height adjustment lever on each wheel. As a security precaution, we recommend wearing protective gloves when handling the blades of the mower. If you have a sharpie handy you can do this once and write the height for each adjustment or mark off the positions next to your lever so you will remember for next time. Copyright Leaf Group Ltd. // Leaf Group Lifestyle. As mentioned earlier, many homeowners assume that the middle height setting on their lawn mower must be best. The turf color will improve dramatically. Change the mowing pattern to not cause rut or to compact the soil. With this, you can determine your desired measurement. Usually, its best to mow your grass in the highest condition. In most cases, its too short. You should almost always go with the highest setting. Mowing high will put your grass in a better position for dealing with conditions such as drought or hot weather. With a measuring tape or a ruler decide the height of the edge from the ground. This blog gives you an in-depth understanding of height adjustment for different types of mowers and addresses some frequently asked questions. Use a measuring tape to measure the distance between the ground and the blade. Many experts explain that keeping your lawn taller (three inches or higher) is best for grass health, and I agree with them. In self-propelled lawnmowers, the cutting blades are mounted below the deck. Mowing the grass at 3 inches or taller will prevent diseases, promote deep digging roots, help the grass conserve water, improve turf density, and improve turf color. Wrong. By using this website I agree with the Disclaimer. What height should a lawnmower be set at? It will also probably not have that ideal green color we all want. As we mentioned earlier, the exact procedure for changing the setting on your mower will vary from manufacturer to manufacturer and model to model. For instance, mow lengthwise one week, width wise the next, and diagonal the following. Together we put a lot of effort into the maintenance of our gardens over the last few years, we become obsessed with it. A common mistake is to just assume that you understand all the ins and outs of your mower. Mulch the grass clippings, as long as they dont clump up all over the lawn. What's the Correct Mowing Height for Your Lawn? But whats universally true is that the preference for a short lawn will often negatively affect the health of that lawn. As a result, grasses produce smaller, shallower root systems that are less resilient to stresses including drought, high temperatures, insects, and diseases. Grass roots will dig about 3 times as deep as the height the lawn is mowed. Once you determine the ideal height to maintain your lawn it is easy to establish good mowing practices. I've learned to love caring for my lawn naturally and enjoying it daily.
Be patient when cutting so that you neither cut the grass too little nor too much. Locate the deck adjustment knob on the top of the mower. Using this method, each of the mowers wheels has an individual lever. As a general rule, taller turf stands tend to be healthier and more resilient to weeds, drought, and other stresses. Such turfs are favored for golf fields. 2. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. The only times when you shouldnt use this high setting is when you are doing the first and the final mow of the season. Did you know that many of us cut our lawns too low? Usually, the pitch value ranges from 1/8th to 1/2 inch. Set the lawn mowers wheel to the same height to make proper adjustments. When a lawn is cut short, it is thinner, needs more water, is more prone to weeds, and will have shorter roots. We suggest mowing on the highest setting. The golf course grass types can handle being mowed short, while most residential lawns cannot. Before increasing the height, we want to make sure that all tires have the same pressure so that the mower is not tilted to any specific side. Many modern push mowers (and even some reel mowers) can make height adjustments just by moving a lever. How to change the height of the reellawnmower? 1.
Once you understand the instructions in the manual about how to change the settings, do the adjustments on a flat surface. If you have an expensive model, it will be easier and faster to adjust. It would be even better to disconnectthe spark plug wire because spinning the blades causes the engine to start occasionally. Should I Bag My Grass Clippings If I Have Weeds in My Lawn? Before you start making your adjustments, ensure the mower is completely turned off and will not turn back on. However, there are certain things you can keep in mind if you have a rotary mower, be it a push mower or self propelled. And dont make the mistake of thinking that the bottom of your mowing deck is the height at which your grass will be cut your mowers blade is usually higher. Even though we do not mow lawns, Organo-Lawn is your local lawn care expert. Read this to get the inside scoop on how to adjust a lawnmower height. Copyright 2020, Organo-Lawn of Boulder & Organo-Lawn of Fort Collins - All Rights Reserved. When choosing the right height for your mower, the time of year is one of the biggest factors that will determine the mower height setting you should use. If not done correctly, you may find a change in grass patterns in the side-to-side direction. Youll find the lever to one side of the machine, frequently close to the axle. If the first lever is in the second notch from the right, all levers must be on second notch from the right. If you have a very inexpensive or entry-level mower, it will probably have a very basic procedure for height adjustment. This blog post looks into the height adjusting mechanism for various lawnmower types. However, nature and life can get in the way and your lawn may get a little taller between cuttings.
We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. Ill generally just put my mower on a flat surface (like the garage floor), turn it off, and get down with a tape measure to check the distance between the garage floor and the bottom edge of the mower blade. All Rights Reserved. Use a ruler or a measuring tape and hold it to the area where the blades are housed. Never schedule a mowing session. How to Get Rid of Standing Water in Your Yard, WORX Nitro 80V Self-Propelled 21 Lawnmower Review, WORX Nitro Cordless Paint Sprayer: Fast, Flawless Finishes, Bulbs to Plant in Spring for Summer Blooms, Prune Spring Flowering Shrubs after Blooming. All Rights Reserved | Home | About, We are a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites. Your email address will not be published. Plan the perfect garden with our interactive tool , Craftsman: Craftsman Rotary Push Mower Manual, Lawn-Boy: Lawn-Boy Push Mower Owners Manual. If you cant find your manual but have the manufacturer and model number of your mower you can find and download the manual with a quick Google search. Yeah, it is very useful to leave grass clippings on the lawn, as this adds organic matter to grass in the form of nutrients. This site is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Release the lever to lock inside a notch at the bottom of the lever.
Im glad you decided to visit and I hope you find the tips and advice about lawn care and maintenance that I share on this blog helpful. Push mower height adjustments are similar on all gas or electric mowers. Typically, the front is 1/8th to 1/2 inch lower than the back so that the cutting part does not spread the grass straws throughout the yard. Often the highest setting on most mower types is 3 inches. Youd be surprised at the features and nuances you can learn when you take a few minutes to read the manual. That is an essential safety precaution and crucial for preventing injury. Alter mowing patterns with each mowing to reduce wear and avoid compaction. 4. Your email address will not be published. Grass foliage is comprised of 90% water and will decompose quickly becoming almost invisible within a few hours after lawn mowing. And contrary to popular belief, shorter lawn heights require more frequent mowing. #2 Golf Courses: Yes golf courses mow the grass very short. Two small changes to lawn mowing will dramatically improve a lawns appearance and overall health. Gas mowers will have adjustment levers on all four wheels while many electric mowers have a single knob to raise and lower the mower deck. If you have this kind of mower, ensure that you dont inadvertently adjust each to a different height. Its best to mow your lawn once weekly and never take off more than 33% (or one-third) the height of the grass blade. By following these instructions, there will less stress on the lawn, helping create the lush green lawn that you desire. At times you may also need to do side by side adjustments for which you will need to turn the blades. This website uses cookies to improve your experience. The blades should always be tightened for improved results at the beginning of the season. How high am I supposed to set my lawnmower deck? For warm-season grasses, raise mowing height in fall as the growing season winds down to provide insulation against cold temperatures. Turn the knob by hand to raise and lower the mower deck. Sharpen the blade about once per month. For self-propelling mowers, the wheels are pressed onto the notches with the aid of the adjustment levers. You should ensure that the blade tips final height on both sides of the deck is the same; otherwise, you might encounter unwanted cutting patterns due to the blade cuttings incorrect degree. Grass root depth and mowing height are correlated. The simple way to accomplish this is to count the notch of the first lever you adjust. Its going to be easier for you to locate the screws and nuts that drop on the floor instead of grass. The drier summer months will require less frequent mowing. If you own a push mower then use the adjustment lever provided on the mower tires. This pitch increases the cutting decks aerodynamic efficiency and stops the grass from blowing across the yard. How to adjust belt tension on riding lawn mower, Buying the Right String Trimmer that You Can Walk-Behind, Picking Out the Right Lawn Tractor Tire Chains, How to make grass thicker and fuller: A guide to proper lawn maintenance, Is my lawnmower smoking? A value greater than this results in a short grass cut. Get instant access to our latest reviews, helpful tips and exclusive deals. Many people admire the look of green golf course grass and assume that if they cut their lawns the same way, they will have the same wonderful green color. Grab the top of the adjustment lever and pull the lever toward the mower wheel. This blog is written by a group of Garden Tool enthusiasts. Nearly every weekend you will find us doing small or big jobs or just enjoying our garden. To apply to rule of one-third, adjust mowing frequency according to plant growth. His work has appeared in both print and online publications, including "The American Chronicle." Offering Professional Organic Lawn Care Services and Tree Care Services for the Following Colorado Cities: How to adjust the lawnmower height, step by step: A lawnmower always has a mechanism that can lift or lower the lawnmower blades. This could be the very highest setting on the lawn mower. Hi, my name is Sarah and Im the chick behind You wouldnt want the engine to start during the height change because youre dealing with the blades onthe deck. Always remember to put your mower on the highest setting or to cut your grass at a minimum of 3 to ensure your lawn stays healthy. Mowing grass after the rain, step by step, How to Adjust a Self-Propelled Honda Lawnmower, step by step. A flat pavement surface (driveway) or a garage is a great place to do this. If you arent sure, or are unhappy with the results at this setting, I recommend starting high and then adjusting the deck lower one setting at a time until you get to a mowing deck height youre happy with. In order to level the mower, you will have to adjust each individual wheel to a uniform setting. By doing so, we unintentionally weaken the lawn. Mow the lawn once per week and dont remove more than 33% of the grass foliage per mowing. If you have a very inexpensive or entry-level mower, this is probably the system you will use for adjusting height.
Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. Read the manual that came with your mower to understand how its height settings work and how to adjust them.
Use the adjustment nuts provided to change the level from the front and back. One of the most basic kinds of height adjustment is axle adjustment. This cutting heightensures a much greener and denser lawn, facilitates deep root digging, and prevents grass diseases. Whenever a height adjustment is made, always check that the mower does not pitch sideways due to incorrect level adjustment. This is the type of mower deck adjustment my Honda self propelled mower has, and I find it very easy to use. Here's how you do it! Learn which plants thrive in your Hardiness Zone with our new interactive map! Place the push mower over a level surface. Ill also explain why different height settings exist on mowers (and when you might need them). If you have a high-end model or a riding mower, you might find it uses a single lever system. Are you witnessing irregular cutting patterns all over your lawn? All the wheels must be of the same level. And remember that the numbers you see on the settings (if your mower has numbers) dont link with the lawn cutting height.
The ideal mowing height would be 3 inches to 3.5 inches in height. Using this method, you will physically take off the wheels and put them at a higher setting. This measurement will let you cut the grass with ease. Compare it with the grass not yet cut. Finally, Ill tell you exactly how to use your mower deck settings effectively to get the best results when using your lawn mower. Many homeowners imagine that the middle setting is best for their lawn, but this isnt the case. It will be easier to mow your lawn and take less time than cutting the grass on a lower setting. The deck is not a separate item, and it is part of the main body. This is a mistake, as golf courses actually use special kinds of grass that allow them to keep their courses cut so short. For height adjustment, all you need is a wrench set and a ruler. Heres my privacy policy. This one minor change of mowing on the highest setting will make a major improvement in the overall health and beauty of your lawn. The lift link adjustment on the deck lowers or lifts the deck from the sides. Cool-season grasses are quite the opposite. Unplug the electric mower power cord from the electrical outlet. As long as no more than 33% of the grass foliage is removed during the lawn mowing the grass clippings will not cause thatch buildup. The mower deck has to be on the same level sideways. Move the lever down or to the right to raise the mower deck, or move the lever up or to the left to lower the mower deck. Several factors influence the rate at which turf will grow, including soil moisture, nutrients, and temperature. Use the chart to determine the best height for your yard. If you do youll get an uneven mow job (or just go in circles). You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. Youll use these to raise or lower the height. Mow some grass and measure the cut grass with the ruler to see its length from the soil. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. Measure the blade tips height from the ground separately from the front and back. For this reason you may need to adjust the height of your push mower from time to time. Understanding your lawn mower height settings and how to adjust your mower deck properly will help you get the most from your lawn. We like to help other people maintaining their garden and find cool products to write about. If so, click HERE to view a great selection of lawn mowers. Arvada, Berthoud, Boulder, Broomfield, Erie, Firestone, Fort Collins (Ft Collins), Frederick, Golden, Lafayette, Laporte, Longmont, Louisville, Loveland, Lyons, Mead, Niwot, Superior, Wellington, Westminster, and Windsor, CO. Most people think golf courses look nice, but what they dont realize is that golf courses have different types of grass than are in a residential lawn. Always follow the one-third rule when cutting the grass. To do this, you may need to use the tire pressure gauge to calculate each tires air pressure and then use the air supply to fill the tires. When the weather gets a little cooler, you can usually cut the grass a little bit shorter if you want to. During rapid periods of growth in the spring, for example, lawns may require mowing every four to five days to maintain an ideal height. Tilt your mowing deck to check the condition of the blades. If you leave too thick a layer of clippings on your lawn you can end up with thatch buildup, or even smother and suffocate your lawn. When your grass is allowed to grow taller, the plant will develop deeper roots. An easily noticeable sign of a dull blade is when the tips of the grass are ripped, turning them white. There are a few different reasons: Some people think a lawn that is cut on a short setting has better aesthetics than a taller lawn. All rights reserved. Adjusting your mowing practices to follow the rule of one-third will result in a vigorous, more robust lawn. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. This will let you figure out the height that you need to adjust the mower too. The average lawn is usually cut to a height of 2 inches during the mowing season. The numbers on lawn mowers do not correlate with lawn cutting height. With any of the systems/components outlined below, you can adjust the height of your lawnmower, depending on the make and model: How to adjust the height of a push lawnmower. The knob will be toward the top left rear of the mower and may have a dial indicator on top of the knob. In a lot of cases, lawnmowers have cutting blades that are too low to the ground. Each complete turn raises or lowers the particular side by 3/16th of an inch. The mowing deck can be adjusted for riding mowers using the lift link adjustment nut. You will need to put the mower on a flat surface to see how low or high the mower is. Is your lawnmower scalping your garden instead of trimming? Avenger Weed Control For Rock & Mulch Beds, One Earth Weed Control Weed Killer for Lawns, Synergy with Corn Gluten Meal Pre-Emergent Weed Control for Lawns, Pre-Emergent Weed Control Rock and Mulch Beds, Learn More About Our Sprinkler Services , Learn More About Our Tree Care Services , Request a Weed Control and Fertilization Quote. Changing the cutting heightof the lawnmower is an easy process. It is extremely important to raise the mower height to 3 inches or taller from the middle of April through September. The optimum setting for lawnmowers ranges from 3 to 3.5 inches. Different grass Species and Size Requirements. For example, to maintain your lawn at a height of two inches, wait until the grass has reached a height of three inches before mowing. A very small change in mowing height makes a huge difference in lawn appearance, drought resistance and overall health. Are you ready to get mowing? As weve already mentioned, most types of grass grow best with the highest setting on most mowers. This rule tells us never remove more than one-third of the leaf blade at a time. Dig deep into the latest news & trends in gardening and lawn care, get your hands dirty with DIY tips, and find out how to make it all happen with the latest WORX tools. You may need a wrench, screwdriver, and perhaps other tools to adjust wheel height. Hi, Depending on your mower, this might be its highest setting. For self-propelled mowers, the height can be adjusted by raising or lowering the tires level using adjustable levers. With this measurement raise or lower the wheel as the case may be. At these times, a 2.5-inch mowing height is best for most cool-season lawns (though at the end of the year Ill sometimes go lower because of how I clean up my leaves). Call your local expert lawn care company for organic weed control and fertilization services. I recommend that most people increase the mower height to a minimum of 3-inches from the middle of April through September. It is also a safe idea to detach the ignition key from the switch. Why is my lawnmower leaving a row of grass near the blades. If it is a gas mower, turn the engine off and detach the spark plug cable. Once you understand what to do and how to do it, you will know how to customize your mower for the healthiest lawn. Leave grass clippings in place to return nutrients to the lawn. The only indication is that if the height is a third higher than the optimum height of the grass species, mow it. How to Separate Grass from Flower Bed Areas, Fall Lawn Care: Improve your Lawns Health & Appearance, How to Put Oil in a Lawn Mower (Step-by-Step).
The lawn will use less water because the roots will be able to dig deeper. If you have a gas mower, you will find a safety catch to hold down for the mower to run. We provide you with a step-by-step methodto change the height for different types of lawnmowers. #3 The Middle Setting: The lawn mower settings can be confusing. At three inches high, the grass roots can dig as deep as 9-inches. The middle setting is the WRONG setting and is typically way to short. Move the lever forward or backward to lift or lower the height of the specific wheel. If you dont know what kind of grass you have, a good rule of thumb is to cut it at three inches or down to a minimum of 2 , never removing more than one third of the grass blade at a time. In all these cases, you need to understand the mechanism required for adjusting the cutting height on a lawnmower. Mulching grass clippings will be very beneficial for the lawn and will stimulate beneficial microbial activity in the soil. Understanding your model of lawn mower and how your lawn mower height settings work is important if you want to use it properly. Gas mowers will have adjustment levers on all four wheels while many electric mowers have a single knob to raise and lower the mower deck. Reiterate the third step with the remaining wheels on your lawnmower. The way to adjust the mower and what the different adjustments mean vary from brand to brand of lawn mower. Turn the knob clockwise to lower the deck height and counter-clockwise to raise the deck height. Copyright 2022. The mowing deck is a separate addition to the mowers main structure. To learn more about the three most common lawn mowing mistakes that homeowners frequently repeat, please read our blog about the most common lawn mowing mistakes homeowners make. Raise mowing heights during the hot summer months to insulate crowns against high temperatures and promote deep root growth. Of course thats subjective, and whats attractive to one homeowner isnt to the next. The middle setting is to be tried for the first and last mow of the season. Find how to fix your Lawnmower issue with our Lawnmower Troubleshooting tool. It should be on a hard flat surface. As growth rate fluctuates throughout the season, the frequency of mowing also changes. One final suggestion for how to properly mow a lawn is to rotate the direction of the cut every mow. The correct setting on most lawn mowers is the highest setting. Ensure that this is not being pressed by any kind of object. Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. Mowing your lawn at the correct height improves your lawns health and appearance. Your grass will be able to access water deep in the soil between rainstorms, will retain its green color longer during the dog days of summer, and generally be more healthy and resilient. Exception to the Rule For only the first and the last mow of the season the recommended mowing height for Colorados cool season lawns is 2.5 inches. The first step when you want to change your mowers height settings is to consult with the manual. The following mowing tips will also help in maintaining healthy, productive turf areas. Since were going to increase the height, were looking to roll the lever forward and fit it into one of the notches. For a healthy lawn, follow the rule of one-third when setting your mowing height. A lawn should be mowed at 3 inches or taller. As long as you do not cut 1/3 of the grass foliage during mowing, the clippings would not cause any damage but would instead have a beneficial effect on your lawn.
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