But the effect is not to mock the attempt to find truth, or to dismiss its possibility.
Though museum arcana has consumed a good part of my life in recent years, I had remained ignorant about this museum, in Los Angeles County, and the cult that has surrounded it during the 25 years of its mostly obscure existence. What if you were to put everything you had behind something you believe in? One person will carve miniature figures on a pin, painting them with a hair; another will correspond with authorities on the cosmic order, offering harebrained theories; someone else will create a museum devoted to this strangeness, offering much pleasure and insight along the way. Inspiration also comes from the unfathomable phenomena in the world around us: flying creatures that navigate using sonar; scientists that produce accounts of the primeval past from their observations of the heavens; coincidences that bring together events that seem to have nothing in common. The ultimate showpiece of all this benign stupefaction is an untitled tableau involving two ghastly reclining wax figures of a man and woman. The ensuing story reads like the museums exhibits: The years when the museum was essentially Diana and himself, doing exhibits around town; the looking all over L.A. and finally spotting a For Lease sign in Culver City for a building with rent that was affordable only because it was to be torn down in a year; the mysterious moratorium on building strip malls so that the one year stretched into five; the attendance so sparse that if 10 people showed up on a weekend, he and Diana would go out and celebrate; the 1,600 extra square feet of space David happened upon behind a panel one day, allowing the museum, over time, to expand. A gallery is devoted to early-20th-century communications sent to astronomers at the Mount Wilson Observatory near Pasadena. Frank Gehrys first hotel project in DTLA is a real showstopper, and well worth the wait. CULVER CITY, Calif. It may be best to stop reading this review right now. And that journey really did lead me upward, ending at the top floor where tea is served to all visitors out of an antique samovar, near a gallery of portraits of cosmonaut dogs sent into space by the Russians in the 1950s. A true feast for the senses, this playful, design-driven property calls is a self-contained vacation. A set of ministories is whispered on tape and communicated in sign language by hands that seem to hover in midair at the far end of a large vitrine. On either side of the entryway were what seemed to stand as the museums presiding metaphors: a scale model of Noahs Arkmechanically rocking on a makeshift floodplain, the first natural history collectionand a wall of old prints depicting the Tower of Babel, humanitys first big technological non sequitur. So adept is he at maintaining his user-friendly museum illusion, you can see how an exhibit is rigged and still be baffled by the evidence.
Use of this site constitutes acceptance of our User Agreement and Privacy Policy and Cookie Statement and Your California Privacy Rights. Right when we were in danger of having no income at all, we had a kid, DanRae. It might not be for everyone, but if youre interested in obscura, youll be seriously satisfied. Worm really existed; Ashmoles collections are the foundation of the Ashmolean Museum at Oxford University. Across the room, seen within the larynx of an encased fox head, resides a free-floating image of a man straining forward in a chair, snarling and yelping like a fox. The first time I wandered in I felt like Id encountered a part of my psyche Id always known existed but had never quite yet met in the flesh. Terms & Conditions. Its a risk. In the background were what sounded like scratchy Victrola recordings of baying dogs, thunderclaps, possessed monks, dying nuns and children consigned to limbo.
I always knew that the ideas came through me, not from me.
One panel here says that throughout his work can be found an all consuming desire to find the origins of all phenomena, to discern in the enormous complexity of life the basic motivating forces behind existence., It is tempting to think of the Jurassic museum as a postmodern gloss on the world in its assertion that in the human manufacture of museums all is artifice. He had a small special effects film business he could have ridden into digitization and made a tidy bundle from, then retired. He doesnt sleep during the night now. The museum could be describing itself in its slide presentations explanation of the pinhole-size sculptures of Hagop Sandaldjian: Whenever we encounter some truly novel phenomenon, one that reinvents the margins of our world, an old hankering is awakened. To that end, what fascinated me almost as much as the museum itself was the museum as calling, starting with a kind of conversion experience in Wilsons late teens, as described in writer Lawrence Weschlers splendid Mr. The overzealous spirit grasps at these phenomena, trying to make sense of them. (Here, too, rather than dampening the mystery, the fact that the performing man does dog voices for the movies deepens it.). The narrators authoritative voice starts to turn pedantic, and we are inclined to smile, as at a subtle parody.
Or it could refer to well, as a priest friend says, If its too good to be true? Drink it in. Experience. Probably the latter thesis is what Wilson has in mind. The museums publications are models of pedantic scholarship with elaborate citations, some of which lead to nonexistent sources, others pointing to extraordinary historical figures, like the 17th-century Jesuit polymath Athansius Kircher. Any information published by Cond Nast Traveler is not intended as a substitute for medical advice, and you should not take any action before consulting with a healthcare professional. A daily email newsletter to help you better understand the Church and the world. Doing this crazy project there was a sense of almost testing the universe. He lives in a trailer behind the museum and wakes up throughout the night to check on strange noises, possible ceiling leaks, the ring-necked doves who roost in the garden outside the second-floor Tula Tea Room. The gallery devoted to Kircher seems scrupulously accurate. In the face of this newly made universe, we may be tempted to exclaim, It cannot be!, yet our protests soon lie buried under an avalanche of wonder., https://www.nytimes.com/2012/01/10/arts/design/museum-of-jurrasic-technology-shows-its-wild-side-review.html. In laywomans terms, the MJT is simultaneously utterly serious, utterly tongue-in-cheek, and a kind of elaborate gift/puzzle/koan. The most complete natural history museum, we hear, was Noahs Ark. It takes the forms of one the lighting, the labels, the scholarly references and uses them to inspire wonder not just at the objects (real or invented) but at the nature of museums themselves, the way they select items from the world and allow us to recognize them as strange and wonderful. So I entered the place accepting that, along with the peculiarities of the name and the dim lighting and domestic interiors, this was indeed a museum, whose displays would lead me upward into some form of conceptual light. Much later came collections of natural curiosities and believe-it-or-not monstrosities. Cond Nast Traveler does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. artforum.com is a registered trademark of Artforum International Magazine, New York, NY. When we finish something, theres a certain period, before the exhibit opens, where we just sit. It traveled for several years before settling on Venice Boulevard in late 1987. Ad Choices. 2022 Cond Nast. There were deteriorating dice, a spectral green, from the collection of illusionist Ricky Jay. All rights reserved. That really works. Visit heather-king.com.
Is this a variation on Ripleys Believe It or Not? Each display is embellished with a supplementary wall text or audio commentary. The Museum of Jurassic Technology, located in Culver City, was founded by David Hildebrand Wilson and Diana Drake Wilson (husband and wife). Here some things are invented but seem true; others are true but seem invented. Wilsons inventors touch provides every convenience for delivering seemingly ironclad bits of disinformation. All rights reserved. The title phrase Jurassic Technology is an oxymoron, of course. I didnt realize that its creator, David Wilson, had been awarded a MacArthur Foundation grant because of his achievements in portraying what he calls life in the Jurassic. I had even missed Lawrence Wechslers enchanting 1995 exploration of this museum in his book Mr. In that slide show, for example, we learn that originally the term museum meant a spot dedicated to the muses. It involved the removal of the spectator from everyday life to reveal something about the worlds essence. This museum is certainly about the past. The emphasis here is more on what humans have made of the world rather than on natures strange artifacts. Here are human inventions, some meant to have almost magical power, This is one reason that the 17th century holds such sway here; it was a period when scientists were also astrologers and mathematicians were also cosmologists. The introduction on the museums website begins: The Museum of Jurassic Technology in Los Angeles, California, is an educational institution dedicated to the advancement of knowledge and the public appreciation of the Lower Jurassic., The Wikipedia entry adds: The factual claims of many of the museums exhibits strain credibility, provoking an array of interpretations from commentators.. (A telegram reads, Gentlemen are you interested in separating valuable chemical compounds from the sunshine ray.) Other display cases show a scale model of Noahs Ark; a microscope that has supposedly accidentally shattered a specimen dish (Exhibit out of order, reads the label); a fruit pit carved with an image of the Crucifixion; and, mounted on the wall, a kind of horn said to have grown from the back of a womans head. Instead they continued to pour all the money we didnt have straight into the museum: exhibits, buildings, whatever it took. At some point, well say, Thats great. As a subscriber, you have 10 gift articles to give each month. But perhaps most wondrous of all is his refusal to take credit for his sui generis creation. It was like something was being given to me somewhere between a gift and an assignment.. That is what we find here too: incongruity, like the eccentricities of those pioneering curiosity cabinets that celebrated the juxtapositions of rare and unusual objects. The presentations are solemn and encompass (fictional) bats flying through solid objects as well as biblical dioramas with ghostly figures, constructed according to Kirchers instructions. Windows give onto tiny stage sets featuring stereographically projected tableaux-vivants of biblical scenes from 14th-century illuminated manuscripts. Wilsons Cabinet of Wonder (1995). The material on this site may not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, cached or otherwise used, except with the prior written permission of Cond Nast. But I had never been in a museum where the persistent question is: what kind of place is this? Theyre incredibly talented. A horn, supposedly from a woman's head, on view at the museum in Culver City, Calif. An exhibition about supposed ancient medical beliefs includes mice on toast and mouse pie. Cond Nast Traveler may earn a portion of sales from products that are purchased through our site as part of our Affiliate Partnerships with retailers. The sensation is half-comic but also half-inspirational, as if we were being told, Look at the projects to which humans will devote themselves: to the creation of illusion, to mastering the impossible, to comprehending mystery. At such moments we are like explorers of an unknown dimension: everything appears fresh to our eyes, each idea seems unprecedented, virgin, strange. And the result is something like this museum.
It could refer to those devoted staff members. Whose idea was that?, David almost invariably uses the pronoun we rather than I. That we could refer to himself and Diana. But that theme is often put aside by the persistence of an almost devout homage being paid to the world and to what we make of it, a tribute to Kirchers all consuming desire..
I didnt sleep through the night for decades.. The place was pitch-black. And then, when you look through a magnifying glass and see a painted sculpture of Disneys Goofy standing on the head of a needle, or learn how the stage machinery of Baroque theaters created the illusion of flowing water, or are told that some South American bats seem to fly through solid objects, you wont have the same mixture of shock, marvel, delight and confusion as I did. There is a sampling of the naturally bizarre (the stink ant infected by a fungus that extends out of its head) but, in essence, the museum is indeed technological.
Undeniable cool in an oft-overlooked part of Los Angeles.
Not really, because Ripleys affirms incontrovertible truth. Right in the heart of West Hollywood across the street from The Comedy Store, excellent shopping, and world-class restaurants. We hear of the 16th-century Dane named Ole Worm, who created the Museum Wormianum, and of the rarities preserved at South Lambeth, in London, by Elias Ashmole in the 17th century. You push a series of buttons to hear dead beetles foil their predators by imitating the languages of stones. To believe that in the Transubstantiation, the bread and wine become the Real Body and the Real Blood of Christ, is to be open to the possibility that ecstatic truth the truth that comes from the marriage of imagination and memory, magic and heart is not only true, but somehow truer than true. There were floral stereoradiographs of Albert G. Richards, black-and-white X-rays of flowers so hauntingly beautiful that when I came across them in the dark, I first gasped, then wept. Decor here is centered around the glitz and glam this part of L.A. is known for. And yes, the Jurassic museum does have its roots in the natural history museums early days and shares with them what the narrator calls an incongruity born of the overzealous spirit in the face of unfathomable phenomena.. And it is not always clear which is which. But perhaps we are meant to take the term Jurassic broadly. You see the block of lead that trapped a Deprong Mori, the piercing devil bat whose X-ray powers permit it to fly through solid matter. The discrepancy between historical explanations of science facts and the means by which their evidence greets the eye is gratifying: Johann Wilhelm Ritters 1891 proof of plasmatic postvisualizationthe ability of vision in the extreme ultraviolet to reconstruct life forms from inanimate remainsis conveyed by a compact video camera that, turning from the skeleton of a human hand to a bare twig, shows live tissue recuperated on each.
An introductory slide lecture encourages immediate identification with the incongruity of the overzealous spirit in the face of unfathomable phenomena. Specimens are propped up and decisive scientific discoveries reenacted inside glass cases. We couldnt possibly maintain without them. South American bats seem to fly through solid objects. The rent doubled. In any case, this gentle artist-technocrat has invented an educational device that releases facts from their obligations to certainty and pulverizes even as it purifies our sense of museological time. Otherwise you will know what to expect at the Museum of Jurassic Technology. After a while people started liking the stuff. (In the two hours we talked, David never once mentioned the Weschler book, the MacArthur Foundation genius grant he received in 2001, or the now worldwide legion of MJT fans). The Museum of Jurassic Technology was founded two years ago by David Wilson, an artist who designs miniature special effects models for movies and TV. Thats how you know its God.. Re-enchanting the Catholic literary imagination: A conference at Notre Dame, Overturning Roe no magic bullet, NY archdiocese lawyer says. The museum is a belated tribute to the batty logic of 19th-century empiricism, whose will to certainty was paralleled by a taste for the grossly unfounded. It implies either that the dinosaurs of the Jurassic Period were conscientious toolmakers or, conversely, that human technology as anything other than a form of rational amusement might usefully consign itself to the scrap heap of historically failed projects, along with dinosaurs and their brethren, the flying reptiles. Nuzzling a pair of catoptric spectacles prompts both the taped monologue and the hands image to tell, for instance, how the narrator resuscitated his wife after her fatal automobile accident by sprinkling her body with his dried, opalescent sperm. Normally housed on Venice Boulevard in Los Angeles, the collection comprises a bevy of eccentric artifactssome redolent of the ultramundane but most of them chortling at the high end of speciousness. We have no idea, of course, what this is all about, except it seems to have little to do with Steven Spielberg or dinosaurs or geological epochs. Here is a man who studied sound, Asian languages, Egyptology, invented automata, wrote dozens of books and created his own museum in Rome. Located on an unassuming strip of Fairfax Boulevard, Short Stories is a fairy-tale urban oasis. This is actually a museum about museums. There was an exhibit Tell the Bees: Belief, Knowledge, and Hypersymbolic Cognition that could just as well have been called Insane Old Wives Tales., Twilight and night flying white moths are the souls of the dead, who in this form are allowed to take farewell of this earth. Shrikes and plovers are known to contain the souls of those who assisted at the crucifixion, and person who hear the cries of these wandering souls are sure to meet mischance.. Except these references are accurate enough. Anyone can read what you share. Some still under construction are nevertheless explained as if already visible. There are more skeletal specimens (the ringnot sloth and the European mole, among them) and habitat views (one for the African stink ant, Meglaponera foetens, whose brain is eaten by a fungus spore) and narrative displays. Heather King is a blogger, speaker, and the author of several books. Or how we use objects to make sense of it. Over time we developed a group of six or so, all of whom could make quadruple the money somewhere else, who work here.
An introductory slide show, which has the flickering feel of an antique Kinetoscope, welcomes the visitor with an authoritative museological voice, intoning that the place is an educational institution dedicated to the advancement of knowledge and the public appreciation of the Lower Jurassic. The museum, the introduction continues, serves the public by providing the visitor a hands-on experience of life in the Jurassic.. But the process of making things became so much richer once I discovered collaboration. Wilsons Cabinet of Wonder.. And there are times when you walk through this place smiling at human folly.
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