In a way, it is the middle ground between the two other patterns we have reviewed earlier. Can be dynamically expanded using direct interaction, or as part of automatic responsive design layouts. The duplication of menu items with somewhat similar names, which serve different purposes of the same subject, can produce a confusing user experience, mainly for screen reader users. They come in infinite variations and can include many levels of nested submenus, vertical and horizontal layouts, partially-opened states, interactive form fields, and static constructs such as headings, text, and images. As such, the concept of a menu is flexible, and entirely dependent on the environment where it is applied. These events are documented within section 5.8.4.Special Events for Menus of the User Agent Implementation Guide. The aria-labelledby can combine an accessible name from a few different sources, so, for example, a screen reader will read the button on the components first item by default as Show Products. The first one triggers the appearance of a popup menu, and the second is the actual navigation link. The accessible role of an element does not have to always match its visual styling, especially when the use of specific ARIA roles will change the interactive behavior of screen readers. There are two types of menu items in this pattern. Ill refer to this choice in some more detail towards the end of this post. To be keyboard accessible, authors SHOULD manage the focus of descendants for all instances of this role, as described in Managing Focus.. Many implementations of Menubar constructs include horizontally or vertically rendered triggering elements that, when clicked, will navigate to a different address. It is likely to assume that switching between controls (e.g., links, buttons) within a menubar using the keyboard, would be done by pressing the Tab key as we would with intractable elements that are not part of a menubar. Therefore, like in Rosellis pattern, we are exempt from the constraints they present. WAI-ARIA Practices Navigation Menubar Example, WAI-ARIA Practices Example Disclosure for Navigation Menus, Adrian Roselli Dont Use ARIA Menu Roles for Site Nav, Adrian Roselli Link + Disclosure Widget Navigation, Your email address will not be published. Button Role with Attached Menu (via aria-haspopup=true or aria-haspopup=menu), Dynamically Rendered Menu Start (via role=menu or role=menubar), List of Menu Items (via role=menuitem, role=menuitemcheckbox, or role=menuitemradio), When the link receives focus to simulate onMouseOver, and. However, while the basic structure is somewhat similar, the semantics are entirely different. if misapplied on the wrong elements, will completely destroy the accessibility of the menu. The most common of these are listed below. This can sometimes cause navigation conflicts for screen reader users who cannot navigate normally because the screen reader is stuck in a mode where it thinks a menu is open and the user cannot identify a way to close it. Moves focus to the next item in the submenu. These accessibility tree events are fired: Assistive technologies such as screen readers use these events to identify when a menu is opened, when the user has moved into a menu, and when the user leaves a menu. When native headings, buttons, named regions, and links are used as shown in the Native Menu Markup section, screen reader users have many navigation commands available for traversing these differing control types. Can include additional interactive controls (e.g., embedded form fields), supplementary textual content (e.g., headings and other active element types), and many other features. First, note that the controls here do not have a tabindex="-1". Roselli is one of the prominent voices in the critique of the Navigation Menubar pattern. The notion that all menus that are visually styled to look like menus require ARIA Menu markup to ensure accessibility is entirely false. It looks something like this: All three patterns at the components top-level have one thing in common, namely a