Therefore metered rate may vary from the approximate rates quoted above. Please note that the Authoritys Finance Department makes every effort to produce and publish the most current and accurate information possible. Flat rate fees are not authorized. Alternatively, you might be able to find a free spot in the lot in front of the nearby Hilton Hotel if you arrive early enough and get lucky., are the most convenient transfers throughout the International Drive Resort Area. Overnight parking is not permitted at the Orange County Convention Center. The time limit is three hours, and the parking cost is $5 per hour.
All Transportation Network Companies (ride sharing providers such as Uber, Lyft and Wingz) may drop passengers at Terminal A & B, Level 3 (Departures curb). The Orange County Convention Center accepts cash, traveler's checks, American Express, MasterCard and Visa. Out of town shuttles are prohibited from servicing: Mears Destination Services (MDS) is the Aviation Authoritys Ground Transportation Concessionaire. Further, we recommend that you review the Authoritys Legal Disclaimer/User Agreement (Authority User Agreement), to fully understand the Authoritys privacy and security practices. Follow the signs from the following photo to get to any location without any hassle. Travel time is approximately 60 minutes, at a cost of $2 Please see the Lynx web site for current details. Florida Mall is approximately a 10-minute walk from the OCCC, and its availability varies according to the event. Transportation is also available through some of our Ground Transportation Permit Holders serving the Port Canaveral area as well as our On-Site Cruise Transfer companies: Alternatively, please see the Out Of Town Shuttles page of our web site. Last Updated on April 3, 2022 by Snezana Grcakif(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'parkingaccess_com-box-3','ezslot_2',107,'0','0'])};if(typeof __ez_fad_position!='undefined'){__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-parkingaccess_com-box-3-0')}; The Orange County Convention Center, one of the countrys biggest convention centers, is located 13 miles southwest of downtown Orlando. Electric vehicles may park at the charging station in the North/South parking lot after paying the parking fee at the parking lot entrance toll booth. TakeLynxbus #11 to North Garland Avenue, then takeLynxbus #25 to 500 John Young Parkway. Additional parking is also offered at the Destination Parkway Garage. We recommend that you review the First Data Online Privacy Statement (First Data Privacy Statement), which is contained on the online payment portal, to fully understand First Datas privacy and security practices. SunRail operates Monday to Friday from 5:30 21:30. All parking at the Orange County Convention Center is available on a first-come, first-served basis, including disability permit parking. Any guest who occupies an ADA spot must display a disability permit or tag. Be sure to park properly and dont exceed the limitotherwise, youll get a, Electric Vehicle Charging Stations at the OCCC. How Long Does It Take for a Parking Ticket To Turn Into a Warrant. In addition to the listed OCCC parking areas, the venue offers short-term parking spaces outside the North/South and West buildings. Terminal B: Commercial Lane spaces B1-B4 & B40, Located in Terminal A, Level 1 (Ground Transportation): Commercial Lane spaces A38-A41, Downtown Orlando Additional connecting service to shopping and residential areas also available. Be sure to park properly and dont exceed the limitotherwise, youll get a parking ticket. guide will provide all the info and the best deals!
If you do not agree with the forgoing, do not access or use Viewpost. . Standard Orange County Convention Center parking fees apply. Travel time is approximately 60 minutes, at a cost of $2 Please see the, Other locations within Orange, Osceola and Seminole counties (. Is the Parking Ban Lifted in Amherst, NY? SeaWorld team take care of your travel and parking arrangements! TakeLynx bus #11 to Orange Avenue and Columbia Street. The Amtrak station is approximately 12 miles from Orlando International Airport, and can be accessed via Buses & Taxis or Vehicles for Hire. Depending on the occasion, the OCCC may offer valet service, but overnight parking is prohibited for both standard and oversize vehicles.Orange County Convention Center Parking Map. Schedules are provided by the ground transportation operators. Electric vehicles may park at the charging stations at West Hall D, South Hall A and North Hall A for a maximum of three hours when paying for short-term metered parking. Groome Transportation of Florida We also provide a list of Vehicles for Hire which lists companies that are permitted to pick up passengers that have pre-arranged transportation with the company. We recommend that you review the Viewpost Privacy Policy, Terms of Use and Security statement, which are included on their online portal, to fully understand Viewposts privacy, terms of use and security practices. When you click on the Pay Now button below, you will leave the website of the Greater Orlando Aviation Authority (the Authority) and will be redirected to the Online Payment Portal PayPoint (PayPoint), which is operated and maintained by First Data Merchant Services (First Data). Find accommodation with free parking for hotel guests, and save at least $20! The Lynx (local) bus stop is located in Terminal A, Level 1 (Ground Transportation), at Commercial Lane spaces A38-A41. Parking rates vary upon vehicle size and entry time. is accessible via Exhibit Drive, Convention Way, and West Entrance Drive. Visitors have two options: If you need a quicker transportation alternative between MCO and the OCCC, grab a taxi cab in front of either building or pre-book an Orlando Airport Shuttle! Multiple hotels are within easy walking distance of the OCCC, so we suggest booking a room in one of them if you plan to spend some time in Orlando. If the Orange County Convention Center parking price is too high for your budget, use public transportation! This option is ideal for individuals who live or plan to stay in the area. Its easy to get to the entrance of each OCCC parking structurefollow the roadway signs along International Drive and Universal Boulevard to reach one of the following lots. If you are traveling in a group, you may also wish to review the Local Transportation page as taxis charge per trip, while shuttles charge per person. Alternatively, you might be able to find a free spot in the lot in front of the nearby Hilton Hotel if you arrive early enough and get lucky.. Some cruise lines offer transportation on the 42 mile route between Port Canaveral and Orlando International Airport, therefore you may wish to check directly with your cruise line. (386) 257-5411, Busy Traveler Transportation All Transportation Network Companies (ride sharing providers such as Uber, Lyft and Wingz) may pick-up passengers at Terminals A & B, at the ends of the Arrivals curb (Level 2). Copyright 2022 Greater Orlando Aviation Authority. Follow the signs from the following photo to get to any location without any hassle.OCCC Parking Signs, Multiple hotels are within easy walking distance of the OCCC, so we suggest booking a room in one of them if you plan to spend some time in Orlando. Additional Parking Near the Orange County Convention Center. Any guest who occupies an ADA spot must display a disability permit or tag. Our Orange County Convention Center parking guide has all the info regarding the OCCC lotsdiscover event parking fees, nearby parking availability, and the best alternatives. Unsubscribe at any time. Trolleys operate daily from 8 AM to 10:30 PM, and a single fare is $2, bus routes are ideal for anyone who needs a ride to the OCCC from downtown Orlando or MCO Airport. Use our tips and other helpful details to easily locate the most convenient parking at Orange County Convention Center, Orlando!. Located in Terminal A, It provides ground transportation to many destinations within Orlando and beyond, including Walt Disney World Resort, via bus, sedans, limousine and shuttle van. If you plan to attend an event at the OCCC, let the. International Drive The OCCC has added short-term parking spaces in front of the West and North/South buildings. Taxis may carry up to 9 passengers, and charge the same rate regardless of the number of passengers. If you plan to attend an event at the OCCC, let the Parking Access team take care of your travel and parking arrangements! (321) 250-0009, Please contact the companies directly to confirm arrival and make reservations. The Authority has no control over Viewpost and does not assume any responsibility, endorse or guarantee any aspect of your use of Viewpost. It has hosted countless events and welcomed tens of millions of guests since 1983. By accessing or using Viewpost, you agree to the terms of the Viewpost Privacy Policy, Terms of Use and Security statement and with any and all other terms provided by Viewpost with respect to your access or use of Viewpost. In addition to the listed OCCC parking areas, the venue offers short-term parking spaces outside the North/South and West buildings. Our team has covered numerous locations across the United States, including Floridas most popular venues, attractions, and beaches! Look for EV charging stations at the following locations: While standard parking rates apply, you may use the electric vehicle charging stations free of charge! If you do not agree with the foregoing, do not access or use PayPoint. Check with the attendant for round-trip fares and childrens rates. We promise not to spam you. The Amtrak station is approximately half a mile from the bus stop, down Columbia Street then left onto Sligh Blvd. For those who plan on driving to the convention center, event-specific parking areas will be listed on overhead electronic signage on International Drive and the surrounding area. Travel time to Orange & Columbia is approximately 30 minutes, at a cost of $2 Please see the Lynx web site for current details. Standard Orange County Convention Center parking fees apply. Stay one step ahead with our parking deals, tips and news sent straight to your inbox. All Rights Reserved. A single-ride fare is also $2.00, while a Day Pass is only $4.50., If you need a quicker transportation alternative between MCO and the OCCC, grab a taxi cab in front of either building or pre-book an, If youre planning a trip and looking for overnight parking at or near MCO, our. $2.00 for each destination. The Authority has no control over PayPoint and does not assume any responsibility, endorse or guarantee any aspect of your use of PayPoint. The Aviation Authority provides this information as a public service and is not responsible for any errors omissions. The OCCC parking map shows the locations of the following parking structures: The Orange County Convention Center parking rates vary according to the size of your vehicle: The venue accepts cash, travelers checks, Visa, MasterCard, and American Express credit cards. You may purchase a trolley pass at the OCCC Guest Services Desk and hop on a trolley in front of the West, North, or South building. Please see the Lynx web site for more details including the the Airport Route Map. These are on the Ground Transportation Level (Level 1) of Terminals A & B, Terminal A: Commercial Lane spaces A1-A4 & A42-A45 The latter is more suitable for those headed to the North/South Concourse. on the Ground Transportation Level (Level) 1, at Commercial Lane parking spaces: A19-A21, Located in Terminal B, Parking spaces are available on a first-come, first-served basis. (321) 453-5278, Melbourne Airport Shuttle The exact numbers of available spaces vary by show or event. If youre a first-time visitor, use the following address for directions: 9800 International Dr, Orlando, FL 32819. has two entrances: the south side access from International Drive and the north side from Universal Boulevard. in the center of the Ground Transportation Curb (Level 1) between spaces A22-A25, Located on the B-Side of the Terminal The Greyhound station is across the road at 555 N. John Young Parkway. See details of FastLink Zero. Whether youre driving to the West, North, or South Concourse, youll be able to find convenient parking outside or near the building. The Orange County Convention Center has eight on-site electric vehicle (EV) charging stations: The EV charging stations are free to use, however parking rates apply. Premium Outlets It has hosted countless events and welcomed tens of millions of guests since 1983. Depending on the occasion, the OCCC may offer valet service, but overnight parking is prohibited for both standard and oversize vehicles. For attendees who plan on driving, the Orange County Convention Center operates on-site vehicle parking at both our West and our North/South buildings. Sand Lake Road SunRail Station, Operates November 8 December 4 between Orlando International Airport and the Orlando/Orange County Convention Center. Out-of-town shuttles are available in both Terminal A and Terminal B, Level 1 (Ground Transportation), at Commercial Lane spaces A14-A15 and B14-B15. Aside from standard vehicle parking, the Orange County Convention Center provides eight spots with chargers for electric vehicles. All Things Parking - Blog. By accessing or using PayPoint, you agree with the terms of the Authority User Agreement, with the terms of the First Data Privacy Statement and with any and all other terms provided by the Authority and First Data with respect to your access or use of PayPoint. on the Ground Transportation Level (Level) 1, at Commercial Lane parking spaces: B27-B29. Not all destinations serviced on a regular scheduled basis; contact shuttle operator for details and fares. SunRail riders may now connect to Orlando International Airport via the bus link to the Sand Lake Road SunRail station. Four stations are located outside Hall D of the West concourse, Two stations are located outside Hall A of the South concourse, One station is located outside Hall A of the North concourse, One station is located in the North/South parking lot. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'parkingaccess_com-leader-1','ezslot_7',114,'0','0'])};if(typeof __ez_fad_position!='undefined'){__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-parkingaccess_com-leader-1-0')};If youre planning a trip and looking for overnight parking at or near MCO, our Orlando Airport Parking guide will provide all the info and the best deals! Orange County Convention Center The number of accessible parking spots varies by event, and they are available on a first-come, first-served basis. The Greyhound station is approximately 13 miles from Orlando International Airport, and can be accessed viaBuses & Taxis or Vehicles for Hire. Please contact the companies directly regarding fares, schedules and reservations, and enjoy your cruise! For those who plan on driving to the convention center, event-specific parking areas will be listed on roadway signage on International Drive, Universal Boulevard and the surrounding area. Shuttle van fares are charged per person. 2022 All Things Parking - Blog, orange county convention center parking rates, orange county convention center west concourse parking, parking at orange county convention center, How To Avoid, Contest, or Pay a Pittsburgh Parking Ticket, Park Stay Fly / Airport Hotels with free parking, Free Belmont Park Parking Spaces & Tips on Planning Your Trip, Greater Columbus Convention Center Parking Garages & Top Alternatives, Stifel Theatre Parking Tips, Off-Street & On-Street Options & Rates. In addition to the Orange County Convention Center guide, Orlando residents and visitors can use our help to find cheap parking at the following locations. Overnight parking is not allowed at the Orange County Convention Center. Use our tips and other helpful details to easily locate the most convenient parking at Orange County Convention Center, Orlando!. Several LYNX buses stop near the convention center, and you can see the system map, . Call us to enquire about parking availability and pricing 860 530-0072, , one of the countrys biggest convention centers, is located 13 miles southwest of downtown Orlando. However, payments received via PayPoint are not processed until the next or following business day and will not be reflected until that time. discover event parking fees, nearby parking availability, and the best alternatives. Guests will be able to park in a designated space for up to three hours at a rate of $5 per hour. The parking garage address is 5980 Destination Pkwy, and it sometimes provides shuttles to the North and South buildings. (321) 724-1600, 000 AAA Cruise Line Connection Located on the A-Side of the Terminal When you click on the CONTINUE button below you will leave the website of the Greater Orlando Aviation Authority (the Authority) and will be redirected to Viewpost. All taxicabs picking up at the Airport are regulated by the City of Orlandos Vehicle-for-Hire ordinance which requires fares to be determined by a taximeter. in the center of the Ground Transportation Curb (Level 1) between spaces B30-B34. Universals SuperStar Shuttle is in Terminal A, Level 1 (Ground Transportation), Terminal A: Commercial Lane spaces A30-A33, Other Local Hotels also provide complimentary transportation to/from Orlando International Airport. Destination Parkway
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