If you noticed anything suspicious while evacuating, tell public safety personnel. A-Building Evacuation: Exit doors leading to rear parking lot.C-Building Evacuation: Out back or side exit doors to rear parking lot.D-Building Evacuation: Out rear exit doors to rear parking lot.E-Building Evacuation: Out back or side exit doors to parking lot.H-Building Evacuation: Out exit doors to rear parking lot.K-Building Evacuation: Out front exit doors to rear parking lot.PEG TV Studio Evacuation: Out front exit door to rear parking lot.S-Building Evacuation: Out exit doors to rear parking lot.W-Building Evacuation: W-98 hallway exit doors and hallways leading to the rear parking lot. If you prepare today for possible severe weather tomorrow, this may lessen your need to leave campus if a severe storm or tornado strikes.
Find out how much it costs to attend Nashville State Community College. LEAVING CAMPUS: Anyone who wishes to leave campus during a tornado warning should first check with his or her supervisor.
These programs provided by the TBA and partner organizations have been developed to help meet that commitment. Remind everyone of the safe areas in your building. S-Building Safe Areas: Second Floor
Emphasize the importance of remaining calm. Nashville, TN 37203 Talk to an advisor. Faculty: Please plan ahead for assignments/classroom work in case your class is interrupted tomorrow by an evacuation team member with a tornado warning or, in extreme circumstances, the campus should be closed. NASHVILLE, Tenn. (WTVF) An apartment building in the Gulch has been evacuated after cracks and damaged concrete was found in the parking garage. The closing of the campus is issued from the President's Office. A partial evacuation of the Metro Nashville Courthouse yesterday was prompted by a suspicious letter that criticized the citys $2.25 million settlement of a police shooting lawsuit, the Tennessean reports. If you have a question or your building is not listed, call Safety & Security at 353-3273. Apply for admissions whether youre looking for a degree, a certificate or even high school credit. Report an issue with this page | Legal Notices| Non-Discrimination. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed. Emergency Team Members have been assigned to all buildings and will ensure that all building occupants are notified. Stay away from windows and other loose or breakable objects that could become flying debris. Log in to make sure you have full access to all of the services and benefits available to members. Nashville, TN 37215 Follow the routes recommended by the authoritiesshortcuts may not be safe. Metro Council on Tuesday approved the agreement to settle the civil lawsuit brought by the family of Daniel Hambrick, a Black man who was shot and killed by a white Metro Nashville police officer in 2018. Get away. Phone: 615-383-7421, contact TBA Membership Director Mindy Thomas, 'Suspicious' Envelope Forced Yesterday's Partial Evacuation of Metro Courthouse - Articles, 'Suspicious' Envelope Forced Yesterday's Partial Evacuation of Metro Courthouse. Shelters: Temporary shelters are schools, churches and other places of public assembly that are utilized during incidents requiring citizens to be evacuated from a specific area of The City of Franklin or Williamson County. Also restrooms off Main Lobby. Nashville State Community College is an AA/EEO employer and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, or age in its programs and activities. Students in the hallway seating areas and the dining area are to go to the most accessible of any of the Safe Areas listed above. The Tennessee Bar Association is the primary source of legal news and information for the Tennessee legal community. If asked to stay indoors (In-Place Sheltering), seal your house so contaminants cannot enter.
Each department head is to designate an alternate in case he or she is not available.
The Member Center is your gateway to the wealth of benefits and services that come with the TBA Complete Membership. Seal gaps under doorways and windows with wet towels and duct tape. As the leader in quality Tennessee continuing legal education, the Tennessee Bar Association acts to enhance and further the practice of law through the professional development of lawyers across the state. These groups serve a range of purposes, from providing in depth involvement in a particular practice area, to educational and social activities to leadership opportunities for legal professionals at every stage of their career. 6300 Hillsboro Pike Follow instructions from the Building Coordinator and the first responders in regards to evacuation assembly areas. 3310 West End Ave. #590 The TBA hosts local and statewide events throughout the year. Close off nonessential rooms such as storage areas, laundry rooms and extra bedrooms. This plan is presented by Nashville State Community College Safety and Security, along with the Emergency Procedures Committee and was prepared in consultation with Scott Harris, Response Coordinator of the Mayors Office of Emergency Management, and Cecil Whaley, Director of Natural Hazards for the Tennessee Emergency Management Agency. It must be understood that people who leave campus are required to take either annual leave or unpaid leaveand are responsible for themselves. W-91 thru W-88 hallway. The safe areas will be posted in classrooms. Please proceed to assigned safe areas.The Safety and Security Office closely monitor all weather situations.
Most bomb threats are received by phone. Copyright 2022 Scripps Media, Inc. All rights reserved. The TBA offers the opportunity for active involvement via sections, committees, divisions and governing groups.
The building has been evacuated while engineers assess the condition of the structure and access to the parking garage has been closed. Remember to help your neighbors who may require special assistance such as infants, elderly people and people with disabilities. According to weather forecasts, conditions may be right tomorrow (or later today) for tornado activity in our area. There is no word on when residents can return to their apartments. Keep the caller on the line as long as possible. Upon exiting the building, assemble outside and remain until instructed it is safe to return. Teachers are to do the same for their classrooms. Please understand that our security office has access to the same weather information as other agencies. Listen carefully to the caller's voice and words. Because pets are not permitted in public shelters, follow your plan to go to a relative or friends home, or find a location that will allow pets. Keep one or more flashlights in your office and make sure they work. If evacuation is ordered, look around as you exit for anything suspicious or out of place. Close fireplace dampers. If the bomb or suspicious package is discovered, do not handle the package. Record the time and caller ID number if shown. Phone: (615) 372-8677, 6300 Hillsboro Pike, Nashville, TN 37215 | (615) 372-8677. AND IMPORTANTLY discuss your policy with your staff about leaving campus during a severe storm or tornado to check on a situation at home or elsewhere. Be aware of safe areas for all the buildings on campus and the suggested safest area in each building. TheTennessee Bar Association is dedicated to enhancing fellowship among members of the state's legal community. Therefore, this bulletin is an early notification so that you can make preparations here and at home. Not a member yet, join now! Classes in room S-117 Safe Area mens and ladies restrooms. In the event of an evacuation, each department head is to make sure his or her suite is clear before leaving. Officials with the Nashville Fire Department said hazmat crews isolated two people who came into contact with the suspicious substance, but confirmed no dangerous substances were identified. In most cases, those areas will be the lowest possible floor of your building. The Tennessee Bar Association is committed to serving Tennessee lawyers, our justice system and the community at large. If the bomb threat is received by a handwritten note, call Belmont Campus Security and handle the note as minimally as possible. 1900 Belmont Boulevard | Nashville, TN 37212. Classes in room S-118 Safe Area the storage room: S-119. Representatives of Harlowe Apartments say the damage occurred due to recent construction at a work site adjacent to the building. The National Weather Service has issued a severe weather warning for our area. If radio and television communications are disrupted, local emergency personnel will direct you as needed. Evacuation Signal will sound. Supervisors/Faculty: Review with your class or staff, which is the best way to reach the designated safest area in your building.
A voluntary professional association, the TBA offers its members a variety of programs and services designed to assist in professional development and works to build a positive image for the profession in the community. Follow all instruction from Campus Security. Act quickly, but remain calm and obtain as much information as possible from the caller. In addition to affordable tuition, we offer a variety of federal, state and local financial aid programs available to qualified students. Authorities will determine if evacuation is necessary based on the type and duration of the incident. Tune to radio and television for information on the nearest open shelter to your location. Classes in room S-116 Safe Area S-116 classroom is a safe area. In the event of a tornado warning within five miles of the college's campus the NSCC alarm system will be activated. Close and lock windows and doors. Plan to take your pets with you; do not leave them behind.
If evacuated: Stay tuned to a radio or television for information on evacuation routes, temporary shelters, and other procedures. Employees and others from the Second Floor will be disbursed into the following First Floor areas: S-115 office and storage area, S-107, S-110, and S-114 offices are safe areas. Here are the major channels of communications provided to serve member and nonmember attorneys. Ask the caller the following questions and write down the answers as soon as possible: Any other information that stands out or seems unusual to you. The FBI has the letter and is conducting an investigation into its origin. From getting a student ID to joining student organizations to graduation and starting a career, were with you start to finish and beyond.
Classes in room S-105 Safe Area S-108 and S-109. Your next step starts here. Do not use cell phones, radios, or other wireless devices in the building or area. You must have JavaScript enabled to use this form.
You may login with either your assigned username or your e-mail address. Take a tour around one of Nashville States campuses. Harlowe Apartments say they are in the process of finding somewhere for residents and their pets to stay, along with per diem to help them with out-of-pocket expenses. Do not re-enter the building unless told to do so by Campus Security or Building Coordinators. Give Light and the People Will Find Their Own Way, Live: Trial for man accused of planting weapons in Davidson County jail continues Wednesday. In the event of a tornado, do NOT pull a fire alarm. English, Humanities and Creative Technologies, Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics, Fee Adjustment Deadlines and Direct Deposit, A-Building Safe Areas: All three A-Building restrooms and the center of long hallways, C-Building Safe Areas: Lower level hallways and restrooms, D-Building Safe Areas: Interior office hallways (D-39/D-42 and D-34/D-37), and all inner offices, First Floor hallway by H-110, H-111, H-112, Second Floor mens and ladies locker rooms, Second Floor Rooms H-223, H-224, H-225, H-227, H-228, H-230, and H-231, K-Building Safe Areas: Downstairs restrooms and lower inner hallways, K-120 (both A & B sections). Check monitors for more information. Other considerations are the length of time it should take to evacuate the area, weather conditions, and the time of day.
Use these resources to guide you as a current Nashville State student. And if you have any questions, feel free to contact TBA Membership Director Mindy Thomas. In the event of a safe-area situation (i.e., tornado), the following message will be heard:May I have your attention please! An employee in the citys legal department opened the letter, saying they had a perception that a dangerous substance was inside. There is an evacuation and safe area plan in place. W-Building Safe Areas: W-40 thru W-69 hallway and adjacent interior office area.
Directors/Supervisors: Take 5 minutes with your people today to: Check your supply of flashlights/batteries, radios and other equipment that may be useful. Everyone should proceed to assigned shelter areas. Map out your courses in our catalog or let us help you find your path with our Program Chooser. Discover degrees and certificates from the different departments at Nashville State Community College. Seal gaps around window and air conditioning units, bathroom and kitchen exhaust fans, and stove and dryer vents with duct tape and plastic sheeting, wax paper or aluminum wrap. PLEASE COVER ALL YOUR BASES TODAY SO THAT YOU, YOUR WORK ASSOCIATES AND YOUR STUDENTS ARE WELL INFORMED AND SUFFICIENTLY PREPARED.
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