Conversations on Race, Equity, & Belonging to your collection. ARD's mission is to provide an excellent system of parks, recreation facilities, programs and services that enrich the
If you do not find a program or activity suited to your interests, or you would like to see more programs offered, please let us know so we can work to improve our services. Save Certified Business Analysis Professional Certifica Training in Auburn, AL to your collection.
Save Business Case Writing Certification Training in Auburn, AL to your collection. Save *** ONLINE DANCE PARTY *** FREE on ZOOM! ARD Parks make life better, and we are always happy to serve you! You can explore by location, what's popular, our top picks, free stuff you got this. lives, health and happiness of our citizens. The Auburn Hills park system has been carefully planned and developed over the years, and the facilities, along with community special events and recreational programs, have become a source of pride for residents.Recreational opportunities are available close to home in one of the four major city parks and in a variety of our programs and special events for youth, adults and families.
Copy and paste this code into your website. Save PMP 4 Days Classroom Training in Auburn, AL to your collection. We hope youve been enjoying some of the Citys parks and recreational opportunities offered throughout the year. When you are ready to enroll in a program, visit our on-line registration website and enjoy the freedom of enrolling at your convenience.
Conversations on Race, Equity, & Belonging, Wed, Jul 27, 2022 5:00 PM EDT (-04:00) + 4 more events, Mon, Aug 1, 2022 12:00 PM EDT (-04:00) + 4 more events, "Come Meet A Black Person" Anti-Racism Virtual Series, Sun, Aug 14, 2022 3:00 PM EDT (-04:00) + 4 more events, LOUISE BOURGEOIS: DOODLING AND THE UNCONSCIOUS, Travel Indoors!
Subscribe to get email and text alerts with city news and events! Save Feng Shui Monthly Energy Shift Workshop to your collection. 1827 N. Squirrel RoadAuburn Hills, MI 48326248-370-9400. Whether you're a local, new in town or just cruising through we've got loads of great tips and events. (Black Travel Summit Digital Sessions) to your collection. Save "Come Meet A Black Person" Anti-Racism Virtual Series to your collection. We hope youve been enjoying some of the Citys parks and recreational opportunities offered throughout the year. Save Business Case Writing Certification Classroom Training in Auburn, AL to your collection. City of Auburn, Maine. Youshould consider liability insurance. Follow the links on this site to learn more about our programs and facilities. The Auburn Area Recreation and Park District (ARD) is very excited to be the recipient of a California Statewide Park Program grant for $2.3 million to develop the 24 acre property next to Regional Park in north Auburn! to your collection. Poverty to Progression Leadership Conference 2022, The Hotel at Auburn University & Dixon Conference Center Auburn, AL, Business Case Writing Certification Classroom Training in Auburn, AL, Business Case Writing Certification Training in Auburn, AL, Business Case Writing Classroom Training in Auburn, AL, Conflict Management Classroom Training in Auburn, AL, Business Centre /Meeting Room Auburn, AL, AL, Certified Business Analysis Professional Certifica Training in Auburn, AL, PMP 4 Days Classroom Training in Auburn, AL, ITIL Foundation Certification Training in Auburn, AL, Fri, Jul 22, 2022 10:00 PM EDT (-04:00) + 13 more events, We The Medicine - Healing Our Inner Child 2022. Save ITIL Foundation Certification Training in Auburn, AL to your collection. We are committed to providing high quality, affordable programs for all ages and abilities, and recreational level sports where everyone plays.Our mission is to improve the quality of life in Auburn Hills by providing quality parks and recreation opportunities with a variety of year-round programs, special events and facilities for people of all ages and abilities. If you are new to the area, stop by the Community Center for a tour of the facility and its features. Visit one of YOUR parks, facilities, classes, leagues or events. Save Begin your Tai Chi journey: An introduction to essential Tai Chi skills to your collection. Looking for something to do in Auburn? Great things are waiting for you to discover atyour Community Center.Check out our 2021 Annual Report! OurRecreation & Sports Tourism Department offers exceptional recreation programming, athleticfields and public facilities for all ages and abilities. Privacy Policy | Terms of Service. Ready?
Save LOUISE BOURGEOIS: DOODLING AND THE UNCONSCIOUS to your collection. Guided Meditations to your collection. Save Business Case Writing Classroom Training in Auburn, AL to your collection. Save CityBuilders 2022 Guest Lecturer Series to your collection. Additionally, ARD is the premier Auburn area location when planning a birthday party, a family gathering or even a company picnic. Save We The Medicine - Healing Our Inner Child 2022. Planning to rent one of our facilities for your event or function? Our picnic sites, pools and indoor facilities are affordable and well maintained. Click here for anAuburn Recreation Facility Reservation Application & Rental Agreement, 60 Court Street Auburn, Maine 04210 Phone: (207) 333-6601 Hours: M-F, 8:30AM-4:00PM. The Auburn Hills park system has been carefully planned and developed over the years, and the facilities, along with community special events and recreational programs, have become a source of pride for residents. Save Agile Certification Training in Auburn, AL to your collection. Save Poverty to Progression Leadership Conference 2022 to your collection. Save Conflict Management Classroom Training in Auburn, AL to your collection. Elected Officials Compensation Commission. Share this page on your favorite Social network. 2021 Parks & Recreation Year in Review Video, City of Auburn HillsParks and Recreation Department3350 E. Seyburn DriveAuburn Hills, Michigan 48326Phone: 248.370.9353Fax: 248.370.9357Business Hours: M-F, 8 am - 5 pm, Stan Torres, Parks SupervisorEmail:, Cameron Kniffen, Recreation CoordinatorEmail:, 2022 All Rights Reserved Auburn Hills Michigan. Please. JULY2022 AUBURN SENIOR COMMUNITY CENTER EVENT CALENDAR. Save Travel Indoors! Save Change Management Classroom Training in Auburn, AL to your collection. We offer a variety of recreational and educational activities for all age groups.ARDs beautiful parks have an abundance of popular facilities, including Sierra Pool, the Ashley Memorial Dog Park, pickleball courts and dozens of acres of ball fields.These parks also play host to a number of events and activities including Party in the Park, the Auburn Harvest Festival, and the Ain't Necessarily Dead Fest. (Black Travel Summit Digital Sessions), Sun, Sep 18, 2022 1:00 PM EDT (-04:00) + 5 more events, Agile Certification Training in Auburn, AL, Change Management Classroom Training in Auburn, AL, Auburn University's Harbert College of Business Auburn, AL, Your version of Internet Explorer is not longer supported. Copyright 2019 All Rights Reserved, Authorizing Statute CA Public Resources Code 5780, Save the Date for the Auburn Harvest Festival, THE AUBURN AREA RECREATION & PARKS DISTRICT | Auburn, CA. The Auburn Area Recreation and Park District (ARD) was established in 1948 and has been providing wonderful parks, recreation and services ever since. Click here for information. THE AUBURN AREA RECREATION & PARKS DISTRICT | Auburn, CA
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