Drink 2021-2025. Tasted October 2021, Closson Chase South Clos Chardonnay 2019, VQA Prince Edward County, Ontario, Notable reduction marks South Clos youthful entry and with that first nose in the glass we are put on immediate notice that 2019 will be a structured year for winemaker Keith Tyers and Closson Chases chardonnay. Style. Consistent L & W elvage, increasingly into puncheons and away from 225L barriques. (LogOut/ Convincing follow-up to 2019 and really quite on par in every respect. The real deal, richly rendered, acids in charge, instructive and carrying the fruit to the mountains peak. Bruces program goes at it in terms of two and five year aging and he believes that while Nova Scotia can do ten or more there is only a minor incremental increase in complexity by doing so. Related Nineteen Canadian wines that rocked in2019, If we thought the 12 months that made up the 2020 calendar took things deep into the arena of the unfathomable and the absurd, then 2021 left the stadium and flew into the stratosphere of the preposterous. Classification, indexing and charting is truly personal and as such opens up wide for criticism and hopefully, healthy debate.
Plenty of grip, essential elements, minerals and metallics. Just a lovely, elegant and sweet-scented pinot noir, classically arranged, scientifically opined and romantically delivered by Lowys prudent if so very hopeful elvage. This is where the maestroso moment happens, in cumulative fruit substance joined by fine acid intensity, wrapped up in structural soundness.
So much fruit and warm summer sunshine, a glade bathed in light and a luminescence rarely found in chardonnay. Nova Scotia is on the franc idea and others locally are beginning to follow. Stayed at Tide and Vines the week after you. In this particular case that would be Godello and much of what he saw and heard included odd little episodes that reveal how grapes really lived under the conditions of not only this vintage, but also the ones that came before. When a sip of a wine in this category stays with you for as long as Moira does, well you just know greatness is in the glass. Intensity meets richness halfway there, fruit flavours are exceptional, just shy of eight years on lees, disgorged three months ago. In a sense, a villages-plus wine (think Cte dOr) but as a conceptual one.
Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your WordPress.com account. This has stage presence and breaks fresh ground with creative sensibility, not to mention a deliciousness of flavour and mousse. Same soft entry, slow developing charm, fruit neither richest nor gregarious but yet in Reserve truly ideal, less variegated and hinting at opulence. More than anything else, this gamay cru wont chase after what it thinks may make us happy or search for things that deliver one and done, immediate and short-lived excitement. You would be correct if you guessed 20. Whence comes the sense of wonder we perceive when we encounter certain bottles of art? Note that a third of the 21 most exciting Canadian wines of 2021 are in sparkling form. Winemaker Gina Haverstock noted the award meant even more to her this year given the challenge of the 2019 vintage. Godello gives you twenty-one Canadian wines that rocked in 2021. No stirring, I dont like btonnage, tells winemaker Jay Johnston, unless Im trying to get a wine to dry. Never mind the lees aeration or the emulsification because texture in this 19 is extraordinary to behold, gliding across the palate with Bench orchard fruit cleverness, penetrating perspicacity and juices running through unblemished flesh. In 2016 that meant 16 and 15 for 2015, just as in 2014 the filtered list showed 14, after 13 for 2013. Anywhere. The clarity and slow release of flavour in Bai Xu happens without power, grip or forceful intent.
Once again sad to miss Tony Asplers Ontario Wine Awards and David Lawrasons Great Canadian Kitchen Party, the artist formerly known as Gold Medal Plates. The Tide And Vines sign looks familiar. Sweet acids and silky tannins are the finality in what is clearly generated to conclude upon the notion of a very great wine. Benjamin Bridge This at six-plus has hit such a sweet spot, still in retention of currant and white/red berry fruit but also low and slow golden, tanned and long as an August afternoon Gaspereau shadow. There is something about this sight that maintains higher acidity levels while sugars rise but as an example perhaps its the gypsum based soil underneath the whole vineyard, or the tidal rivers and the specific diurnal fluctuations, cooler at night and its something we can always rely on, in every year, that backbone of acidity. So very Nova Scotia. Drink 2022-2027. Tasted August 2021, Blue Mountain Blanc De Blancs R.D. Small lot, 50 cases or so. Not that no one else, anywhere else does such a thing but to do so, change so little and deliver unquestionable excellence is what dreams, expression and delivery are all about.
In October the WineAlign judging cartel sat through more than 2,000 entries at the National Wine Awards of Canada in the Okanagan Valley. An insignificant dosage (more than most of these wines). 13th Street Premier Cuve Sparkling 2015, Traditional Method, VQA Niagara Peninsula, Ontario, Racy sparkling wine of traditional ways, dry, toasty and of great vigour. That and 2012 in pocket permanently affixed to to the album cover. The liquidity is so finely chalky with all signs pointing to spirit and balance with that 19 crop of South Clos fruit at the core. Stellar work here in blanc de franc, understated and effusive, lifted of black currants and sweet pepperoncini yet grounded by serious grape tannin. Of course not. Drink 2022-2027. Tasted October 2021, Bachelder Bai Xu Gamay Noir Niagara Cru 2019, VQA Four Mile Creek, Ontario, Bai Xu is unique within the Bachelder gamay domain encompassing whole cluster ferments and cru investigations. website, Luckett Vineyards To have our NV Crmant be selected by the panel as one of the years top wines is very gratifying, and really affirms our belief that Nova Scotia Traditional Method sparkling wine stands out for its character and quality., Rounding out the list of winners is the 2014 Lightfoot & Wolfville Blanc de Blancs Brut. Subscribe here. The acidity neither startles nor does it cry out, but instead acts as architect for the infrastructure and the mosaic. Truth be told this is a stealth merlot, of fruit so dark and mysterious, of structure hidden, enigmatic and prepared to go the distance. And every vintage will flip the head and make you think again. Boucherie while never abandoning the grapes pointed and intense linearity. Style is what separates Moira from most other Ontario Ros and in 2020 it exudes with prejudice and finesse. The reduction flies away and a nose of marzipan, lemon preserve and a fresh bitten Ida Red apple come away from the vineyard. Dijon clones and a warmer edge of a 13 season, a riper style but brought in at classic sparkling numbers, acids 11-12.5 and brix 17-19, picking in the third week of October. In 2019 the list counted 19. They never give in or up but always strive forward, getting better all the time. Drink 2023-2030. Tasted July 2021, Lightfoot And Wolfville Ancienne Chardonnay 2018, Annapolis Valley, Nova Scotia, Frost year for the valley but again an escape by the vines at Lightfoot & Wolfville with thanks to the tidal influence to keep the chardonnay vines happy, healthy and secure. Drink 2022-2026. Tasted blind at NWAC2021, October 2021. Lets revise to encompass all three, in decadence, rolling rhythm and Okanagan Valley merlot-defining precociousness come crashing onto a shore of strings. In 2018 there were 18 and in 2017, 17 noted. Change). Seriously credible, professional and still emotive work here from Westcott at the pinnacle of Vinemount Ridge, but also Bench and Escarpment chardonnay. Clearly the brightest, most tonally effusive and transparent of the quadrangle, as Burgundian as it gets when it comes to mapping or contemplating the connectivity with the mothership. Walks about from grippy to lovely and back again, with silk stops along the way. 11143 Evangeline Trail, Wolfville document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. (LogOut/ All rights reserved. Last tasted blind at NWAC2021, October 2021. Drink 2021-2027. Tasted August 2021, Benjamin Bridge Mthode Classique Brut Ros 2017, Nova Scotia, One of the first wines to come to the surface with Pascal Agraparts involvement with winemakers Jean-Benoit Deslauriers and Alex Morozov. Bai (it is presumed) from a Chinese language, meaning pure, (depending on the dialect and vowels accent) and Xu, slowly, calmly. Thomas Bachelder is surely looking for the chaste gamay, unadulterated and one that rushes nowhere, takes the slow and winding path, feet securely on solid ground. Moira is a Beamsville Bench icon and has been for quite some time now, without question, nothing to discuss here, case closed. Support from the Okanagans best, written as a top merlot composition and executed flawlessly by the winemaking team. According Haverstock, having wines recognized from a vintage that was a little more challenging one where we had to work extra hard to harness balance in our grapes made the honour all the more significant. It was the third time her Gaspereau Riesling has been afford the awarded her 2013 and 2015 vintages also received the award in previous years which Haverstock says, highlights the fact that quality Riesling grapes are grown here in Nova Scotia and that these grapes are used to make some of the top wines in the province, consistently, year over year. Gaspereau Vineyards is part of the Devonian Coast family of wines, which also took home an award for their newly released Luvo Life Co. Sparkling Ros. You can no longer think on it in terms of salinity, sapidity and satisfaction. The third vintage of Adam Pearces ground-breaking Blanc de Franc is as you would imagine a white sparkling wine made from the red cabernet franc grape. Its a spritz pink bubbly, packaged in a 250-ml can, making it the first time a canned wine has received the award. The Ukraine war through the eyes of Nova Scotians, 2020 SaltWire Network. Such an efficient wine and the kind to cause a ripple effect. An early vintage. The news and opinions youll love for only $14.99/month. (LogOut/ website, Weekly COVID deaths, cases and hospitalizations in Nova Scotia (Jul 14 updated), I get to wake up and experience another day of life on this earth, Nova Scotia now has almost no COVID rules, but masks are still mandatory in schools, We asked Coast readers how the pandemic changed their lives, No masks, no limits, no POV as Nova Scotia lifting all COVID restrictions March 21. Drink 2021-2027. Tasted blind at NWAC2021, October 2021, Avondale Sky Winery Mthode Traditionelle Blanc De Noir 2013, Nova Scotia, While Ben Swetnam had wanted to dabble in sparkling going back to 2009 he can thank everyone in the Nova Scotia industry for showing him the ropes. Literally. This is essential edging up and into quintessential Okanagan varietal chattel, a wine of substance, grip and winched binding, oozing with expensive taste, fine dark chocolate and a depth of fruit that aches to be heard. Just under 6 g/L RS so exactly extra brut, really primary but with the dosage that will arrive before you know it. Change), You are commenting using your Twitter account. A Silent Bishop and a merlot are more powerful than those who speak and their ordinations may also be called consecrations. Drink 2022-2027. Tasted August 2021, Blomidon Estate Winery Mthode Traditionelle Blanc De Noirs 2016, Nova Scotia, Give or take 76 per cent pinot noir and 24 meunier, a similar vintage to 2015 (though a touch warmer) and here picked on the 17th of November. Adam Lowy has made 65 cases from Cuestas deeply resonant and soulful fruit, so as a consequence given it more new oak (28 per cent) than any of his other three single-vineyard pinot noirs. Havertock goes on to acknowledge we are proud to share the stage with two other wineries who were also awarded this top honour. Crunch and chew, riff and rise, bellow and beauty, all despite the spiralling zeitgeist that underscores its urgency. That is something CC so generously affords their customers. Autolytic and delicious, on point and regal. 1293 Grand Pre Road, Gaspereau Valley Usually 500 bottles produced per year. Pressed once, lightly and so softly treated, then transferred to German casks where it stays for up to eight months. Drink 2021-2025. Tasted April 2021, Martins Lane Riesling Fritzis Vineyard 2018, BC VQA Okanagan Valley, British Columbia, Shane Munns riesling from the volcanic, clay and white quarts Fritzis Vineyard continues to get better, all the while with a wine he seems to do less and less to try and control. Taste this and you too will want to pursue making profound Okanagan merlot, an endeavour as frustrating as it can be elusive.
For the pinot I always wanted to do a minimum five years and the acidity was always there, tells Ben. That is the crux and the key, hints, in shadows, speculations, possibilities and in Reserve form most surely probabilities. Drink 2022-2026. Tasted September 2021, Westcott Reserve Chardonnay 2020, VQA Vinemount Ridge, Ontario, Almost seems redundant to say anything about the Reserve from 2020 because what more is there that was not already expounded upon from the Estate chardonnay. Boucherie Original Vines Lost Horn Vineyard Smillon 2020, VQA Okanagan Falls, Okanagan Valley, A really creative smillon, rich, creamy and fulsome which is classic Mt. That will have to wait and so should you because the structural parsimony will need three years or more to release and allow for stretching and breathing room. One silly year led to another but this one just seems to be concluding with some sort of level best described as fraught with Vonnegutian violence. Thank goodness there is Canadian wine to fall back onto and though it has been said before, this was indeed the very best year for the local stuff. This and the following vintage will trade blows for bragging rights, longevity and excellence, so pay attention to this pool of varietal estate wines. When 2022 comes to a close the 10th will come to fruition in print, with 22 of Canadas best laid to order. Here the silent 2015 is one that is dedicated, coordinated, devoted and sacred to proprietors, winemaker and place. Searing succulence, a structural richness and transformative beyond the complex, curious and interesting. STORY CONTINUES BELOW THESE SALTWIRE VIDEOS. Dont you know, love, youre alrightdont you know your (glass) awaits and now its time for (tasting)., Related Godellos 24-hour Nova Scotiarevival. The annual Lieutenant Governors Award for Excellence in Nova Scotia Wines recently announced its 2020 winners. Disgorged today, yes today and my oh my the potential here elevates to a very high ceiling. Has evolved into a seriously toasted arena, gone long with lees contact, looking for peaceful co-existence between yeast autolysis and the fruit of the wine. Almost all from Woodside Vineyard and some meunier off of the Blomidon estate vines, no longer here. Drink 2023-2029. Tasted twice, October and December 2021, Mt. To quote and then paraphrase from Britt Daniel and his band Spoon, when you think your thoughts be sure that they are sweet ones. Drink 2021-2029. Tasted March 2021, Henry Of Pelham Estate Winery Cuve Catharine Centenary Estate Blanc De Blanc 2010, VQA Short Hills Bench, Ontario, As a reminder this top H of P traditional method sparkling wine is named after Catharine Smith, Henry of Pelhams wife and this Centenary is the crme de la crme for the label. Previous:
All Short Hills Bench chardonnay, all in with a hyperbole of toasty development and the most brle of any bubble in the village. Not surprisingly, aromatic white wines and Traditional Method sparkling wines continued to prove they are the industrys best. Does not get much better from PEC, Ontario or Canada. This can saunter with the very best of Southern France. A 2021 from which the highest to date level of greatness was achieved. Sign up and go deep on Halifax. In July the WineAlign critics cr took in Niagara for a pseudo-i4C 2021 Cool Chardonnay weekend. The tertiary qualities were not out yet so the pause every six months kept the decisions at bay. Got this apricot chanterelle fungi character, mousse and bubble are really in tact, dosage is 7.5 g/L almost fully hidden by that Nova Scotia acidity. The 2011 would have been the first vintage of pinot noir production with the intent of making sparkling wine, of hot to cool years and all others in between. Also a matter of vintage and cooperage. The instruments are Glacio Fluvial and Fluvial Fan; Clay and Gravel mix, Alluvial deposit and Clay, playing in the orchestra of Osoyoos Lake District and Golden Mile. Kudos to winemaker Shiraz Mottiar for this. Events such as the VQA Oyster competition, Somewhereness and Terroir Symposium were still no shows, or gos, nor walk-around tastings neither. A claim further supported by the fact that this same wine was listed on WineAligns Guide to Canadas Best Wines (Top Ten Sparkling Wines of Canada) list the very same week., Gaspereau Vineyards Riesling, Nova Scotia, 750ml, $22.49, Gaspereau Vineyards Tidal Bay, Nova Scotia, 750ml, $21.99, Blomidon Estate Crmant, Nova Scotia, 750ml, $27.98, Lightfoot Blanc de Blancs Ex Brut, Nova Scotia, 750ml, $75.00, Luvo Sparkling Ros, Nova Scotia, 250ml, $5.99. Hard to top this in Canada. A rarity for the estate and for Canadian wine, partially (20 per cent) barrel fermented and aged for up to 100 months on the lees. Stability is the key to being great. The Ctes de Nuits notation is clearly defined, intuited and understood. Heres to hoping 2022 will finally usher in a return to assessing and celebrating together. Ensure local journalism stays in your community by purchasing a membership today. The 18 may be a beautiful thing but the 19 is structured, manifold in destiny and ideal for those who know, or at least think they do. 2012, VQA Okanagan Valley, British Columbia, A varietal estate grown chardonnay that spent upwards of 78 months sur lie is nothing short of dramatic, if not unconscionable. I got a bottle of BB underwater Bubbly.
A sparkling wine of grape extract so full of depth and breadth. website, Lightfoot & Wolfville 1966 White Rock Road, Wolfville Best Pan-Asian Restaurant. Just bloody delicious, hard to not conjure a frothie for this freshest of phenolic rieslings, which incidentally was only sulphured once, four months into the trek. Drink 2021-2026. Tasted September 2021, Two Sisters Blanc De Franc 2018, VQA Niagara River, Ontario. This ninth edition of 21 Canadian wines that rocked in 2021 comes out as a derivative, spin-off and postscript to all of this. Assiduous if conceited blanc de noirs, pejorative to chardonnay, entangled inside enigma, mystery and riddle.
The pinot delivers more fruit than the chardonnay, perhaps a counterintuitive concept but thats Nova Scotia. Bravissimo. No acquiescence, no adjacent meanders but head down, goal in sight and hurdles overcome. In the crmant-style, the wine is made under lower pressure than other Traditional Method sparkling wines, for a creamier, smoother palate.
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