dojo.connect(dojo.byId("_3074457345618329065ShoppingList_0"),"onmouseover", function(){
Spiral binding keeps index cards organized.
50 Sheets. JavaScript seems to be disabled in your browser. White cards measuring 3 x 5 inches are quality engineered and are sold as 50 per pack. eval("shoppingListJS_3074457345618329065.deleteItemFromCart();");
2022 School Specialty, LLC. See Full Details, Items Shipped to Hawaii, Alaska and International. look in many places the right as needed until I found it , good paper and design , all perfect, Current slide {CURRENT_SLIDE} of {TOTAL_SLIDES}- Best Selling in Other Office Paper Products, Current slide {CURRENT_SLIDE} of {TOTAL_SLIDES}- You may also like, {"modules":["unloadOptimization","bandwidthDetection"],"unloadOptimization":{"browsers":{"Firefox":true,"Chrome":true}},"bandwidthDetection":{"url":"","maxViews":4,"imgSize":37,"expiry":300000,"timeout":250}}. var t=b.contentWindow[g];t.write(p());
"ItemThumbnailImage" : "/wcsstore/SSICatalogAssetStore/302023_ecommthumbnail.jpg" }, /*]]>*/, Questions?
var i="body",m=d[i];
Local: 843-669-3680
Florence SC 29501, Toll Free: 1-800-237-8189
Quality engineered for uniform size.
Suggested site content and search history menu, Oxford Perforated Ruled Spiral Bound Index Cards, 3 x 5 Inches, White, Pack of 50. ], In Stock - Typically Ships Within 2-3 Days, if(typeof(shoppingListJS_3074457345618329065) == "undefined" || shoppingListJS_3074457345618329065 == null || !shoppingListJS_3074457345618329065) {
Customer Service: 971-722-4910| [emailprotected] | Contact us. For the best experience on our site, be sure to turn on Javascript in your browser. }
function s(){
Oxford Spiral Bound Neon Index Card. The price was awesome to boot as well! Shipping and handling charges are 15% of the subtotal of the items, after any discounts are applied, with a $9.95 minimum charge. },q=c.methods.length;
dojo.topic.subscribe("QuickInfo_attributesChanged", function(catEntryAttributes) {
Perforated edge for easy removal. };
Something went wrong. });
Fax: 843-669-5479, Oxford Spiral Index Cards, Ruled, 3 x 5, White, 50/Pack, Calendars, Planners & Personal Organizers, Oxford Plastic Index Card File, Holds 300 3 x 5 Cards, 5.63 x 3.63 x 3.63, Black, Oxford Reinforced Board Card File, Lift-Off Cover, Holds 1,200 3 x 5 Cards, 5.13 x 11 x 3.63, Black/White, Universal Continuous-Feed Index Cards, Unruled, 3 x 5, White, 4,000/Carton, Oxford Unruled Index Cards, 3 x 5, Canary, 100/Pack. Items Shipped Within the Contiguous 48 United States, *Note: Individually negotiated shipping policies will override the standard shipping policy.
Contact Info
Quality-engineered for uniform size.
return["<",hd,"><",i,' onl' +
}, }
Quality-engineered for uniform size. The lowest-priced brand-new, unused, unopened, undamaged item in its original packaging (where packaging is applicable).Packaging should be the same as what is found in a retail store, unless the item is handmade or was packaged by the manufacturer in non-retail packaging, such as an unprinted box or plastic bag.See details for additional description. This item has been successfully added to your list. Copyright 2000-2018 Portland Community College
All rights reserved. olark.identify('9476-815-10-7713');
Commercial-quality card stock. b.contentWindow[g].open()
Eco-Friendly Cleaning & Facility Supplies, Family Engagement Educational Games & Puzzles, Teacher Favorites School & Office Supplies, Teacher Favorites Physical Education & Sport, Teacher Favorites Cleaning & Facility Supplies, Do Not Sell My Personal Information - CA Resident Only.
The maximum number of products that can be compared is 4. For the best experience on our site, be sure to turn on Javascript in your browser. Ruling: Ruled; Card Size: 3 x 5; Color(s): White; Color Family: White. { Commercial-quality card stock. if(!m){
0:+new Date
"MediaShortDesc" : { if(/MSIE[ ]+6/.test(navigator.userAgent)){
Spiral binding keeps note cards together and organized. Commercial quality card stock. var ld=function(){
Please refine your selection. 1304 West Darlington St
var j="appendChild",h="createElement",k="src",
shoppingListJS_3074457345618329065.mouseOnArrow = true;
dojo.topic.subscribe("ShoppingListItem_Added", function() {
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Design features a perforated edge for easy removal and ruled format for neater notes.
[ "catentry_id" : "3074457345616701266", });
powered by
Free shipping and handling on eligible supply orders of $49 or more. b.src="javascript:false"
Ruling: Ruled; Card Size: 3 x 5; Color(s): White; Color Family: White. Spiral binding keeps note cards together and organized.Perforated edge for easy removal.Commercial-quality card stock. { };nt()
'oad="var d=',g,";d.getElementsByTagName('head')[0]. b[k]=o+"void(0);"}try{
dojo.topic.subscribe("ShoppingList_Changed", function(serviceResponse) {
Spiral binding keeps note cards together and organized. var f=window,d=document,l=f.location.protocol=="https:"? }
Then search and add products to the list.
item 1 Oxford Spiral Ruled Index Cards, 3 x 5 Inches, White, 50 per Pack (40282), item 2 Oxford Spiral Index Cards, 3 x 5, 50 Cards, White 078787402829, item 3 Oxford 3 x 5 Spiral Ruled White Index Cards, 50 per Pack (40282) ` New Sealed, item 4 Oxford Perforated Ruled Spiral Bound Index Cards, 3 x 5 Inches, White, Pack of, item 5 Oxford Spiral Index Cards, 3 x 5, Perforated, 50 Cards, White (OXF40282), item 6 Oxford Spiral Index Cards 3 x 5 50 Cards White 40282, item 7 Oxford Spiral Bound Index Cards, Ruled, 3 x 5, White, 50 cards, 3 Pack, 4.9 out of 5 stars based on 7 product ratings, 4.6 out of 5 stars based on 22 product ratings, 5.0 out of 5 stars based on 5 product ratings, 5.0 out of 5 stars based on 2 product ratings, 5.0 out of 5 stars based on 1 product rating. (function(n){
Spiralbound feature keeps note cards together and organized. a.p={
Your session has timed out and requires a page refresh. eval("shoppingListJS_3074457345618329065.setCatEntryAttributes(catEntryAttributes);");
Oxford Spiral Ruled Index Cards featuring commercial quality paper contain 10 percent post-consumer fiber and are ideal for organizing. Current slide {CURRENT_SLIDE} of {TOTAL_SLIDES}- Top picked items. }
function p(hd){
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], [ Multiple Warehouses Nationwide - Quick Delivery - Allow 3 to 10 Business Days to Arrive, 1-800-488-6679
} "buyable" : "true", An Affirmative Action Equal Opportunity Institution. f.addEventListener?f.addEventListener(r,s,false):f.attachEvent("on"+r,s);
Spiral Index Cards, 3 x 5, 50 Cards, White. ",
dojo.topic.subscribe("Quantity_Changed", function(catEntryQuantityObject) {
eval("shoppingListJS_3074457345618329065.setItemId(catEntryId, productId);");
We're here to help! I didn't want to go to an office supply store. (c.methods[q])
{loader: "",
Terms of Service, 2022 - All Rights Reserved, /*
Perforated edge for easy removal. Spiral binding keeps note cards together and organized. View cart for details.
Air Cleaners, Fans, Heaters & Humidifiers, Calendars, Planners & Personal Organizers, File Folders, Portable & Storage Box Files, Forms, Recordkeeping & Reference Materials, Printers & Copier/Fax/Multifunction Machines, Security and Surveillance Systems and Accessories, Transcription & Transcription Accessories, Skip to the beginning of the images gallery, Oxford Reinforced Board Card File with Lift-Off Cover. "Attributes" : { }
Design features a perforated edge for easy removal and ruled format on one side for neater notes. Perforated edge for easy removal.
/* custom configuration goes here ( */
They didn't have spiral notecards at Walmart can you believe it? height="0" width="0" style="display:none;visibility:hidden">, Talk To A Real Person
j,"(d.",h,"('script')). "https:":"http:",,r="load";
If the subtotal is greater than $1,000, please e-mail, Keeps all your notes self-contained for easy reference, Great for making study notes, daily log and a things to remember list, Eco-friendly, contains 10% recycled fiber with 10% post consumer fiber, Design features a perforated edge for easy removal and ruled format for neater notes. return setTimeout(ld,100)
}, };
My son needed these for school. a.P(2)};ld()
3" x 5". });
For subtotals less than $49, the shipping and handling charge is $9.95. Spiral binding keeps note cards together and organized. g="document",e="domain",o;"none";
Olark live chat software, If you feel that you've received this message in error, please, Magic 6 mil Polypropylene Film with Low Tack Adhesive (STICK2), Magic 7.5 mil Polyester Woven Fabric w/ Low Tack PSA (FABTAC6), Magic 6 mil Matte Coated Vinyl with Permanent Adhesive (DMVLA5), Magic 8 mil Universal Matte Backlit Film (SBL7), Magic 11 mil Polyester Woven Textile (FABBLOCK6), 4 mil Inkjet Clear Film with Side Stripe (34849), 48lb Premium Inkjet Coated Matte Paper (753), Magic 10 mil Universal Blockout Film (POSPRO+200), Magic 9 mil Universal Matte Coated Polypropylene Film (PPM7), Magic 10 mil Gloss Microporous Photo Paper (SIENA250G), Magic 8 mil Microporous Adhesive Satin Photo Paper (SIENA200LPSA), Magic 8 mil Microporous Satin Photo Paper (SIENA200L), Magic 6 mil Wet Strength Satin Paper (GFIOP140), Magic 7 mil Gloss Photorealistic Paper (GFPHOTO), Magic 9 mil Wet Strength Satin Paper (GFIOP212). Perforated edge for easy removal. name:"olark",methods:["configure","extend","declare","identify"]
var a=f[z]._={
Feedback? South Central Industries Inc(405)-275-3851130 N Louisa AveShawnee, OK 74801. } (
var nt=function(){
c[e]=d[e];o="javascript:var d="+g+".open();d.domain='"+d.domain+"';";
Copyright 1995-2022 eBay Inc. All Rights Reserved.
}, Enter a List Name and click Create List. (a.s=a.s||[]).push(arguments)
Quality engineered for uniform size. Shipping and handling charges are 15% of the subtotal of the items, after any discounts are applied, with a $99 minimum charge. });
Spiral binding keeps these index cards organized. shoppingListJS_3074457345618329065.exceptionFlag = true; document.getElementById('_3074457345618329065ShoppingListLink_0').focus();
"ItemImage467" : "/wcsstore/SSICatalogAssetStore/302023_ecommfullsize.jpg", Your session is about to timeout due to inactivity. "MediaFullImage" : { });
Speak with a Customer Service specialist today. Oxford Spiral Bound Ruled Index Cards, 5" x 3", 50 Cards, White. dojo.connect(dojo.byId("_3074457345618329065addToShoppingListDropdown"),"onmouseover", function(){
Click OK to extend your time for an additional 0 minutes. a.p[u]=new Date-a.p[0]
shoppingListJS_3074457345618329065 = new ShoppingListJS({storeId: '10801',catalogId: '10101',langId: '-1'}, {id: '3074457345616701266',name: 'Oxford Perforated Ruled Spiral Bound Index Cards, 3 x 5 Inches, White, Pack of 50', image: '', type: 'ItemBean', components: {}, skus: []}, {}, "shoppingListJS_3074457345618329065");
Commercial quality card stock. These worked out great for noting down notes for my son for his 9 weeks exams and writing down notes for his economics test in social studies. while(q--){
There are no items in your shopping cart.
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