HHS is ranked Hollister High School was recently notified that it is one of 68 schools nationwide and one of just three in California to be named a Special Olympics National Banner Unified Champion School for demonstrating an ongoing commitment to inclusion. Synchronous instruction means classroom-style instruction, or small group, or one-on-one instruction delivered by internet or phone and involving two-way communication between the pupil and teacher. Si est interesado en el estudio independiente para su alumno o alumnos, o desea programar una conferencia con el personal, por favor llene el siguiente formulario de Google. But, softball is the sport whic San Benito High School District is hiring campus supervisors for the upcoming school year. Click to read the latest news from Hollister High School, including: Diplomas Available for Pick-Up; The District is Hiring; 'Bye Bye Birdie' Opens in the Auditorium on Fridayconta.cc/3cfWlwF See MoreSee Less, Thursday's News From Hollister High School, Despite playing just one year of high school softball, Gia Felice earns a spot on UC Davis fall-ball squad - SanBenito.com | Hollister, San Juan Bautista, CA, San Benito High School District is hiring campus supervisors for the upcoming school year. Find the help you need to succeed at Page High by seeing what information & assistance our School Counselors have to offer. Check out opportunities to be involved as a Page Patriot Athlete in any season of the year.
Los estudiantes, padres de familia, empleados u otras personas que deseen ms informacin acerca de estos reglamentos o que deseen presentar una queja, deben ponerse en contacto con las siguientes personas: Coordinador del Ttulo IX, Director de Recursos Humanos, Cindi Krokower al831-637-5831 x 142; Coordinador de Sitio 504 , Director Adrian Ramirez al831-637-5831 x 129; Coordinador de Distrito 504 , Directora de Servicios Educativos Elaine Klaueral831-637-5831 x 162. Procedimiento para la Inscripcin de Estudio IndependienteSe requiere un contrato por cada alumno que se inscriba al estudio independiente para el ao escolar 2021-2022. Please include as well the reason for the absence.
Certain parts of this website require Javascript to work. El Distrito Escolar de la Preparatoria San Benito no discrimina por motivos de edad, sexo, orientacin sexual, gnero, identidad de gnero, expresin de gnero, identificacin de grupo tnico, raza, ascendencia, origen nacional, religin, estado civil, estado de paternidad o embarazo, color de piel o discapacidad fsica o mental, o basndose a la asociacin de una persona con una persona o grupo con una o ms de estas caractersticas reales o percibidas en sus programas y actividades educativos y prcticas de empleo como lo requiere la Ley de Estadounidenses con Discapacidades (ADA), el Ttulo VI de la Ley de Derechos Civiles de 1964, el Ttulo IX de las Enmiendas a la Educacin de 1972, la Ley de Discriminacin por Edad de 1975, Artculo 504 o la Ley de Rehabilitacin de 1973 y la Ley de Educacin Vocacional de 1976. Youth competition makes a splash in Hollister as Junior Olympics held in the Baler Aquatic Center. The CCS DEAD PERIOD - No Contact/No Practice/Facilities CLOSED, Transition Partnership Program (TPP) & WorkAbility 1, HHS Named to U.S. News Best High Schools List For 3rd Year in a Row, HHS Named National Unified Champion School, HHS Recognized for Excellence in PBIS Implementation, RFP for Wireless Providers at Hollister High School. ** If the 1A series does not go to a third game, the 3A series deciding game, if needed, will be played at 5:00 pm on Saturday. Notes from the North: Appraising April - and postseason prospects aplenty, Playoff play-in players Bradshaw Mountain, Coconino, Mingus softball play on, Sabino plays way into the 3A state playoffs with win over Page, the 3A Conference will have a best-of-three semifinal round, Notes from the North: March in review uncovers Bagdad's Watson, Bradshaw Mtn., Page also tear through first month of spring, Notes from the North: Forecasting the Frenzy, Part II, Holbrook, Snowflake earns, with 4 others, 3A host bye, Notes from the North: Camp Verde, Winslow take over top spots in 3A hoops, Coconino boys edge Prescott to extend Grand Canyon Region race, Despite COVID cancellations, Holbrook hoopsters near top in Small School rankings, Mohave Accelerated boys, Salome girls continue to make top 1A marks, Chino, Chito keep Camp Verde cruising with 3A Conference championship contenders, Salas-Zorrilla, Herrera combine for 45 to crush Page, 75-41, Defending 3A champion Sand Devils bringing Boka Mania back to Page, Taliman's 25 helps Claw to largest win of season at Camp Verde, Notes from the North: Mohave Accelerated joins Snowflake atop preseason hoops rankings, Lobos football joined at post-Turkey Day table by Lee Williams, Prescott, Ping's top underclass time in America leads girls into state cross country meet, Flagstaff, Highland, Perry, Salpointe juniors to push for medals in 5K. In providing academic and social support for all students. Make sure you are in the know for events happening at Page High by checking out our News Page. El contrato deber ser firmado por el padre, guardin legal, o cuidador del alumno. The listing of verdicts, settlements, and other case results is not a guarantee or prediction of the outcome of any other claims. DOWNLOAD THE DIGITAL CHAMPIONSHIP PROGRAM HERE! Brackets, Championship Results & Record Books, Brackets, Championship Results & Record Book, Softball State Championship Hotel Information, 2021-2022 NCHSAA Handbook- Softball Rules and Regulations, 2020 NFHS Softball Pivot Foot Placement Diagrams, Softball Approved and Non-approved Bat Lists, NFHS Softball Pitching Plate Relocation Instructions PowerPoint, MLB Community Baseball/Softball Grant Programs, Southern Recognition - Championship Rings. Make sure you don't miss another class by checking out our bell schedules, Late Start days, and our new Flex Fridays. The cast, crew and producers of San Benito Stage Company are excited to bring their performance of the theater classic Bye Bye Birdie to audiences in Hollister this month.
In establishing a safe and respectful school community by building trusting, collaborative relationships with strong communication.
Access contact information for members of the Page High faculty and staff. In ensuring that ALL students are capable of high levels of academic and social success. We stand by Scholarship, Teamwork, Reflection, Opportunity, Nurture, and Growth to lead us in our endeavors. If tickets remain, on the morning of Friday, June 3, Friday-Only ($8.00 + service fee) and Saturday-Only ($10.00 + service fee)tickets will be made available to the general public. The email you use will be valid if it matches the email on record. Incluya tambin el motivo de la ausencia.
La falta de destrezas en el idioma ingls no ser una barrera para ser admitido y participar en los programas del Distrito. San Benito Aquatics and Hollister High School hosted more than 650 swimmers from throughout northern California and Nevada this past weekend for the 2022 Pacific Swimming Summer Junior Olympics. Hollister High School strives to be a benchmark for excellence in education. La conferencia se podr llevar a cabo por telfono, videoconferencia o en persona.
2009-2022 Arizona Interscholastic Association, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Keep up-to-date on Williamson County Schools events and access the current year's District Calendar. Copyright 2002-2022 Blackboard, Inc. All rights reserved. For the third year in a row, Hollister High School has been ranked as a Best High School by U.S. News & World Report, which measures how well schools serve students from various social and economic backgrounds. Please enable Javascript and reload the page. Mandar un correo electrnico a la escuela al, Click to read the latest news from Hollister High School, including: Diplomas Available for Pick-Up; The District is Hiring; 'Bye Bye Birdie' Opens in the Auditorium on Friday.
Students and staff, use the Classlink Dashboard to access online tools such as Schoology, Skyward, School Email, and more! Instructional Time that a Pupil Will Have Access to as Part of Independent StudyFor grades 9 through 12, there will be a plan to provide opportunities for at least weekly synchronous instruction. Su alumno regresar a la instruccin en persona dentro de cinco das despus de haber recibido su aviso. Students, parents, employees, or others who wish further information about these regulations, or who wish to file a complaint, should contact the following persons: Title IX Coordinator, Director of Human Resources Cindi Krokowerat831-637-5831x 142; Site 504 Coordinator,Principal Adrian Ramirez at831-637-5831 x 129; District 504 Coordinator, Director of Educational Services Elaine Klauer at 831-637-5831 x 162. Hollister High School 2021-22 Family Resources Website, Tiempo de Instruccin al que el Alumno tendr acceso como parte del Estudio Independiente. As your principal, I look forward to another year of working with our students, parents and community members to maintain a safe and positive school culture with a clear academic focus, while supporting our students as they prepare for success after high school. Both the School Site and District Offices are located at 1220 Monterey Street, Hollister, CA 95023.
All Rights reserved. Procedures for Enrolling and Disenrolling in Independent StudyTo enroll in independent study for the 2021-2022 school year, there must be an agreement in place for each pupil.
Duke University Athletics & Durham Sports Commission, UNC-Greensboro Athletics, Greensboro CVB, Greensboro Sports Foundation, Greensboro Sports Council, MLB Community Baseball/Softball Grant Programs, FIRST PRACTICE | Feb 13FIRST CONTEST | Feb 27SEEDING| May 8, 1st ROUND| May 92nd ROUND| May 123rd ROUND| May 164th ROUND| May 19REGIONALS| May 22-27STATES| Jun 2-3, MAIN NUMBER | 919-240-7401 FAX NUMBER | 919-240-7399 STAFF HOURS | Monday thru Friday, 7:30 am to 4:30 pm, 222 Finley Golf Course RoadChapel Hill, NC 27517, 2022 Softball State Championship Series Schedule, 1A Championship: #1 South Stanly vs #1 Bear Grass Charter, 2A Championship: # 1 Washington vs. #2 West Stanly, Game 1: June 3 7:00 PM Washington- Home Team, Game 2: June 4 - 12:00PM West Stanly - Home Team, Game 3: June 4 3:00 PM** Washington - Home Team, 3A Championship: #1 Eastern Alamance vs. #3 North Buncombe, Game 1: June 3 7:30PM Eastern Alamance - Home Team, Game 2: June 4 2:00PM North Buncombe - Home Team, Game 3: June 4 8:00PM Eastern Alamance - Home Team, 4A Championship: #1 D.H. Conley vs. #5 East Forsyth, Game 1: June 3 7:00 PM D.H. Conley Home Team, Game 2: June 4 12:00 AM E. Forsyth Home Team, Game 3: June 4 3:00 PM D.H. Conley Home Team. The conference may be conducted by telephone, videoconference or in-person. We are dedicated to providing the support needed to make this possible for all our students. The lack of English language skills will not be a barrier to admission and participation in the Districts programs. Padres y guardianes de alumnos inscritos tienen la opcin de inscribir a su hijo/a para instruccin en persona o para estudio independiente. Our efforts are focused on the creation of a quality educational system that meets the academic, physical and social needs of our students and inspires them on to greater success. Si desea que su alumno regrese a la instruccin en persona durante el ao escolar, puede dar aviso al contacto proporcionado abajo. See MoreSee Less, Stage Company returns with 'Bye Bye Birdie' - SanBenito.com | Hollister, San Juan Bautista, CA, Youth competition makes a splash in Hollister as Junior Olympics held in the Baler Aquatic Center. GoFan Digital Ticketing Step-by-Step Guide. You should consult with an attorney licensed to practice in your jurisdiction before relying upon any of the information presented here. The material and information contained on these pages and on any pages linked from these pages are intended to provide general information only and not legal advice. The production opens Friday, July 15 in the Hollister High School auditorium. The mission of San Benito High School District is to educate all students to their highest potential so they will have the greatest range of personal options upon graduation.
Tiempo de Instruccin al que el Alumno tendr acceso como parte del Estudio IndependientePara los grados 9 al 12, habr un plan para proveer oportunidades de instruccin sincrnico por lo menos semanalmente.
San Benito High School District does not discriminate on the basis of age, sex, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, gender expression, ethnic group identification, race, ancestry, national origin, religion, marital, parental or pregnancy status, color, mental or physical disability, or on the basis of a persons association with a person or group with one or more of these actual or perceived characteristics in its educational programs and activities or employment practices as required by Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, the Age Discrimination Act of 1975, Section 504 or the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, and the Vocational Education Act of 1976. Here at Hollister High School we believe in ensuring that all students are capable of high levels of academic and social success. Favor de llamar al 831-637-5831 ext, 105. Get the latest WCS Newsletter InFocus delivered to your inbox. Tanto el sitio y las oficinas del distrito escolar estn ubicadas en el 1220 Monterey Street, Hollister, CA 95023. Blackboard Web Community Manager Privacy Policy (Updated).
Si desea pedir una conferencia para su alumno por favor llene el formulario de Google indicado abajo. See MoreSee Less, The production opens Friday, July 15 in the Hollister High School auditorium. The acts of sending email to this website or viewing information from this website do not create an attorney-client relationship. Use the Online Payment Portal to pay for class fees, AP exams, graduation materials, transcript request, and more. There are two options to report an absence: For both options, provide the students ID number, first and last names, and the date of absence. If you are interested in independent study for your pupil or pupils, or wish to schedule a conference with staff, please fill out the Google Form below. In her recently completed senior year at Hollister High, Gia Felice played golf in the fall, basketball in the winter and track and field in the spring sports season.
The agreement must be signed by the pupils parent, legal guardian, or caregiver. School nurses serve students in all WCS schools.
Hay dos opciones para reportar una ausencia: Para ambas opciones, proporcione el nmero de identificacin del estudiante, el nombre y apellido y la fecha de ausencia. © var currentTime = new Date();var year = currentTime.getFullYear();document.write(year); Williamson County Schools All rights reserved.|(615) 472-4730. Check back often for updates on the progress of Hollister High Schools modernization program funded by the voter-approved Measure G bond. For Hollister High School is proud to announce that it has been recognized by the California PBIS Coalition for successful implementation of positive behavioral interventions and supports at the bronze level, "reflecting excellence in the implementation of the core features of 2022 San Benito High School District. In emphasizing the ideas of rigor, relevance, and inclusion in our school community. They bridge the gap between healthcare and education. Instruccin sincronico quiere decir instruccin al estilo aula, grupo pequeo, o instruccin individual por medio de internet o telfono y usando comunicacin bidireccional entre el alumno y el maestro/a. 1220 Monterey Street Hollister, CA 95023 Google Map 831-637-5831, Non-Discrimination StatementDeclaracin Contra la Discriminacin. 1-800-273-8255suicidepreventionlifeline.org. ConferenciaPadres y guardianes tienen el derecho de pedir una conferencia con el alumno, padre y educador para hacer preguntas antes de tomar su decisin sobre de inscribir o no a su hijo/a en alguna de las opciones para la educacin. If you wish to request a conference for your pupil, please fill out the Google Form below.
The Chase Law Group, LLC | 1447 York Road, Suite 505 | Lutherville, MD 21093 | (410) 928-7991, Easements and Related Real Property Agreements. See MoreSee Less, Youth competition makes a splash in Hollister - SanBenito.com | Hollister, San Juan Bautista, CA, Awesome, so happy JOs is going on in my hometown , 10:00 am: Senior Portraits for Class of 2023 See more details, 12:00 am: Summer School week 6 See more details, 12:00 am: LAST DAY of Summer School See more details, 12:00 am: Summer Athletics END Date See more details, 12:00 am: CASC Summer Camp - ASB See more details, 12:00 am: CCS DEAD PERIOD - No Contact/No Practice/Facilities CLOSED See more details. For up-to-date information and resources for the 2021-22 school year: Parents and guardians of enrolled pupils have the option to enroll their child in in-person instruction or independent study for the 2021-2022 school year. Para los alumnos con necesidades especiales, el programa de educacin individualizada (IEP) deber ser modificado para el estudio independiente antes de comenzar. This document is required so that no child with a disability whether qualifying in a general education capacity (504) or Special Education capacity (IEP) is overlooked. It seems you have Javascript turned off in your browser. ConferenceParents and guardians have the right to request a pupil-parent-educator conference to ask questions before making the decision about enrollment or disenrollment in the various options for learning. Attorney Advertising. For pupils with exceptional needs, the pupils individualized education program (IEP) must specifically provide for independent study before the pupil can begin participating. If you wish to have your pupil return to in-person instruction during the school year, you may provide notice to the contact information provided below, and your pupil will be returned to in- person instruction no later than five instructional days after we receive the notice.
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