To earn a credit for your high school work it is mandatory to meet the attendance requirements. 0000001916 00000 n
All Rights Reserved. Harmony Public Schools - Houston South, TX, High School Senior: There is a big emphasis on learning in the classrooms but most students aren't the smartest. Read 5 reviews. 0000571250 00000 n
We are all just one big family; we care about each other and would do anything for each other. Weather forecast provided by 2 0 obj 0000006526 00000 n 0000073659 00000 n %PDF-1.7
Masks will be required for students and staff to wear when we are not able to socially distanced. Sunny, with a high near 94. This program is for students who will be enrolled in the 2021-2022 year.
Overall the administration is good. Northwest wind 7 to 10 mph, with gusts as high as 18 mph. 0000083816 00000 n 0000033884 00000 n Its easy clssses and you learn evrething Read 1 review.
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This will only be a two week session for students needing to makeup missed time. #de! c8Fy$U+NK{&>UdzG GV2> endstream endobj 7 0 obj <>>> endobj 8 0 obj >/PageUIDList<0 3227>>/PageWidthList<0 612.0>>>>>>/Resources<>/ExtGState<>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageC]/XObject<>>>/Rotate 0/TrimBox[0.0 0.0 612.0 792.0]/Type/Page>> endobj 9 0 obj [/DeviceN[/Black]/DeviceCMYK 22 0 R 24 0 R] endobj 10 0 obj <>stream As Staff Page Only, Template: Website Navigation 1 Niche users give it an average review of 5 stars. 0000005153 00000 n Featured Review: Freshman says I have been at Compass Academy Charter School ever since kindergarten! The plan for summer school includes the following: Students K-5th grade will be placed in grade level classes and will receive instruction in Reading, Writing, and Math. Read 131 reviews.
The 2022 Best Public Middle Schools ranking is based on rigorous analysis of key statistics and millions of reviews from students and parents using data from the U.S. Department of Education. Parents will also pick up students using the Kiss and Go Lane at McQuerry. 2022 Middle Schools with the Best Teachers. endobj Ector County Independent School District, TX. There is always someone's there to be your friend and treat you like an equal! 6 81 Dr. Gutierrez, a native Missourian, moved to Houston, TX in 2005 for an internship doing chemical & environmental intelligence with the French Embassy. 0000074707 00000 n
2115 W. Pike Blvd.Weslaco, TX 78596Main: (956) 377-8000Fax: (956) 447-3796, AlumniAnnual ReportCamp RioCareersContact UsNewsroomStaff Links, Academic CalendarsBlogCampus LocatorDiversity, Equity & InclusionFAQsFarmParents, IDEAs Anonymous Ethics and Compliance Hotline 833-380-1041. 0000077596 00000 n
This a great opportunity for students to become familiar with how school is going to look and sound. =W({uXR+J6gjM. As Staff Page Only endobj
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Breakfast and lunch will be provided free of charge by the school. hT=JAnwWD&X
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Featured Review: Alum says Ector Junior high has a rigorous advanced placement courses with diligent, supportive teachers. 0000028893 00000 n
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Applications have already been offered and classes are filling up fast! 0000029395 00000 n Students will work on the alphabet, pre-writing, and math skills.
IDEA Yukon sets high expectations for every student and goes the extra mile to make sure every student realizes their own potential.
0000085271 00000 n
Obviously, it being a new school, things were pretty rough and a bit disorganized, but as the years went on the school. Senior: I have been going here since my 7th-grade year, and to be honest it has been a growing experience.
Set as Default Template This non-discrimination requirement applies to admission to and employment with IDEA Public Schools. My overall experience at Ector Junior high was a good one. 10 Niche users give it an average review of 4.1 stars. %PDF-1.6
@h4 u />X9[ll,vwM7!O^(2/Iv8d6&rCD/j;Mb] MRv Fh*{^qB)KMD8VV[jd?k$> Q] z2y;ZUMVa(+ Zdm}Z Inquiries into issues related to Title IX may be referred to IDEAs Title IX Coordinator(s) (identified below), to the Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights of the Department of Education, or both.
Featured Review: High School Senior says There is a big emphasis on learning in the classrooms but most students aren't the smartest.. 2 Niche users give it an average review of 1 stars.
0000039972 00000 n
Something's I would like to see change is; to have two or more gyms for multiple sports in seasons, have an stadium for football and soccer, have stands ready for the baseball and softball field and more classrooms so our teachers don't have to share classrooms. #1 Best Public Middle Schools in Ector County. Odessa Christian School admits students of any race, color, national and ethnic origin to all the rights, privileges, programs, and activities generally accorded or made available to students at the school. The focus will be to provide additional teaching, activities, and assessments at the students level of learning.
Students will also learn how to manage themselves in a large group, follow directions, walk in a line with others, practice good manners, experience the playground, and work in social situations with their peers.
0000029218 00000 n We will practice frequent hand washing and sanitizing as well. 0000085612 00000 n The McQuerry gym will be used for arrival and dismissal in cases of inclement weather. 0000078046 00000 n
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#2 Best Public Middle Schools in Ector County. The focus of Jump Start! 1779 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[<1B09C2007419FE4ABB3AE7019EBB16DA><3A8B07D4649B254185A2F40F94EA5E22>]/Index[1758 33]/Info 1757 0 R/Length 107/Prev 130170/Root 1759 0 R/Size 1791/Type/XRef/W[1 3 1]>>stream <>
I joined this small school and got to grow up with it and I wouldn't have it any other way.
0000000016 00000 n I joined this small school and got to grow up with it and I wouldn't have it any other way. Sunny and hot, with a high near 100. 0000033673 00000 n
Freshman: I have been at Compass Academy Charter School ever since kindergarten! -{lZf9qt]MEgebrM=K0)'L_ !rHi1*8vz"|e&1Wjikdc U79"_i0Fa4I`a-, {2rok]\I|akm3sr1k3!``5tLn "EXJ There is always someone's there to be your friend and treat you like an equal! Featured Review: Freshman says Its fun and there nice and they respect others and they help you Its easy clssses and you learn evrething. Harmony Public Schools - Houston South, TX.
0000048905 00000 n 0000033850 00000 n
McQuerry (K-2nd) and Odessa Upper Elementary (3rd -5th) studentclasses will meet from 8:00 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. at McQuerry Elementary. Junior: I came to Life School Red Oak my freshman year and lived it! Alum: Ector Junior high has a rigorous advanced placement courses with diligent, supportive teachers. The Odessa Summer School program is being offered once again this summer from Wednesday, June 2nd, thru Tuesday, June 29th, 20 days of instruction. 0000083111 00000 n We hope to see you at Odessa R-VII Summer School. IDEAs Title IX Coordinator is: Jessica Neyman, VP of Human Resources, 2115 W. Pike Blvd., Weslaco, Texas 78596, (956) 377-8000,
Default Staff Template: Notebook_Blue 0000049019 00000 n Apply Today: IDEA Public Schools 2022-23 Staff Application Is Open.
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Students will work on curriculum objectives designed for their grade level, as well as learning the basics of Kindergarten behavior/expectations. I also had a access to a library with many resources in itself. 0000014351 00000 n Summer is a great time to extend studentlearning! Students will learn OMS building procedures and expectations, along with how to use their lockers while transitioning to several classes during the day. 2022 Odessa Christian School. 0000007696 00000 n 0000049241 00000 n 0000065911 00000 n You can either send a lunch with them, or they will be able to eat free breakfast and lunch everyday.
0000014062 00000 n
The. #3 Best Public Middle Schools in Ector County. No Staff Template %PDF-1.4 % \Q%FKd \jE6'nXc YmPA_1$co&'W%p g,Ph1z?5v-*8RA6\(U-QlI_R.%9ePNfZd.R}BE=x~.Y#((7)E= 5 Niche users give it an average review of 3.8 stars. During the last hour of instruction, students will get a small choice of activities to be involved in.
3 0 obj 0000011534 00000 n cHF Please use the parking lot at the high school and use the gate on the south side of the playground. Help. If you have questions please contact the Summer School Administrator, Mr. Daniel Armstrong at
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