You are strongly encouraged, therefore, to participate in a meaningful fashion The standard contains a multiple physician review mechanism which provides you with the right to a second medical opinion from a physician of your choice if you are dissatisfied with an examination by a physician chosen by your employer. Greater protection is provided by either the pressure-demand or continuous-flow types as positive air pressure exists within the respirator at all times. This information includes (1) the standard and these appendices, (2) a description of your duties as they relate to lead exposure, (3) your exposure level, (4) a description of personal protective equipment you wear, (5) prior blood lead level results, and (6) prior written medical opinions concerning you that the employer may have. Appendices A, B and C to the Federal lead standard, Federal Register, Volume 44, pp. During the first year of the standard, this removal criterion is 80g/100g. Recordkeeping is also required if you are temporarily removed from your job under the medical removal protection program. Supplemental feasibility statement (in response to U.S. Court of Appeal's remand order), Federal Register, Volume 46, pp. Your employer is required to complete this training program for all new employees (who may be exposed to lead at or above the action level or for whom the possibility exists of eye or skin irritation from lead exposure) prior to initial assignment. The employer must pay the cost of the respirator. If a worker should notice any of these symptoms, she/he should see a doctor.Even more severe effects of lead exposure such as damage to the nervous system, kidney damage, sterility and birth defects, anemia, and interference with the body's blood forming mechanism may afflict some workers.Since all of these health problems may either appear slowly or be caused by other reasons, lead can be easily overlooked as the cause. The standard also covers situations where an employer voluntarily removes a worker from exposure to lead due to the effects of lead on the employee's medical condition, even though the standard does not require removal. If there have been any employee complaints of symptoms which may be attributable to exposure to lead or if there is any other information or observations which would indicate employee exposure to lead, this must also be considered as part of the initial determination. Vacuuming is the preferred method of meeting this requirement, and the use of compressed air to clean floors and other surfaces is absolutely prohibited. Affected CWA members are primarily employed in manufacturing and telecommunications cable splicing and outside plant technician jobs. Upon your request, your complete medical records must also be provided to you, to your physician or to any other person whom you may specifically designate. Alternatively, a worker's hours may be reduced so that the time-weighted average exposure is reduced, or he or she may be temporarily laid off if no other alternative is feasible. This will inform you of a potentially harmful treatment and allow you to obtain a second medical opinion if you choose to do so. Partial Administrative Stay and Corrections to the Federal lead standard, Federal Register, Volume 44, pp. Medical surveillance can, however, play a very important role in protecting your health. Anytime your PbB exceeds 80g/100g your employer must make available to you a prompt follow-up PbB test to ascertain your PbB. Your employer is required to provide an information and training program for all employees exposed to lead at or above the action level or who may suffer skin or eye irritation from lead. Obtaining a proper fit thus may require your employer to make available two or three different mask types in order that facepiece leakage is minimized for each employee. Your employer may select a type of respirator that provides greater protection than that required by the standard; that is, one recommended for a higher concentration of lead than that to which you are exposed. 63881-3, September 26, 1980. Preferably, this exam should be performed by an occupational physician. Your employer must assure that your respirator facepiece fits properly. If this is true, workers may have legal rights to compensation from public agencies, their employers, firms that supply hazardous products to their employers, or other persons. If a worker's PbB exceeds 40g/100g the monitoring frequency must be increased from every 6 months to at least every 2 months and not reduced until two consecutive PbBs indicate a blood lead level below 40g/100g. Revised supplemental feasibility statement, Federal Register, Volume 46, pp. The initial examination will provide information to establish a baseline with which subsequent data can be compared. The standard requires your employer to provide certain information to a physician to aid in his or her examination of you. Your employer's obligation to offer medical surveillance is triggered by the results of the air monitoring program. If the industrial hygiene monitoring results identify lead levels that exceed the permissible exposure limit, the employer must initiate periodic personal sampling or air monitoring tests, as well as instituting engineering, administrative and work practice, as well as personal protective controls to ensure that workers are not exposed to hazardous lead levels. This changed in November 1978, when the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) issued an improved lead standard. V. Protective Work Clothing and Equipment, If you are exposed to lead above the PEL, or if you are exposed to lead compounds such as lead arsenate or lead azide which can cause skin and eye irritation, your employer must provide you with protective work clothing and equipment appropriate for the hazard. The key to making the workplace safe for all CWA members is strong, active local safety and health committees. The most widely used chelating agents are calcium disodium EDTA, Ca Na. 54354-54509, November 21, 1978. Since chelation treatment may have harmful side effects, treatment should only be administered by proper medical personnel in a hospital/clinical setting. The employer must require the observer to wear all such equipment and to comply with all other applicable safety and health procedures. In most cases, employers will likely transfer removed employees to other jobs with sufficiently low lead exposure. This program must include written procedures for the proper selection, use, cleaning, storage, and maintenance of respirators. 8. Whenever you request one, your employer is also required to provide you a respirator even if the air exposure level does not exceed the PEL. Your employer is required to teach you how to wear a respirator, to know why it is needed, and to understand its limitations. It is less protective than a powered air purifying respirator (PAPR) which also has a filter, cartridge or canister to clean the air, but a power source which continuously blows filtered air into your breathing zone. The demand-type requires the force of inhalation to open a diaphragm valve thus admitting air from the supply source. Finally, it is important to note that in all cases where removal is required, respirators cannot be used as a substitute. Where employee exposure above the PEL occurs intermittently for no more than 30 days per year, feasible engineering controls must be implemented to achieve compliance with an exposure limit of 150g/m. from its web site at, Subchapter 7. The respirator selection table will enable your employer to choose a type of respirator which will give you proper protection based on your airborne lead exposure. This last element must include a determination of whether you can wear a powered air purifying respirator (PAPR) if you are found unable to wear a negative pressure respirator. The standard's medical surveillance program has two parts periodic biological monitoring and medical examinations. 10. 2. Dry or wet sweeping, shoveling, or brushing may not be used except where vacuuming or other equally effective methods have been tried and do not work. Revisions of the Federal standard and appendices and new Appendix D. Federal Register, Volume 47, pp. These must include the names of the employee, the physician's written opinion, and a copy of the results of the examination. Lead poisoning is preventable through the development of controls at the workplace.In cases where a worker has been overexposed to lead, exposure should be stopped and controls should be introduced to prevent any recurrence.In instances where workers have been severely exposed, medical treatment known as chelation can be given to help the body get rid of the lead. 5. Corrections to the preamble, Federal Register, Volume 44, pp. Thereafter, the employer must periodically make medical surveillance both biological monitoring and medical examinations available to all covered employees. In addition, these air samples must be taken under conditions which represent each employee's regular, daily exposure to lead. While respirators are the least satisfactory means of controlling your exposure, they are capable of providing significant protection when properly chosen, fitted, worn, cleaned, and maintained and are replaced when they stop providing adequate protection. Supplied-air respirators are also available which, as the name implies, are respirators to which breathing quality air is supplied from a source such as an air compressor, blower or compressed air cylinder. The medical surveillance program is part of the standard's comprehensive approach to the prevention of lead-related disease. Your employer is also required to keep all records of biological monitoring and medical examination results. If this initial determination shows that a reasonable possibility exists that any employee may be exposed, without regard to the use of respirators, over the action level (30g/m. Up to 70% of the lead dust or fumes that one breathes is/are absorbed into the body; whereas, approximately 30% of the lead one swallows is absorbed into the body. The standard prohibits prophylactic chelation of any employee by any person the employer retains, supervises or controls. This test measures the most recent exposures to lead, not long-term exposure. The standard's effective date is September 8, 1979, and the employer obligations under the standard begin to come into effect as of that date. The standard does not require that you participate in any of the medical procedures, tests, etc. Chelation is the use of certain drugs (administered in pill form or injected into the body) to reduce the amount of lead absorbed in body tissues.
60758-60776, December 11, 1981. OSHA's lead standard, CFR 1910.1025, requires employers with lead operations and processes to conduct industrial hygiene air monitoring to determine the level of lead exposure. The medical community has balanced the advantages and disadvantages resulting from the use of chelating agents in various circumstances and has established when the use of these agents is acceptable. The Federal lead standard and summary of the statement of reasons (preamble), Federal Register, Volume 43, pp. Except for certain industries, the regulation requires employers to reduce and maintain employee exposure to lead at or below the permissible exposure limit by means of engineering, work practice, and administrative controls to the extent that such controls are feasible. If your employer has conducted appropriate air sampling for lead in the past year he may use these results. However, for many years, relatively little was done to adequately protect U.S. workers from the hazardous effects of lead exposure. When you are medically eligible to return to your former job, your employer must return you to your former job status.. You may also be removed from exposure even if your blood lead levels are below these criteria if a medical determination indicates that you temporarily need reduced lead exposure for medical reasons. The content of other types of medical examinations and consultations is left up to the sound discretion of the examining physician. These procedures must be continued until the employer can demonstrate adherence to the OSHA standard. Each removal must be accomplished in a manner consistent with existing collective bargaining relationships. The standard does not give specific instructions dealing with what an employer must do with a removed worker. If a medical opinion caused your removal, you must be provided medical tests or examinations that the doctor believes to be appropriate. Routine chelation to prevent increased or reduce current blood lead levels is unacceptable whatever the setting. Medical examinations beyond the initial one must be made available on an annual basis if your blood lead level exceeds 40g/100g at any time during the preceding year.
All initial exposure monitoring must have been completed within 90 days of the effective date of the standard. The standard requires the two physicians to attempt a resolution of any difference in their opinions. An air purifying respirator is any respirator which has a filter, cartridge or canister which cleans the work room air as you breathe it. All of the facilities and hygiene practices just discussed are essential to minimize additional sources of lead absorption from inhalation or ingestion of lead that may accumulate on you, your clothes, or your possessions. Some companies and unions have agreed in advance, for example, to use certain independent medical laboratories or panels of physicians. The standards provisions for medical removal protection require employers to provide workers who are determined to have high blood lead levels with full earnings, seniority protection, and other employment rights and benefits for a period up to eighteen months per occasion as though the worker had not been removed from exposure to lead.
6134-6228, January 21, 1981. In addition, the employer must provide medical surveillance and, if necessary, medical removal protection for all affected workers. However, whenever there is a production, process, control, or personnel change at your workplace which may result in new or additional exposure to lead, or whenever there is any other reason to suspect a change which may result in new or additional exposure to lead, your employer must perform additional monitoring.
Lead poisoning can best be controlled by removing the lead from the workplace. The committee can identify dangerous conditions at the workplace and discuss them with management. If you do not participate in this follow up medical surveillance, you may lose your eligibility for MRP benefits. However, in many cases, this is not possible. Back to Article 109 Table of Contents, This information is provided free of charge by the Department of Industrial Relations If you are removed under MRP and you are also eligible for worker compensation or other compensation for lost wages, your employer's MRP benefits obligation is reduced by the amount that you actually receive from these other sources. Respirators may be used before removal becomes necessary, but not as an alternative to a transfer to a low exposure job or to a lay-off with MRP benefits. Vacuums must be used and emptied in a manner which minimizes the reentry of lead into the workplace. Notice of the Partial Judicial Stay, Federal Register, Volume 44, pp. Go which your employer is required to make available to you.
This determination must have been completed within 30 days of the effective date of the standard. Strict compliance with these provisions can virtually eliminate several sources of lead exposure which significantly contribute to excessive lead absorption. The standard provides that if your respirator uses filter elements, you must be given an opportunity to change the filter elements whenever an increase in breathing resistance is detected. In addition your employer must make readily available to all employees, including those exposed below the action level, a copy of the standard and these appendices. Pre-assignment and annual medical examinations must include (1) a detailed work history, (2) a thorough physical examination, and (3) a series of laboratory tests designed to check your blood chemistry and your kidney function. B. The medical surveillance program of the lead standard may at some point in time serve to notify certain workers that they have acquired a disease or other adverse medical condition as a result of occupational lead exposure. Your own clothing worn during the shift should be carried home and cleaned carefully so that it does not contaminate your home. The standard specifies the minimum content of pre-assignment and annual medical examinations. Also, a fine film of lead sub-oxide dust can form on the surface of molten lead. Priority within this first round of medical surveillance must be given to employees whom the employer believes to be at greatest risk from continued exposure (for example, those with the longest prior exposure to lead, or those with the highest current exposure). Therapeutic chelation responds to severe lead poisoning where there are marked symptoms. Only medical surveillance can determine if the other provisions of the standard have effectively protected you as an individual. In these cases, surfaces/materials upon which lead dust has settled should be thoroughly cleaned and lead contaminated materials properly disposed of. This record must include your name and social security number, the date of your removal and return, how the removal was or is being accomplished, and whether or not the reason for the removal was an elevated blood lead level. 5446-5448, January 26, 1979. 6. The initial phase of the medical surveillance program, which includes blood lead level tests and medical examinations, must be completed for all covered employees within 150 days of the effective date of the lead standard. Lead usually enters the air as a fume or dust. The result of this examination may be to give you a positive pressure respirator (which reduces breathing resistance) or to provide alternative means of protection. Your employer must establish a housekeeping program sufficient to maintain all surfaces as free as practicable of accumulations of lead dust. The typical air purifying respirator is a negative pressure respirator because it requires the force of your inhalation to draw air through the filtering element. 3. In all of these situations, MRP benefits must be provided during the period of removal that is, you continue to receive the same earnings, seniority, and other rights and benefits you would have had if you had not been removed. The standard sets a permissible exposure limit (PEL) of fifty micrograms of lead per cubic meter of air (50g/m, This standard recognizes that your daily exposure to lead can extend beyond a typical 8-hour workday as the result of overtime or other alterations in your work schedule. If the results indicate your exposure exceeds the PEL (without regard to your use of respirators), then your employer must also notify you of this in writing and also provide you with a description of the corrective action that will be taken to reduce your exposure. Change rooms, showers, and lunchrooms, if available, must be used by workers exposed in excess of the PEL. Earnings include more than just your base wage; they include overtime, shift differentials, incentives, and other compensation you would have earned if you had not been removed. Lead exposure can result in workers experiencing headaches, fatigue, irritability, nervousness, high blood pressure, sleeplessness, pain in joints, aching muscles, poor appetite, stomach pains, and constipation. All of the above kinds of records must be kept for 40 years or for at least 20 years after your termination of employment, whichever is longer. Further, lead dust may gather upon work surfaces during the performance of lead servicing/maintenance/removal work. This program must inform these employees of the specific hazards associated with their work environment, protective measures which can be taken, the danger of lead to their bodies (including their reproductive systems), and their rights under the standard. Lead dust/particulates may be formed during carding, grinding, filing, and lead removal operations. Your union also has access to these records. 20680-20681, April 6, 1979. The results of the medical surveillance program can significantly affect the legal remedies of a worker who has acquired a job-related disease or impairment. Protective procedures and methods that must be provided by the employer to prevent lead exposure include:Local Exhaust Ventilation - Local exhaust ventilation uses hoods, ducts, fans, and filters to remove lead fumes and dust at the point where they are produced.Personal Protective Equipment - This includes the use of gloves, goggles, clothing protection, boots, and where necessary, respirators.Personal Hygiene - Personal cleaning materials such as waterless cleaners and paper towels must be made available to all workers at their work locations.All workers who work with lead should be provided and use these protective materials. Experience accumulated by the medical and scientific communities has largely confirmed the effectiveness of this type of therapy for the treatment of very severe lead poisoning. When the PEL is exceeded, the employer must assure that food and beverage is not present or consumed, tobacco products are not present or used, and cosmetics are not applied, except in these facilities. Notice of Limited Reopening of Rulemaking Record (and summary of U.S. Court of Appeals decision), Federal Register, Volume 45, pp. 4. If any dispute remains unresolved, the standard provides that a third physician, selected by you and your employer, shall make a final, binding medical determination unless you and your employer reach an agreement which is otherwise consistent with the recommendations of one of the physicians. Similarly, a removed worker is provided no right to veto an employer's choice which satisfies the standard. In carrying out this air monitoring program, your employer is not required to monitor the exposure of every employee but must monitor a representative number of employees and job types.
Excessive lead absorption subjects you to increased risk of disease. If the Action Level is met or exceeded (as determined by conducting the required industrial hygiene monitoring tests), the employer must institute personal sampling and medical surveillance procedures for all affected workers. If the physician who is implementing your employer's medical program makes a written opinion recommending your removal or other special protective measures, your employer must implement the physician's recommendation. Generally, your employer will choose the physician who conducts medical surveillance under the lead standard unless you and your employer otherwise agree on the choice of a physician or physicians. Any respirator chosen must be approved by the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) under the provisions of 42 CFR part 84. Your union does not have access to your personal medical records unless you authorize such access. This appendix summarizes key provisions of the standard that you as a worker should become familiar with. Others will either suddenly or gradually develop the disabling or life threatening effects of lead poisoning.Lead can enter your body in two ways-- by breathing or swallowing. The standard requires that if you request to see or copy environmental monitoring, blood lead level (PbB) monitoring, or medical removal records, they must be made available to you or to a representative that you authorize. After a medical examination or consultation the physician must prepare a written report which must contain (1) the physician's opinion as to whether you have any medical condition which places you at increased risk of material impairment to health from exposure to lead, (2) any recommended special protective measures to be provided to you, (3) any blood lead level determinations, and (4) any recommended limitation on your use of respirators. Biological monitoring under the standard consists of blood lead level (PbB) and zinc protoporphyrin tests at least every 6 months after the initial PbB test. Finally, appropriate follow-up medical examinations or consultations may also be provided for employees who have been temporarily removed from exposure under the medical removal protection provisions of the standard (See Part IX, below). Your employer is required to keep each medical removal record only for the duration of an employee's employment. Enough sampling must be done to enable each employee's exposure level to be reasonably represented by at least one full-shift (at least 7 hours) air sample. All medical surveillance required by the standard must be performed by or under the supervision of a licensed physician. After showering, no clothing or equipment worn during the shift may be worn home, and this includes shoes and underwear. Fumes are tiny particulates that boil-off when lead is heated. If you ever have difficulty in breathing during a fit test or while using a respirator, your employer must make a medical examination available to you to determine whether you can safely wear a respirator. Even though such controls may not be sufficient to effect compliance with the PEL, they must be instituted to achieve the lowest feasible exposure level and the employer must provide supplemental protection in the form of respirators. 9. The standard requires that change rooms, showers, and lunchrooms be made available to workers exposed to lead above the PEL. When air monitoring for lead is performed at your workplace as required by the standard, your employer must allow you or someone you designate to observe the monitoring. Finally, workers exposed above the PEL must wash their hands and faces prior to eating, drinking, smoking or applying cosmetics. Your job assignment upon removal is a matter for you, your employer and your union (if any) to work out consistent with procedures or agreements for job assignments which may exist in your place of employment. Developed in 1979 and revised in 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2002, 2004, 2009, 2014, and 2017. The full statement of reasons (preamble), Federal Register, Volume 43, pp. If work clothing is provided, it must be provided in a clean and dry condition at least weekly, and daily if your exposure to airborne lead is greater than 150g/m. In addition, the standard includes an Action Level of 30 ug/m(3) averaged over an eight-hour period. Air monitoring must be repeated every three months if you are exposed over the PEL. For example, if you are exposed to lead for 10 hours a day, the maximum permitted average exposure would be 40g/m, If lead is present in any quantity in the workplace where you work, your employer is required to make an initial determination of whether the action level is exceeded for any employee. The lead standard is one of the few OSHA standards that provides for medical removal protection. The initial preferred medical test to determine the amount of lead in an individuals body is a blood lead level test. Copies of the Federal lead standard and explanatory materials can be obtained free of charge by calling or writing the OSHA Office of Publications, Room S-1212, United States Department of Labor, Washington, D.C. 20210; Telephone, (202) 523-6138. 52952-53014, November 14, 1978. If you were removed because your blood lead level was too high, you must be provided with a monthly blood test. To deal with this, the standard contains a formula which reduces your permissible exposure when you are exposed more than 8 hours. Proper fit of a respirator facepiece is critical and no single facepiece fits all facial configurations equally well. The observer is entitled to an explanation of the measurement procedure and to record the results obtained. This training program must also be provided at least annually thereafter. In order to assure that your respirator fits properly and that facepiece leakage is minimized, your employer must give you either a quantitative or qualitative fit test as specified in Appendix A of Section 5144, Respiratory Protection. Your employer is required to provide and assure your use of respirators when your exposure to lead is not controlled below the PEL by other means. Your employer must also start a Respiratory Protection Program in accordance with General Industry Safety Orders section 5144. Prophylactic chelation is the routine use of chelating or similarly acting drugs to prevent elevated blood levels in workers who are occupationally exposed to lead, or the use of these drugs to routinely lower blood levels to predesignated concentrations believed to be safe.
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