75 Caverly Road Lethbridge Christian School There is a $25 per student per month fee for all late payments. We are actually members of several organizations which we rely on for support. We choose field trips that have a strong curricular connection and an emphasis on the arts and opportunities for service learning. Gilbert Paterson Middle School Today, there are over 40 different churches represented in the student body. A charitable donation receipt is issued once per calendar year (February) for the difference betweentuition paid and the cost per student. Thank you for your commitment. One of the manifestations of this emphasis is Christian education the notion of acknowledging Jesus Christ as Lord over the world of education. Learn more about Admissions at Immanuel Christian Schools, 802 - 6th Avenue North Lethbridge, AB Immanuel Christian Elementary School Furthermore, Christian education is more than Christian thought. A Reformed approach to Christianity emphasizes the sovereignty of God, the sinfulness of man, and the recognition that the Bible is the authoritative word of God. Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander, American Indian or Alaska Native and Two or more races are not included in this breakdown due to an enrollment of 0%. G.S. These reviews are not written by U.S. News. We work hard to keep the parent contribution portion of our cost of education as reasonableas possible, without sacrificingthe excellence in education our parents and students expect. endstream Immanuel Christian Schools grew out of this vision and still enjoys tremendous support from these communities. Victoria Park High School 2023 by Immanuel Baptist Christian School. Immanuel Christian School is committed to makingChristian education available to families who share in our school's vision to bless the city of Hazleton. Payment Information Tuition payments are due on the first of the month. General Stewart Elementary School The development of an excellent independent school that aims for excellence requires real financial investments. Park Meadows Elementary School << /Linearized 1 /L 79276 /H [ 834 142 ] /O 6 /E 78999 /N 1 /T 78998 >> Senator Buchanan Elementary School Are you considering becoming an ICS family? Please call Society Office at (403) 327-4223 for more information. A direct linkto the FAST site can be found on our website under the Future Students tab. Most private schools have application deadlines at the beginning of the calendar year. See reviews and ratings of this school from students, alumni, staff and others. Individual results may vary. Site by Gradelink. Facility/Technology Fee is applied once per school year per billing account: This fee helps to deter increased tuition costs associated with providing access to wireless and wired networking, equipment and curricular software in classrooms and labs as well as costs associated with security, maintaining and updating our facilities. We are proud to be a parent run, Bible based, interdenominational school that seeks to honor the Lordship of Jesus Christ in all that we do. We feel that operating as an independent Christian school society is a witness to others. Visit the Immanuel Christian Secondary School website. Admission to Immanuel Christian School is intended for the children of parents seeking to provide a distinctly Christian education for their children, and who recognize that the primary responsibility for instilling Biblical truth resides with parents. *Tuition covers ICS instructional and operational costs. There is no financial aid for the Kindergarten Program. At Immanuel Christian School, we have learned that an. For example, the Transportation Committee ensures that the Society's buses are working, bus drivers are hired, and students are safely transported to and from school. Will we receive a tax receipt for school fees? 350 S Portage Path Wilson Middle School 10 monthly payments due the 1st of each month,plus registration fees,beginning August 1, 2022. The full tuition paid by July 1st will receive a $100 discount per student if paid by cash or check. Copyright 2022 Emmanuel Christian Academy - All Right Reserved. The Principal / Teachers / Parents / Students. 7 0 obj The schools minority student enrollment is 79.5% and the student-teacher ratio is 11:1. xcbd`g`b``8 "-l#0"@Y&"Adw0{dTHl=06'f20 o %PDF-1.5 We seek for our approach to be tailored to families situations, so we offer multi-child reductions and provide need-based tuition bursaries. Victoria Park High School Are your schools members of a larger organization? Nicholas Sheran Elementary School Are you considering becoming an ICS family? G.S. While having students be salt and light in public institutions is a noble goal, the reality is that these students often do not have the support necessary to develop and deepen their faith in a school setting. There is also a Tuition Reduction Incentive Program (TRIP) that can help reduce the cost even further through the use of vouchers provided by a variety of retailers. FAST applications for the 2022-23school year opens on Friday, February 25th and closes on Monday, March 14th, 2022. Our history is very much tied to the Reformed Church. The application process changes from school to school, so contact the admissions office if you have any questions. Office and Classroom Supply Fee $75.00 per student/year, Enrollment Fee $100.00 per student/year, TK $125.00 per studentKindergarten $125.00 per student1st grade $250.00 per student2nd 5th grade $325.00 per student6th 12th grade $350.00 per student. 5 0 obj 2 0 obj It would be difficult to conceive of a Christian denomination that doesnt believe in this, yet Reformed Christianity places more emphasis on this. For example, Reformed Christians place great emphasis on the Lordship of Jesus Christ over all things. stream The student population of Immanuel Christian School is 380. The calculated amount eligible for a receipt depends on thenumber of students enrolled, and varies annually. Dr. John Hull of the Kings University College, a Christian university in Edmonton, writes that there is a difference between Christian education and Christians educating. U.S. News and World Report began collecting tuition data in June of 2021 via the school's website. Yes. cole Agnes Davidson Parents are automatically members of the Society, and the Society elects a board of directors who ensure the mission and vision of our school is carried out.
Immanuel Christian School is a private school located in El Paso, TX.
Immanuel Christian Schools is, according to Alberta Education, an alternative school system under Lethbridge School Division. << /Pages 27 0 R /Type /Catalog >> Westminster Elementary School Nicholas Sheran Elementary School Check out the Society Journal, our monthly newsletter. NO PURCHASE NECESSARY.
*School Fees, Busing and other Fees are set annually and subject to change. Immanuel Christian School - Aylmer Chinook High School Visit the Immanuel Christian Elementary School website. College enrollment is unavailable for Immanuel Christian School. Winston Churchill High School Must apply through FACTS. Dr. Gerald B.
Quick Links stream Then let us work with you to find the means to make it possible! Lakie Middle School Coalbanks Elementary School We love that you are committed to Christian education and that you have chosen ICS for your child(ren). Immanuel Christian Secondary School (1) we follow the Alberta curriculum of studies and our students write the Provincial PAT's and Diploma Exams; (2) we follow the guidelines of Alberta Education with respect to finances and policies. We consider: Whether the amounta family is paying is consistent with what other families with a similar financialprofile are paying, Extenuating circumstances affectinga particularfamily, The school's ability to provide the level of financialaid necessary to meet a family's financial responsibilities. << /Filter /FlateDecode /Length 6052 >> If you feel you will need financial aid, youare encouragedto completea FAST Financial Profile once each year atwww.ismfast.com. $2,000 scholarship to be awarded in the form of a check. Current ICS families, use the button below to begin the re-enrollment process! Immanuel Christian Elementary School Determinations are made by reviewing a family's entire financial profile and are not based solely on income. In fact, our school is a parent-run school. Senator Joyce Fairbairn Middle School Use tab to navigate through the menu items. Only voluntary donations are tax receiptable. Immanuel Christian Schools is a part of the Lethbridge School Division but is operated by the Society for Christian Education in Southern Alberta. The Society for Christian Education in Southern Alberta oversees the building, transportation, maintenance and fundraising events, while Lethbridge School Division oversees the instructional and staffing aspects of the schools. Our Schools Lethbridge Collegiate Institute We accept payment in the form of Cash, Post-dated Cheques, or Pre-Authorized Debit.
To help families with the cost of education, ICS offers a payment plan, as well as need-based indexed tuition. Furthermore, we are also members ofAssociation of Independent Schools and Colleges of Alberta. No. The Private School Scholarship Sweepstakes. For a more detailed description of what this type of world and life view in education entails, please see the Teaching to Transform section. There is a 10 calendar day grace period that ends on the 11th day of the month. tk p!/Z#p!jyu$MNDES^ooKRXawW&
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tv Thus, when we talk about reformed education we use a small r rather than a big R. all need to reflect a Christian worldview. Outlook Webmail. In other words, having Christian teachers is necessary but not sufficient in providing a transformative Christian education. fax (330) 836-7274 6 0 obj The Activity Fee assessed to each individual student once per school year and includes field trips, special luncheons, assignment books, science lab. Use tab to navigate through the menu items. Families must apply for indexed tuition each year, as tuition can move up and down in line with a family's economic profile. endstream School Boards are assisted in making informed tuition reliefdecisions and our parents benefit from a number of financial incentives that can be accessed through FAST. Togetherwe are building the next generation. We have benefited, not only from our roots and tradition, but also from the talents, energy and enthusiasm for Christian education from a diverse range of people representing a variety of Christian denominations. General Stewart Elementary School Probe Elementary School While it is easy to see this connection, our understanding of reformed education has to do with worldview and not who is in the classroom. =60A~$7*58u4'H{Bl(#^NGg\mN;5!2nYL{&qm3%%d-JQSm$sD1&qQn5dcH)l;-;3q7ZlGu;)b'pjW1:X#4Xm55/z~_BV &Qdsw';~00_\
This is also an exciting opportunity to contribute to and develop a school system that honors God in what it does. Proudly created with. Our indexed tuition model is need-based. It was a group of Christian Reformed parents who took the initiative to set up a day school in the 1960's that would ensure that their children would receive an education steeped in the Christian perspective. Lethbridge Christian School Send an Email.
For 1, 2, and 3+ children enrolled part time or full time. cole Agnes Davidson Credit cards may be used for tuition payments. endobj Lakie Middle School It may seem daunting at first to consider paying tuition for your child's education, but we know it is an excellent investment in your child's future. 519-914-3151 Select a program to seecurrent tuition rates. Emmanuel Christian Academy Admissions Association of Independent Schools and Colleges of Alberta. BS37 8QG, Head's name:
Chief School Administrator V. Rena Suber M.Ed. Emmanuel works diligently at keeping our tuition as low as possible while committing to offer quality Christian Education. endobj Since you are a Christian Alternative school, do you have your own curriculum or do you follow the Alberta curriculum? Mrs Joanna Gulliford (Head), ISC associations:
20212022 Average Parent Contribution:$3,300, 20222023 Tuition* Range for Kindergarten through 12th Grade: $1,800 - $11,500. Leave a review of your or your child's private school for a chance to win $2,000. % 4 0 obj Akron, OH 44320, Office Phone: (330) 836-7182 Please note that at year-end the school is able to issue a tax receipt for a percentage of the tuition paid. Immanuel Christian Secondary School What does Reformed mean as it relates to Christian theology? Our School is supported through the tuition paid by parents, but also through the donations of the wider Christian community. Every student's tuition is indexed to some degree. There are various committees that assist the board - committees comprised of parents. At Immanuel, our desire is to provide a setting where students can challenge and be challenged in relating their actions and what they learn to their Christian beliefs. There are tax considerations that reduce the upfront costs significantly.
We are also members of thePrairie Center for Christian Educationwhich operates out of Kings College in Edmonton. Rodford Tabernacle
Winston Churchill High School FACTS provides a recommendation, which is then evaluated by our Financial Aid committee. Please check with your tax professional. In the 1960s, Lethbridge and area Reformed Christians had a vision for Christian education to support what children were learning at church and at home from parents. There is a lot of discussion of our Reformed nature. Gloucestershire
0 oIV$3Ex`0"`_O[D3?J]^K_w/k2>ODg@wj=~!/?/? 8r/?1%(hn46N'gs:Rr~P-]G@El~j_C]MmT Why should I send my child to Christian school when he/she can be a light amongst others in the public school system? This is a daunting challenge. For financial assistance contact the principal of ICS. One important consideration is that the up-front cost is not the actual cost! Do you work at Immanuel Christian School? Coalbanks Elementary School Fleetwood-Bawden Elementary School With this in mind, we oversee a tuition structure that enables us to pursue the very best. The concept of doing Christian day-schooling seems obvious, yet when it is attempted it becomes apparent that there are more variables than initially thought. California Do Not Sell My Personal Information Request. to 1,428, DfE reference number:
Additionally, there will be a $25.00 fee (cash only) for non-sufficient funds (NSF) which will then require cash payments, in the ICS office, for the remainder of the school year. *School Fees do not qualify for tax receipts. Quick Links endobj Early Education school fees are separate and are paid to the school division. 803 / 6010, Disclaimer: Data is provided by the school, ISC is not responsible for inaccuracies, Independent Schools Council, First Floor, 27 Queen Anne's Gate, London SW1H 9BU. Please contact us for more information or to schedule an appointment. As time progressed, parents from other Christian denominations who wanted the same education for their children were welcomed. f By increasing economic diversity in the school, we are adding value to the educational and social-emotional experience for both children and adults by reflecting the Kingdom of God. Gilbert Paterson Middle School Westminster Elementary School xc``e``vb```48 06 /30130DG`QPi (e@ Dr. Gerald B. This school does not have enough reviews yet. We want to partner with committed Christian parents (regardless of denomination) in order to develop the gifts of each student for joyful service in the Kingdom of God. The data was collected between June 1, 2021 and August 31, 2021. 416 Taunton Road West, Oshawa ON, L1L 0N8, 416 Taunton Road West, Oshawa ON, L1L 0N8. Mike Mountain Horse Elementary School Yes, to qualifying families. God's resources are sufficient to pay for His will! No. endobj Immanuel Christian Schools also has a very dedicated team of teachers, administrators and support staff who regard their role in education as a calling more than a job. * Tuition assistance is available to qualifying families. << /Filter /FlateDecode /S 36 /Length 65 >> This optionqualifies for a2% discount. 6E,WA~e[8N RoHY0n2/. Lakeview Elementary School 10 Monthly Payments:$600(Beginning August 1st, ending May 1st), 10 Monthly Payments:$790(Beginning August 1st, ending May 1st), 10 Monthly Payments:$840(Beginning August 1st, ending May 1st), 10 Monthly Payments:$900(Beginning August 1st, ending May 1st), 10 Monthly Payments:$1,430(Beginning August 1st, ending May 1st), 10 Monthly Payments:$1,650(Beginning August 1st, ending May 1st). 2020 Immanuel Christian School, Ridgecrest, CA. We believe all of Creation, including education, needs to be transformed and dedicated to the glory of God. Dr. Robert Plaxton Elementary School The education found at Immanuel is of very high quality, and is holistic in nature. 1,309
Dr. Robert Plaxton Elementary School Field trips are an integral part of how we teach. We are a small, friendly school which is based on Christian and family principles which currently caters for children aged 4-14 (Yr. R-9). Immanuel Christian School is an inspired, faith-driven Christian community committed to instruct all children in developing their God given talents for service. Indexed tuition has the added benefit of reinforcing our vision to bless the city. Galbraith Elementary School However, Immanuel Christian Schools is not a parochial/church school model. First, determine if Christian education at Immanuel is God's will for your child. We aim to provide a stable, caring environment which fosters high expectations of personal conduct and helps pupils to develop both understanding and personal qualities of integrity, patience, kindness, obedience, honesty and self-control. Lethbridge Collegiate Institute * Tuition and fees are listed for the highest grade offered and may have changed for the current school year. A little bit of background is necessary here. Aylmer, ON N5H 2P6 Many volumes have been written postulating Reformed theology. << /Type /XRef /Length 76 /Filter /FlateDecode /DecodeParms << /Columns 5 /Predictor 12 >> /W [ 1 3 1 ] /Index [ 2 36 ] /Info 19 0 R /Root 4 0 R /Size 38 /Prev 78999 /ID [] >> Christian education is driven by a biblical worldview based on Creation, Fall and Redemption. [vc_row][vc_column css=".vc_custom_1513250920375{margin-bottom: -1px !important;padding-top: 10px !important;padding-right: 25px !important;padding-bottom: 10px !important;padding-left: 25px !important;}"][scp_menu menu_type="menu_mobile"][/vc_column][/vc_row]. Fleetwood-Bawden Elementary School Mike Mountain Horse Elementary School 3 0 obj Many different denominations are represented amongst our students, staff, and parents who sit on various committees. Click on the button below to learn more about, or begin, the admissions process! There is less opportunity for people to express faith in public education, and as such helping students understand their learning in the context of a Christian framework is much more difficult. endobj ISA, Day fees per term:
State and independent school partnerships, Independent Schools Economic Impact Report 2018, Soft Skills and Mental Toughness Research, 2017, Durham University 'Academic Value Added' Research, 2016, Applying for a free place at an independent school, Find a School with provision for Educational Needs and Disability, Find a school offering scholarships and bursaries. A strong sense of right and wrong, as shown in the Bible, permeates the decisions and programs in the school, leading to meaningful value and character development. << /Contents 7 0 R /MediaBox [ 0 0 612 792 ] /Parent 27 0 R /Resources << /ExtGState << /G3 20 0 R /G6 23 0 R >> /Font << /F4 21 0 R /F5 22 0 R /F7 24 0 R /F8 25 0 R /F9 26 0 R >> /ProcSet [ /PDF /Text /ImageB /ImageC /ImageI ] >> /StructParents 0 /Type /Page >> It does not include the cost of books and educational materials, field trips, retreats, or fees for extra-curricular activities such as basketball, track, yearbooks, etc. [emailprotected]. Senator Buchanan Elementary School So, your school is not run by a particular church? Thisnon-refundablefeereserves your childs seat in the classroom, covers the necessary costs to enroll your childand covers the necessary consumable supplies and student activities. 2023 by Immanuel Baptist Christian School. The government, however, does not provide funds for capital costs or busing costs. Application Fee: New students only (non-refundable). All topics and subject matter need to be taught from a Christian perspective to avoid a book-end approach to Christian education (see Teaching to Transform). Wilson Middle School If youhave questions while completing the application process, please call 1-877-326-FAST (3278), our twenty-four hour call center. At Immanuel, we want to prepare students for some of the challenges they will inevitably face. We always looking for more people to join us in this mission! , use the button below to begin the re-enrollment process! Westerleigh
While Immanuel Christian Schools is historically rooted in the Christian Reformed Church, today we are an interdenominational school. Some families pay as little as $150/month for a student, but we would not be sustainable if most families paid that amount. Galbraith Elementary School Thiswill be a first come first served basis until the bursary money is exhausted. Our curriculum, organizational structure, relationships, opportunities for student service etc. Ends 4/30/23. SCESA is responsible for the buildings, buses, and Bible programming; hence, there are school fees associated with attending Immanuel Christian Schools. We are members ofChristian Schools Internationalwhich is a global organization designed to support and assist Christian schools. Private Christian education requires sacrifice for most families. We want to provide the best teachers and the best educational experiencepossible for your student. We need to be reliant on God in charting a course for Christian education as well as meeting the challenges that come with operating an independent school. That means that the government funds 100% of the instructional costs, as well as contributes some funds for building operation and maintenance.
An authentic Christian education involves chapels and Bible classes, but it also goes beyond this.
201 West Graaf Avenue, Ridgecrest, CA 93555.
Westerleigh Road
Outlook Webmail. x]$q}gK~=;z1? Probe Elementary School T1H 0S1, Our Schools New Family Application: $100 (non-refundable)Society Membership Fee: $250, KindergartenMembership Fee: $250Society School Fee: $1,500, Grades 1 to 12Membership Fee: $250Society School Fee: $3,950, TransportationKindergarten Only: $950Full-Time Grades 1 to 12: $2,100 ($210/month over 10 months)Transfer Only: No charge*No busing available for EEP students*, Early Education Program (EEP)Society Membership Fee per family - $250Lethbridge School Division fees (paid to school division):Registration Fee (Non-Refundable) $404-half days of programming per week $200/month2-half days of programming per week $100/month.
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