0000002012 00000 n he provided an overview of systems engineering at NASA. are allocated and controlled. Space 0000089539 00000 n E/F - Operations, Sustainment, and Closeout, Successfully good financial plan and a bad one, nor help to make a bad one It is necessary to understand how the interface will behave and function, how it can transmit or consume data, and what sequences are required for the exchange of data. The major inputs and outputs might include: For this article, the purpose of interface management activity is to: Interoperability requires a minimum of two items, each with its own interfaces configured in a way that enables effective joining. 0000002419 00000 n There are many types of interfaces, including communications interfaces, signaling interfaces, service interfaces, data interfaces, hardware interfaces, software interfaces, and application program interfaces. M.D. standard component (batteries) in favor of a new technology However, it is critical for end users to have some level of stability in the interface so they can manage their own development life cycles and mission objectives.
density, thus a lower satellite system mass. Material on this site may be copied and distributed with permission only. artifact, unintended interactions between elements desired to be
engineering is about tradeoffs and compromises, about generalists
envelope this is typically dictated by the launch vehicle, - Weight
the spinning flywheel mass. Start with Kindergartners, MITRE Participates in Outside the Box Day, A Conference Dedicated to Women's Leadership, Nurturing Under-Represented Engineering Students, Student Cadets Learn What It Takes to "Play at Work All Day", Promoting a Culture of Health and Wellness, Fighting Polio in Africa, Thanks to MITRE's Civic Leave Program, Building a Better World, One Home at a Time, Center for Advanced Aviation System Development, Transforming the National Airspace System (NextGen), Improving National Airspace System Performance, Tax, Revenue & Financial System Transformation, Economic Infrastructure Modernization & Protection, Homeland Security Systems Engineering and Development Institute, Strengthen National Preparedness and Resilience, System of Systems Engineering Collaborators Information Exchange, Thinking Forward: CyberPhysicalHuman World, The Essence of MITREs Systems Engineering, Systems Engineering Strategies for Uncertainty and Complexity, Tools to Enable a Comprehensive Viewpoint, Enterprise Technology, Information, and Infrastructure, Engineering Information-Intensive Enterprises, Privacy Requirements Definition and Testing, Engineering Systems in the Context of Systems of Systems, Systems Engineering Life-Cycle Processes as Applied to Systems of Systems, Systems Engineering for Mission Assurance, Transformation Planning and Organizational Change, Formulation of Organizational Transformation Strategies, Community of Interest and/or Community of Practice, Planning and Managing Independent Assessments, Eliciting, Collecting, and Developing Requirements, Special Considerations for Conditions of Uncertainty: Prototyping and Experimentation, Architectural Frameworks, Models, and Views, Develop System-Level Technical Requirements, Assess the Design's Ability to Meet the System Requirements, Identify and Assess Integration and Interoperability (I&I) Challenges, Develop and Evaluate Integration and Interoperability (I&I) Solution Strategies, Create and Assess Test and Evaluation Strategies, Assess Test and Evaluation Plans and Procedures, Create and Assess Certification and Accreditation Strategies, Other SE Life-Cycle Building Blocks Articles, Spanning the Operational Space: How to Select Use Cases and Mission Threads, Acquiring and Incorporating Post-Fielding Operational Feedback into Future Developments, Test and Evaluation of Systems of Systems, Verification and Validation of Simulation Models, Affordability, Efficiency, and Effectiveness, Integrated Master Schedule (IMS)/Integrated Master Plan (IMP) Application, Source Selection Preparation and Evaluation, Data Driven Contractor Evaluations and Milestone Reviews, Risk Impact Assessment and Prioritization, Risk Mitigation Planning, Implementation, and Progress Monitoring, Reliability, Availability, and Maintainability, Establishing a Quality Assurance Program in the Systems Acquisition or Government Operational Organization, How to Conduct Process and Product Reviews Across Boundaries, Implementing and Improving Systems Engineering Processes for the Acquisition Organization, Matching Systems Engineering Process Improvement Frameworks/Solutions with Customer Needs, Web Services Description Language (WSDL) Ver. In 1976 the Viking-I performed the
W.J. In the absence of proper governance, interface sprawl and variation can quickly devolve into degraded system performance, maintainability, and sustainability. known as desaturation. A plug and an outlet is an example of that interface. 4 b4@i@61qTn
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No federal endorsement of sponsors intended. In ICT, interfaces need to be characterized along multiple dimensions, including function, performance, behavioral process, and data. cP (l( Engineering Management Plan (SEMP), Fundamental Principles
rates, RF links, mass properties, etc.). E1EZ_s0dB('6;0prk(@s$R(~AhbQaXmX(eqBql3^x!@[(gmUHbNUjqBx$_zA}?QKrB i6uWrQnf\\$Ef5I]bnl,VDK83uHoC5N(8VaI[R2~tI[ZyuI0rvALO)! 0000000016 00000 n
separate.Systems engineering seeks to assure that elements of a
the following: -
MITRE intends to maintain a website that is fully accessible to all individuals. Interfaces are the functional and physical connections at the boundaries of ICT systems that are designed to interoperate with other systems. 14 Martin,
- Define mission elements and interfaces this is typically simple
compact and may need to rely on advanced technology. L. Course Notes on
Its key to understand these interfaces in systems engineering to make sure systems components work properly with each other. the most common student projects mistakes are: o Missing
and Henderson, S.J. We are not talking about
is taken here. Marietta (now Lockheed Martin) and was the engineering manager for the
Complex systems consist of numerous interfaces of various types; loosely coupled architectures entail higher degrees of abstraction than tightly coupled architectures. This one-for-one correlation initiates the interface architecture that is triggered by and traceable to identified system functions and any associated source and derived requirements. flexible power source for the rest of the system (i.e., variable
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Interfaces are critical elements supporting the complex nature of today's systems, which are becoming more geographically distributed and interconnected with other independently developed systems. Engineering Design Process (EDP), Systems
Good interface management includes understanding the various types of use for the interface information and presenting the data in a way that supports getting that information easily to the user. Systems Engineering for Senior Project Teams, with Application to a
Another example of system engineer creativity is in the merging of
Cycle, The
1.2, Software Engineering Body of Knowledge (SWEBOK), International Council on Systems Engineering (INCOSE), DoD Instruction (DoDI) 5000.02, Operation of the Defense Acquisition System, DoD Instruction (DODI) 8320.02, Sharing Data, Information, and Information Technology (IT) Services in the Department of Defense, Military Handbook Configuration Management Guidance MIL-HDBK-61A(SE), Software Engineering Institute (SEI), Service-Oriented Architectures as an Interoperability Mechanism. Thermal and Structures and Mechanisms. illustration is the NASA Mars Rover landing sequence. understanding of the organizational and technical interactions in (1) and (2) ISO/IEC. 0000000016 00000 n Systems engineering performs design of the Viking-1 Lander. normally required as a separate subsystem not associated with the
Establish service level agreements (SLAs) to document the performance parameters for the interface and underlying systems, then report performance against those measures. example, new technology sometimes requires that it be prototyped in .We(.*W"@q\$vN"|jSz$Egz?sy0Ht2o.
first successful landing on Mars by a NASA spacecraft, which was This procedure significantly reduces requirements conflicts and supports a more rapid interface design change process. Per DoDI 5000.02, Enclosure 12, Section 4.1.6, each Program Executive Officer, or equivalent, shall have a lead or chief systems engineer in charge of reviewing assigned programs' System Engineering Plans and overseeing their implementation. Often Use a well-defined framework to describe the interfaces. properly applied, should catch this problem. dramatically. flywheels are more mechanically reliable, require no additional
B - Preliminary Design and Technology Completion, Phase D - System Assembly, Integration, Test and Launch (SAITL), Phase the propellant required swells the size of the propulsion system so 0000000616 00000 n accounting is important to the Chief Financial Officer of an the Target, i.e. What DoD Instruction (DODI) 8320.02, Sharing Data, Information, and Information Technology (IT) Services in the Department of Defense, August 5, 2013, accessed August 21, 2017. organization. The Function 8: Technical Ensure that cost/price considerations are understood from both perspectives, provider and end user. ~:a 9aQ80-1',9O$&_ XjvKLs 3W},EicC,q "`C=IE*.cXn$(&TaUf?vkBfaF? 8 INCOSE. Systems engineering is still heavily involved but this is the phase Therefore, IxM, which is always important, is considerably more challenging in systems characterized by loosely coupled architectures. Aerospace Often, the creation of the interface characterization framework does not occur until after interfaces are developed. Requirements Development. Definition: Interface management includes the activities of defining, controlling, and communicating the information needed to enable unrelated objects (including systems, services, equipment, software, and data) to co-function. An Users or customers really like to be heard, particularly when they are being asked to make their business dependent on a system or service that is not within their control. Function 2: Derived For 4 Guerra, endstream endobj 130 0 obj <> endobj 131 0 obj <> endobj 132 0 obj <>/ColorSpace<>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageC]/ExtGState<>>> endobj 133 0 obj <> endobj 134 0 obj <> endobj 135 0 obj [/ICCBased 143 0 R] endobj 136 0 obj <> endobj 137 0 obj <> endobj 138 0 obj <> endobj 139 0 obj <>stream has little chance of Geneva, Switzerland: International Organization for Standardization (ISO)/International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC)/ Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). Systems %%EOF Having different sets of information attributes for different interfaces complicates and raises the cost of achieving interoperability. hb```b``b`e``fb@ ! M I8XIg/m^0Q.`E)K5I0` #2=&/\~G'883hd$PYMDMGvd^`Y|b`@ pL&SCSo00Tt8hfc"F Engineering Management Plan (SEMP), http://office.microsoft.com/en-us/project/HA012111471033.aspx. See Interface Management, Interface definition and controlInterface definition and control are activities that begin in parallel with the development of Functional Architectures. design. 0000002007 00000 n discharge and charging rates when compared to batteries).
Relationship to SE, The Four Phases of the Engineering
Systems Engineering, Subsystems
capable of meeting requirements within imposed constraints. Download for EPUBDownload for Amazon KindleDownload a PDF. National Information Exchange Model, accessed August 21, 2017. neglected in practice to the costly demise of many. In addition, users will want some level of assurance or understanding of how that service provider plans to mature and evolve the interface so that users have some level of configuration control over their side of the interface. A shared boundary between two functional units, defined by various characteristics pertaining to the functions, physical signal exchanges, and other characteristics. Keywords: change management, coupling, interface. are talking here about developing an airplane, a spacecraft, a power
Though it is customary to distinguish between build-time and run-time governance activities, it is clear that life-cycle management spans the two, as change management tends to fold back onto requirements management and testing unfolds into release management. In
Interfaces play a crucial role in all systems, which, by definition, consist of multiple components that must interact to deliver a collective capability. Mission Analysis and Design. SE Function 8: Technical Resource Budget Tracking, SE Function 10: Configuration Management and Documentation, SE Function 11: System Milestone Reviews and Reports, Successfully Managing a
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Environmental levels are maintained and updated, -
Plan to deprecate prior versions. 2008). A. and Sweet, W.N. Any information, products, services or hyperlinks contained within this website does not constitute any type of endorsement by the DoD, Air Force, Navy or Army. Trade
Systems responsibility throughout the program is to always make sure
Why create unnecessary overhead? selection of flywheels over batteries, rather than simply holding
And yet it is clear that an
available launch vehicle. An interface definition process will evolve interface architectures and requirements in conjunction with the overall systems definition process. Design Process (EDP) for the Design of a Subsystem, Component or
on how it is provided. (ISO/IEC/IEEE 2009). example, a team of computer engineers may apply SE to produce only
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