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Contine leyendo para ver informacin importante que ayudar a preparar al estudiante para comenzar con xito el ao escolar con fuerza. 5 0 obj
IHSCA is excited to welcome our students back to their first day of school on September 6th. <>
Copyright 2022 Discovery Schools. za;HdV5%]"_"YN"
We provide a small, safe, and secure learning environment to our students. IHSCA tendr una reunin obligatoria de padres y estudiantes el jueves 4 de agosto a las 6:00PM para todos los estudiantes interesados en participar en un deporte. Be a part of our family today! Continue reading to fill out our online application. SAib.%)"%N)%Jk-D9CibKT8(Mj2OBRuRSK'lP%J"b)TDH)%Js-L "(Mrt"SG.V)q^NH,YZ P
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PX@A(Sf'^F4TTz>sb-kA[N&JSRb Io&}HgX+>$:/O73R;>GHdxPz\E%DDrD Discovery Schools does not and shall not discriminate against students, parents, or guardians on the basis of race, color, religion (creed), gender, gender expression, age, national origin (ancestry), family situation, intellectual or athletic ability, disability, marital status, sexual orientation, or military status, in any of its activities or operations. <>
6 0 obj
Title IX Policy and ProceduresQuestions regarding Title IX may be referred to the U. S. Department of Education, Office of Civil Rights (OCR) or to Discovery Schools Schools Title IX Coordinator, Michael D. Kennedy, Jr., Ph.D. at (504) 229-2149 or email: michael.kennedy@discoveryhsf.org. IHSCA se complace en dar la bienvenida a nuestros estudiantes a su primer da de clases el 6 de septiembre. @&RG2.iI! Congratulations to our Leonardo da Vinci Karate Club students after a successful rank testing and promotion on 11/5/21. All rights reserved. SJ&X9^PdQ(XVQiAo The start date for fall sports is quickly approaching! <>stream
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La fecha de inicio de los deportes de otoo se acerca rpidamente! Starting February 22, 2022 - March 18, 2022 - Summative ELPAC Testing. IHSCA est emocionado de ver a nuestros estudiantes atletas nuevamente en accin para el ao escolar 2022-2023! At IHSCA "We Are Family" "Somos Familia". As a nurturing learning community, Leonardo da Vinci Health Sciences Charter School cultivates health literate students who have the knowledge, critical thinking skills, and attitudes, which empower them to become influential contributors in an ever-changing global society. <>/MediaBox[ 0 0 612 792]/Parent 2 0 R /Resources 7 0 R /Type/Page>>
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IHSCA is now accepting students for 9th, 10th, 11th, and 12th grade! Please continue reading for more information. Leonardo da Vinci Health Sciences Charter School, 2019 California School Dashboard (English), 2019 California School Dashboard (Spanish), Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC), Bullying and Harassment Prevention Information, ELPAC & CAASPP Testing Windows are NOW OPEN. endobj
Dr. John Ochsner Discovery Health Sciences Academy.
4 0 obj Contine leyendo para obtener ms informacin. % Congratulations to our Leonardo da Vinci Karate Club Students. )p;U#p cJS{ATvz`07#B&L)Q SJ&b[BD2L+QLC%i)#+ e@ZCJ2\rK(VDi%P3A.Xi] n p{41j'F5Dib>4lx!Fe-'G L/Kre| <> endobj Dual Enrollment & Dual Credit Classes In Partnership With the City Colleges of Chicago, Wide Range of Sports, Clubs, Internships, Programs, and Extracurriculars, Long Time Servers of Our Surrounding Southwest Chicago Pilsen Community, Health Sciences Program, CTE Program and a Variety of Career Pathways Offered, Strong Focus on College Prep & Your Post-Secondary Success, Post-Secondary College and Career Planning, Actualizar Informacin de Contacto de Padre Aqu, COVID TESTING STUDENT ONLINE CONSENT FORM, Blue Door Neighborhood Center Programs and Resources, Now Accepting Students For 9th, 10th, 11th, and 12th Grade - Apply Today, IHSCA Sports Student Parent Meeting August 4th, Reunin de Padres y Estudiantes para Deportes de IHSCA - 4 de Agosto. %PDF-1.7 IHSCA is excited to see our student-athletes back in action for the 2022-2023 school year! Please continue reading to see important information that will help prepare the student to successfully start the school year strong. Fpy9%P=9iHH{Qbk8qPHHi%JSf1D&b5LHi%JS{AhrhtiI ; b_%BbE]F4r!b[B"$2H+MjH\Q V1izKo VCEL6 &CTR416k-9Cib.92G q^Jf-\wS Discovery Strong Start Operational Plans. As required by the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 (Elementary and Secondary Emergency Relief Fund), Discovery Schools seeks public comment on plans for safe return to in-person instruction as described in the following plan:Discovery Strong Start Operational Plans. This is the board approved calendar for the 2022-2023 school year. A look at the events taking place at Leonardo da Vinci Charter School for the week. Events are updated frequently. IHSCA will have a mandatory student/parent meeting on Thursday August 4th at 6:00pm for all students interested in joining a sport. There is no admissions test to gain entrance, Discovery Schools3837 Loyola DriveKenner, LA 70065504-233-4720. endobj
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