Ray said some people argue freedom of expression should be protected at all cost. But so should the values of respect, decency and civility, he said. Ray did not respond, she said. Ray said he has reactivated his registration as a psychotherapist with the state since Dirks raised her complaint, although he has not been a practicing psychotherapist for roughly six years and does not intend to practice in the near future. Holtzmann thanked people who have supported her and thanked her fellow slate member Leung, saying his brilliant intellect is only matched by his integrity. Hanson said she sees Trachmans failure to notify the entire board of the conversation as an ethical violation and breach of his engagement letter with the board. She also wrote to the school board about her concerns. Ten years after Aurora theater shooting, community members gather for midnight vigil, Community invited to celebrate Colorado Day, Brozovich, former Fort Lupton fire chief, dies, Fort Lupton passes required financial audit, South Adams fire, Platte Valley ambulance join forces, Littleton leaders see positive reception to lodging tax, charter amendment, Girls soccer: Rivalry brings out the best in friendly rivals, Powered by Creative Circle Media Solutions. General fund revenues come from sales tax (27 percent, said a report from Finance , Former Fort Lupton Fire Chief and district board member Frank Brozovich died July 15 at his home. I believe that concerns and criticism can be expressed diplomatically without character assassination, Ray wrote. Ray told Colorado Community Media he did not publicly address the complaint, seeing it as a smear tactic during a tense period for the district in which multiple directors were under fire. On Sept. 28, Collier had finished making public comment and on his way back to his seat leaned toward an audience member and quickly motioned toward them. Ray said the three are genuinely concerned that weve got a board thats off the rails in terms of following not only the law but multiple board policies.
Our superintendent should never be blindsided with us saying that youre not performing well, Ray said. Douglas County School Board Director David Ray says he has addressed a complaint filed against him with the Colorado Department of Regulatory Agencies regarding his past use of certain mental health professional titles after his licenses expired. He is term-limited as board president and will serve as a regular board member going forward. Ray was traveling at the time of this story and provided comments by email. The 1984 amendment is out of step with 2022, The Senate Majority PAC, affiliated with Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, was the lone donor to Democratic Colorado, Tina Peters, who was running for secretary of state, and Ron Hanks, who was running for U.S. Senate, claimed malfeasance in the election but didn't provide proof. This item is available in full to subscribers. DiPasquale stopped and said he retorted with Pardon me, visibly upset. Ray said the superintendent can only receive direction through a vote of the board in a formally noticed meeting. If you made a voluntary contribution in 2021-2022, but do not yet have an online account, click here to create one at no additional charge. He could have explained it. A majority of likely voters surveyed in Littleton said they would support paying a new lodging tax, as well as amending the city's charter, in the Nov. 8 election, according to a survey from a city-hired consultant. It requires a governmental body to discuss public business or take formal action in meetings that are open to the public, she said. Its been on my mind for a while. We have noticed you are using an ad blocking plugin in your browser. Ray, Meek and Hanson were the only board directors who participated in the Jan. 31 gathering, of which public notice was posted. Another matter did garner the security directors attention.
Records obtained by Colorado Community Media through a public record request show the school districts director of security, Jonny Grusing, wrote to Steve Collier, banning him from attending board of education meetings or district forums in-person. A heated school board election has passed, a new superintendent is seated after a series of board controversies, but debates about freedom of expression and appropriate behavior during public comment at Douglas County School Board remains a challenge for the board. The revenue we receive from our advertisers helps make this site possible. This is not a place for partisan political attacks, Peterson said.
It has been something our board has struggled with for a while, Meek told Colorado Community Media a few days later. Dirks said she looked up Rays registrations, which is publicly available information on the states DORA website and saw his LPCC license expired in December 2020 while his psychotherapist license expired in 2017. This includes directly interviewing sources and research / analysis of primary source documents. The new contract took effect July 11. He called teachers and district staff the hero during the pandemic, and said he had hoped to do right by students during his tenure. I can assure you there was no threatening or intimidating behavior against anyone at the meeting., 750 W. Hampden Ave., Suite 225Englewood, CO 80110 Meek said Peterson told her he and Williams gave Wise until Tuesday evening to decide if he would resign, and if not, the board was prepared to terminate him. When decisions are made outside of board meetings, I mean that is prohibited, she said. The boardroom needs to be the lighthouse for productive discourse that benefits children and not an arena where constant threat is exhibited, he said. The Adams County District Attorney's Office filed the charge , Republican gubernatorial candidate Heidi Ganahl on Monday announced Danny Moore as her running mate, a Navy veteran and entrepreneur who stoked controversy last year when he was removed as head of , Colorado mental health counselors in private practice say theyve been surprised once again with new rules that will make it harder to treat the states most vulnerable patients: those with , Copyright 2022 Colorado Community Media, click here to create one at no additional charge, Accountability questions could hinder Douglas County School District bond success, Views differ on whether high schools should stop naming valedictorians, EHS All-Classes Reunion is a fun-filled event for graduates from five decades, Ten years after Aurora theater shooting, community members gather for midnight vigil, Community invited to celebrate Colorado Day, Littleton leaders see positive reception to lodging tax, charter amendment, Suspect faces charges in Brighton teen's death, Heidi Ganahl selects Danny Moore, Navy veteran who was removed as head of redistricting panel, as her running mate, Mental health providers say they were blindsided again by Medicaid policies, Powered by Creative Circle Media Solutions. Director Becky Myers said the issue would be a natural agenda item for the boards upcoming retreat in June. The sitting board has been at the center of a firestorm for weeks as parents upset with masking mandates and other COVID-19 policies vowed to vote directors out and called for those not up for election to resign. As people waited in line for the meeting, Benson carried an American flag attached to a staff. Some behavior at meetings goes against board policies to promote diverse views and foster respect, she said. We request you whitelist our site. I certainly will not miss the daunting responsibilities that are bestowed on this role, he said, nor the target that I oftentimes have had emblazoned on my chest.. From the dais, Peterson asked DiPasquale and the women to stop arguing and moved the meeting along. Benson told directors they did not know the difference between an unsafe environment and uncomfortable speech, then said they might prefer governments that censor. As the local teachers union president walked back to his seat after giving public comment at Douglas County School Board, a squabble erupted between him and a group of women. We have noticed you are using an ad blocking plugin in your browser. Im very taken back by this decision made by the Douglas County School District, Collier wrote, stating he had also seen screenshots from video of the incident. If you made a voluntary contribution in 2021-2022, but do not yet have an online account, click here to create one at no additional charge. Public comment at board meetings does not allow any back-and-forth conversation between directors and commenters. More than once, a public commenter has used theatrics or hyperbole to express disapproval of the rules. Board secretary Director Becky Myers acknowledged the board received Dirks emails, Dirks said. There was someone that came up here and spoke and they talked about how they felt unsafe in the room and then an hour later charged a man with a knitting needle in their hand, and theyre in the room right now with a knitting needle in their hand, Smith said. She said Peterson told her he had spoken with directors Myers, Williams and Winegar, who had agreed they wanted the district to go in a different direction. Peterson said he had commiserated with Director David Ray, another subject of repeated criticism that evening, by joking that he wasnt sure which of them was targeted more during public comment. Sometimes its better to lose and do the right thing, Leung said. He was leery of labeling specific conduct as bullying or intimidation. The revenue we receive from our advertisers helps make this site possible.
DORA notified Ray about the complaint, but he said there are not any violations against his registration. There, she called on Ray to resign. You had the audacity to threaten to remove me from the room for cheering for my wife and waving my American flag, Benson said. Dirks said she spoke to an employee of DORA to understand if Rays ongoing use of the credentials was significant and was advised to make a complaint. His priority is allowing each board director, presenter, and public commenter to speak without interruptions, he said. Friends of Wus intervened and she left the meeting shortly after. On Nov. 9, Benson wore head-to-toe American flag apparel and said it was an outrage that the board would not let him hold an American flag during meetings. He indicated that it has nothing to do with a campaign promise, Meek said.
I know that some of it even borders on hateful, I mean certainly the tone that its delivered, Peterson said. Platte Valley Ambulance Service has been in . Ray said the board did not take any action regarding the matter, and that not one director questioned me about it. Board President Mike Peterson declined to comment on the complaint. Ray said he asked if any concerns about Wises performance had been provided to Wise in writing and the answer was no.. Meek said she spoke to Peterson for roughly 15 minutes around noon on Jan. 28. 1-303-566-4100. A former district parent, Denise Dirks, filed two complaints in February after realizing Rays email signature contained the title LPCC, which stands for Licensed Professional Counselor Candidate, and that his biography on the district website referred to him as a psychotherapist. Hanson said she abruptly ended the call with Peterson, which lasted approximately six minutes, and has not spoken with Peterson or Williams since. Ray said at least 1,300 people viewed the meeting, which was held remotely. Wise should be given the opportunity to decide am I the right leader for this board and gain better understanding of the boards expectations of him, Ray said. Peterson said he cant always see or hear what happens in the audience. They just conveyed her concern to me, and I updated my biography and that was the end of it., 750 W. Hampden AvenueSuite #225Englewood, CO 80110 Leung thanked past superintendents, including Erin Kane and Thomas Tucker, for their service, saying a superintendency is not an easy role. Brozovich joined the department in 1978 and was chief from 1986 to 1989. I feel like the tone during public comment feels like we are allowing intimidation and bullying and kind of an environment that we would never allow in a classroom, she said. In response to interview requests with Peterson, Williams and Wise, a district spokeswoman said the two directors had not attended the meeting and that Wise did not immediately have comment. Ray said he spoke to Williams mid-morning on Jan. 28, and that she also told him she met with Peterson and Wise, and that they had requested that he consider immediately resigning and that there were four directors that were prepared to move forward with replacing him if he chose not to resign.. Many people upset with the current board have also lamented decorum policies as directors tried often unsuccessfully to prohibit conduct like cheering, applauding, standing or laughing at public meetings. Sometimes its difficult to monitor those situations, he said. If you're a print subscriber, but do not yet have an online account, click here to create one. I asked first of all why she felt that she and (Peterson) had the authority to convey this directly to the superintendent, especially since its a violation of policy, Ray said. This story first appeared in a Colorado Community Media newspaper. The educational equity policy commits the board to a culture where everyone feels safe and valued, Meek said. Meek said Peterson told her he and Williams met with the boards outside legal counsel Will Trachman on Jan. 27 to discuss giving Wise notice, but that she had not received any memos or communications from Trachman about the conversations. 750 W. Hampden AvenueSuite #225Englewood, CO 80110
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