In the first photo, note the small chrome tack (dome) behind the smokestack and the metal loop at the front of the engine. If you look closely at the train in the previous photo, note that the disk magnets overhang the top edges of some of the railcar bases. Honk, honk!. One something has been glued to a table, particularly with wood glue, they have to be forcibly chiseled up which risks damage to the pieces. The finishes are also completely child friendly. The Trains, Wagons, Carriages, and Road Vehicles all feature the classic BRIO magnetic couplings allowing for easy connection to each other. The BRIO World is all about learning through the joy of open-ended play, with high quality combined material toys that build real-world confidence. price lowest Check out the Expansion pack B to create an even bigger layout. So the cosmic question becomes, "does all this variation blather really matter?" Our make believe department is full of wooden play toys to ignite any child's imagination. Learning through open-ended play: The safari themed roleplay, using train, animals, and characters, create a real-world animal adventure that stimulates childrens imagination and creative thinking. Even if you dont know older BRIO products very well, you can almost always tell by looking at the wheels. I sure would like some information on my train. Copyright 2008-2022 PicClick Inc. All Rights Reserved. The cow and horse are out on pasture while the tractor is taking the hay load to the barn. It has since delighted 11 of our children and grandchildren, both boys and girls, most recently the original son's 2 year old boy. We are very much enthused about BRIO, specifically vintage, "traditional" BRIO trains, for many years as well.
It was (and still is) huge, kind of goofy, and pretty useless. BRIO Travel Switching Set 33512
Connect from one train to another with BRIOs exciting BRIO travel switching train set! The Hape High and Low Railway set includes bridges, tunnels and more! eBay prices vary wildly, based on condition, scarcity, number of active listings, time of year, number of motivated bidders, overall demand, and a host of factors that can only be described as completely random. It's a beautiful train. Great seller with very good positive feedback and over 50 ratings. See More. Such an insight, at least for a toy collector like me, provides a powerful incentive to join 'the hunt,' always looking for versions or variatons of toys that existed before inevitable change worked its magic. Hear your voice play out from this battery-powered train as it drives around the tracks and interacts with other Smart Tech Sound toys. All our wooden marble runs are quality toys with many accessories to collect and cherish over the years. Let the imagination set the destination. What child would not be delighted with this fantastic BRIO Reailway set. Lionel even entered the market with a series of battery-powered die-cast metal trains that fit on BRIO-size wooden track. I recently began collecting). With this BRIO farm railway set the crane lifts the hay up onto the loft. Your best weapon is to familiarize yourself with the products in old BRIO catalogs, and use those to identify what is and is not a genuine BRIO item. Its the perfect train for this hilly countryside environment. And if you buy before 12 noon today we offer next working day delivery so the fun can start as soon as tomorrow! The battery operated train is waiting on the BRIO train track to get loaded with help from the multi-function crane. Let the imagination decide the destination.
Gerry on Saturday, 8:57 pm | February 12th, 2011 : Got to have your heart in it to collect like Dave does. Can anyone tell me anything about it? Its has pegs to hold and steer it thru the head. This set also illustrates design changes BRIO made to several of the railcars at about the same time. 4,884+ items sold. The item number was 31417/1. Works great with all products within BRIO World. Scott on Tuesday, 3:33 am | February 22nd, 2011 : A tremendous article. I have recently come across an old set with many Brio cars and vintage Brio tracks and tunnels, except I can't say for sure the cars are Brio because unless the sticker is still on it there is no ID that I can tell. Slide open the boxcar doors and hide the cargo inside for safe delivery. If any reader has more accurate information, please share. Still, as with all things eBay, caveat emptor.
Of course, as time goes on fewer vintage sets show up, so whats not rare today may be rare tomorrow. Thank you very much in advance! Mikael. Ben - Toy Tech on Sunday, 1:14 pm | August 21st, 2011 : Hi Mikael, Welcome to ToysPeriod. Damian on Monday, 1:32 pm | September 5th, 2011 : Hi Mikael,
It would take a very high end camera to show it with any degree of sharpness. Pete on Saturday, 4:21 pm | February 12th, 2011 : This guy sure knows his Brio. However, the wood train frenzy subsided somewhat in the new millennium. All our construction toys and blocks are made from approved materials from replenishable sources and with next day delivery if you order before 12 noon, construction heaven is only a click away. It will unload the heavy cargo from the train when it arrives and put it onto the back of the BRIO truck. There is no shortage of merchandise, ranging from vintage sets from the mid 80s to current products that have had only moderate use. Drive to the top and park, take the chute down, fuel up on level 1 or place the car on the ramp on level 2, press the button and see how the car falls into place on the car transporter wagon below on the railway track. There are a few things you should watch out for, however. On the shop part of the site we tend to specialize in the older Swedish made items. The lift goes and up and down using the crank, taking passengers to their platforms. My first railway beginner pack is perfect for the inquisitive toddler. Come play with us! "Ask questions or share your stories." It was and still is a great toy with a ton of play value. 33960 Safari Adventure Set includes: 1x Safari Engine, 1x Animal Wagon, 1x Animal Cage Wagon, 1x Ranger Figure, 1x Care Bag, 1x Camera, 1x Lion, 1x Giraffe, 1x Elephant, 9x Wooden Tracks, 4x Mountain Track Supports, 1x Green Switch Track, 1x Wooden Tree, 1x Rock Stop, 1x Brown Terrain Track. Designed to be fully compatible with other top performing brands, this set pairs with any of our Railway products for a wonderfully imaginative playtime experience. Of course we recommend the classic marble runs from HABA or Quadrilla but there are also plenty of other great educational wooden toys to choose from. Its hard to give advice about buying BRIO because often times you are looking for a specific item or items, rather than just wanting to buy up a bunch of track and accessories. The poster child for this is probably #33389, the Tip Converter. Collectible handmade Christmas Ornaments by artist April Bernard, A look at swimming both in pools and open water - highlights and dangers explored, Identify your vintage, classic and collectible BRIO wooden toys, Identify and review your vintage, classic and collectible LEGO sets, Find out which classic LEGO sets you may own with our LEGO parts lookup. Ships to: GB, Become an architect with BRIO Village's modular buildings and then play house with your finished creation. (To my knowledge, the quality of paint and materials of BRIO trains have never been brought into question.) Includes 1x Engine, 1x Lorry, 1x Wagon, 1x Wooden Load, 1x Hill, 1x Crane, 1x Tree, 1x Sign, 11x Pieces of Track. Visit and see what their collector pricing is. Some BRIO turnouts/points/switches/crossings may have a visible sticker, but the regular straights and curves have only a small stamp if made in the last 15 years that is too small to see in photos online. All the LE TOY VAN, HAPE and PLAN TOYS dolls houses are built to approximately 12th scale and all the dolls house furniture and accessories from LE TOY VAN, HAPE andPLAN TOYS are interchangeable. It is the perfect height for even the youngest train engineers. Suitable for ages 3 Years and up.
Art#: 33936
Name: Smart Tech Farm.
Ben - Toy Tech on Wednesday, 7:59 am | July 20th, 2011 : Brian, I am not aware of a website with price values for vintage BRIO. It's in good to excellent condition. It was purchased in the UK. The 33887 Lift & Load Warehouse Set makes just that possible, even irresistible. I have heard that BRIO is no longer being made and would like to know the details of their demise. Also, the old wooden track I assumed was "fake" but now I wonder if it is just really old? The wagon carries the text 'BRIO'. Decorated with bright colours and a natural finish this railway set is sure to ctach your ittle ones eye! Both light and sound effects are features. Jennifer on Friday, 6:29 pm | September 9th, 2011 : Hello Ben,
When I receive the package I'll post some pics & maybe you can have a look! Ignore track type E, the large curved track, when assessing the size and value of a lot. Still, if one wished to persist regardless of resale value, one would need to compare the designs of the trains to known-BRIO designs. eBay is the best place to buy used BRIO Wooden Railway track and accessories at reasonable prices. Manufactured to BRIO's high standards and from FSC Certified wood, BRIO Central Train Station 33649
All aboard! In 2007, the toxic paint issues of many Thomas and Friends items made in China by RC2 (Learning Curve) undoubtedly tarnished the image of wood trains in the US. As a result, finding old catalogs and ads became just as important as finding old trains. Sadly, the little box-electric engine and its low passenger cars vanished from the line-up, but the engine was paired with a set of three tipping wagons for a short time. All parts as shown in pictures. The peg system has been replaced by magnetic connectors. Art#: 33649
Name: Central Train Station
Art#: 33649, BRIO Smart Tech Farm 33936 Automated Farm with sound for Wooden Railway, BRIO Smart Tech Sound Action Tunnel Circle Set 33974 14 Piece Train set, BRIO Smart Tech Sound Action Tunnel Deluxe Set 33977 91 Piece Wooden Train set, BRIO Smart Tech Sound Action Tunnel Travel Set 33972 37 Piece Train set, BRIO - Deluxe Railway Set 33052 87 Piece Wooden Railway Set - Great Value, BRIO 33204 Parking Garage 33204 7 Piece Wooden Railway add on - Great Value, BRIO Animal Farm Set 33984 30 Piece Wooden Railway Set - Great Value, BRIO Cargo Harbour Set 33061 16 Piece Wooden Raiway Set - Great value, BRIO Cargo Railway Deluxe Set 33097 54 Piece Wooden Railway Set - Great Value, BRIO Circle Train Set 33847 16 Piece Wooden Train Set - Great Value, BRIO Classic Figure 8 Set 33028 22 Piece Wooden Train Set - Great Value, BRIO Crane & Mountain Tunnel 33889 7 Piece Wooden Train Set - Great Value, BRIO Farm Railway Set 33719 with Barn, Train, Tractor and Cow, BRIO Lift & Load Warehouse Set 33887 32 Piece Wooden Raiway Set - Great value, BRIO Metro Railway Set 33513 20 Piece Wooden Train Set - Great value, BRIO My First Railway Beginner Pack 33727 Toddler Wooden Train Set, BRIO My First Railway Starter Pack 33726 9 Piece Wooden Railway Train Set, BRIO Nordic Animal Set 33988 26 Piece Wooden Train Set - Great Value, BRIO play table 33099 for BRIO Wooden Railway Layouts, BRIO Rail & Road Crane Set 33208 26 Piece Wooden Railway and Road Set, BRIO Rail & Road Travel Set 33209 33 Piece Wooden Train Set, BRIO Rail and Road Loading Set 33210 32 piece Wooden Railway Set - Great Value, BRIO Railway Starter Set Pack A 33773 Wooden Railway Set for Toddlers, BRIO Railway World Deluxe Set 33766 Largest Set - Great Value, BRIO Safari Adventure Set - 26 Piece Toy Wooden Train Set 33960, BRIO Travel Switching Set 33512 42 Piece Powered Wooden Train Set - Great Value, Hape High & Low Railway Set 85 Piece Wooden Railway Set E3701 - BRIO Compatible, BRIO Classic Deluxe Set 33424 25 Piece Ideal Starter Set from 24 Months, BRIO World Central Train Station 33649 with ATM and sound for Wooden Train Set, If you want thoughtfully designed fun toys that look great in the home. Watch the engine slow down and stall after it passes through the Break Action Tunnel and then comes back to life as it leaves the Fix Action Tunnel. A must-have for any train lover! Nearly every one of them was listed as rare or extremely rare. As we may have mentioned above in this comments area, vintage BRIO track does not have a stamp. BRIO Rail & Road Loading Set 33210
Lift and load! The BRIO trains in Mr. Pecota's collection demonstrate not only their vintage quality, but also how well David directs positive attention to them.
It seems like every BRIO piece listed on eBay is labeled as rare, hard to find, vintage, or some combination of the three. I don't currently own a BRIO train that I can date to their 'big bang' year of 1957. When I decided to collect vintage wood trains, I actually couldn't find much information that would help identify or date them. Shes taking with her a care bag to treat any sick animals and a camera to record the visit. Canada Large enough to take the BRIO Deluxe Railway Set 33052 (not included). You will be buried in E track over time assuming you arent already. Location: Bristol, GB, BRIO Smart Tech Sound Action Tunnel Deluxe Set 33977
Jump aboard the ultimate Smart Tech Sound experience. We have enough musical toys to start a band!
Wonderful article and photos. Just tap the arrow on the front to start the engine off, then bring it to a stop by tapping it again. Vintage Brio Wooden Train Set 33133 in Original BoxAll pieces there except there is only one of the wooden figures. With this playful BRIO train set, tunnel and clever connection magnets that always connect in every direction, there are more things to explore than just the tracks ahead. Classic railway and train themes pass through the harbour, airport, speaking station, and farm. LEGO, LEGOS, LEGOLAND, TECHNIC, and the LEGO logo are registered trademarks of The LEGO Group, which does not sponsor, authorize, or endorse this site. This is an educational wooden toy that connects to all railway and roadway in the BRIO system. Thanks for commenting. Thanks again, you've been of great help! As far as I know the red crossing gate was the only piece that ever broke. price highest The transition train shows the increased height of the railcar bases. Wooden Double Lifting Bridge for train set (Brio/ BigJigs compatible) with box, Brio, IKEA, ELC and others, wooden train set bundle, Trains, Bridges, track etc, Brio/Bigjigs/IKEA Wooden Train Set Bundle - 120 Pieces, Wooden 100 Pcs Busy City & Train Set Railway Track Toy Brio Bigjigs Compatible, BRIO Railway Set Full Range of Wooden Train Sets Children Kids 22 to Choose From, 10 X Wooden Train Track Dogbone Connectors (Brio / IKEA / BigJigs compatible), wooden train set box plus Big Jigs and Brio extras, BRIO World 33970 Tunnel & Glow in the Dark Metro Train for Wooden Train Set, Set of 4 Duplo to Brio Wooden Train Track Adaptors/Converter Bricks, Thomas Brio, BRIO 33799 Tractor with Load for Wooden Train Set, BRIO 33534 Freight Ship and Crane for Wooden Train Set, Adaptors Thomas wooden Train Track Adapter Set Fits Thomas, WOODEN TRAIN SET WOODEN TRAIN TRACK BUNDLE fits BRIO, BRIO 30267 My Home Town - Chunky Wooden Farm Train Play Set, Express Trains & Engines for Brio / Wooden Train Track with Combined Postage. The hook/eye couplers disappeared from the line. A must-have for any BRIO train track lover! If you have a photo or two, please post it to Photobucket or Flickr, and comment again with the URLs so everyone can take a look, or contact us through this website ( for our email. The shapes of the classic, BRIO treesthere are twoare pretty obvious, but there are non-BRIO trees that are shaped so similarly that they can be hard to differentiate in photos. BRIO Railway Starter Set 33773
The railway starter set is everything you need to build and play with your first BRIO train set in an ultimate way. Usually only complicated switches had the stickers, but not the regular straights and curves. Helps to develop hand-eye coordination, creativity and sparks imagination
Made with a commitment to sustainability; compliant with international safety and quality standards, BRIO Classic Deluxe Set 33424
Just like a real train, this classic wooden train set drives up the hill and stops at a station. Bridges are almost always obvious. Suitable for ages 24 Months and up. The archive problem is compounded further when companies merge, change owners or disappear altogether. Start your railway: A great starter set for anyone new to the BRIO World railway system, this train set includes 8 wooden train tracks, a passenger train with carriage, two figures and other railway accessories. Netherlands, Show: The photos are dynamite as well. And don't forget our classic wooden marble runs which will test even the most sophisticated tween. Ben - Toy Tech. And whether you choose a HABA or Quadrilla marble run, there's lots of skill required. Take the classic inspired engine out on an adventure along the tracks. We are not aware of an active Internet forum for this rather niche hobby. Dave Pecota has offered to take a look at it. Discover the enchanting train adventure that never ends with the classic deluxe set! Admittedly, you have to 'love the details' to collect based on this type of esoteric immersion. An action packed setting including passenger trains, freight trains, harbour scenes and metro fun, complete with stations, cranes, bridges and figures. I could email a picture if you give me a link or email address. The engine came with only a smoke stack and no magnetic coupling at the front. We expect it to last for further generations along with some of the more contemporary engines. We have chosen our wooden dolls houses for their quality and strength. Art#: 33028
Name: Classic Figure 8 Set, BRIO Crane & Mountain Tunnel 33889
Every corner of the 33889 Crane & Mountain Tunnel offers something new to discover. Margaret Ziemer on Monday, 10:43 am | May 16th, 2011 : We started buying BRIO for our son in 1982 (set No. We have magnetic maze games, traditional wooden peg puzzles, games to test logic and games just for fun. In addition, most BRIO train items are now manufactured in Asia -- not Sweden -- with an increased use of plastics in their construction. Each set works equally well as a standalone play option or integrates beautifully with the other BRIO World themes and BRIO train sets. Generally, unless it is sold as genuine BRIO brand, it is not. Link To UsHave a website? Stop by at the all wooden station and continue along the figure 8 train tracks passing by trees and a crossing bridge. Best of luck, Ben - Toy Tech. Build the stackable bridges, curves and sloping tracks right to the top of the warehouse. There are sellers who are obviously trying to appeal to collectors. And dont trust listings that say only a few pieces of track have been glued: no one glues just a few of their childrens track to a table. Some items which can be hard to identify, and items which are usually dead giveaways, are listed below. This BRIO rail and road loading set is packed with lots of play, including two trucks and a train pulling a crane wagon that can lift loads on and off the train track. While it has many things in common with other BRIO farms, this is distinctly different. Build your first BRIO World with this new lift and load starter set. They get to learn spacial awareness and basic construction dynamics all while having fun. To be sure, storing examples of out-of-production items, catalogs and related materials is costly and time-consuming.
You can comment below or use the Contact form for a more private method. These are pretty obvious. Look out for the lion guarding his cave and see if you can spot the elephant and giraffe close to the waterhole. Character trains from other companies included Looney Tunes, Winnie the Pooh and Sesame Street. Almost all wood color, with a red top and black stack and red wheels. I have already searched a couple of times for something like this using Google without result. This BRIO floor train appeared in a 1964 BRIO catalog that Dave has. And if your child is 18 months or older they can still enjoy the thrills of rolling balls down tracks - HABA make a great range of ball tracks for the under threes. The curved switches L and M are distinctively shaped, as are the double-switch versions I and J. ending soonest BRIO,BIG JIGS etc. The layout is packed with machine toys grab crane, truck, a pop-up hood engine and wagon with load even a warning sign, spruce and a small mountain to thunder through! Brian on Saturday, 4:57 pm | July 16th, 2011 : Hi, I have an old brio train that's big. This large table is decorated with both land and water graphics as a background for your BRIO World. But maybe they sold this spare parts set in 1987 to get rid of parts that they knew would not be needed due to the change to the one-piece axles and rimmed plastic wheels. In person they are recognizable because their thickness and coloration arent the same, but its not always clear in an eBay listing. On engines and cars, if the stickers are absent, it is likely that there is also sufficient play wear as well to make them relatively valueless except for sentimental value to the family that owns them. People who charge more for shipping are trying to save a few cents on eBay fees, or are using inappropriate shipping methods (such as Priority Mail) for very large and/or heavy items. Perhaps an auction house that deals with vintage toys could provide more information. BRIO bridges come in certain colors, shapes, and lengths, so if you see a blue suspension bridge, for example, youre not looking at a BRIO part. Although my collecting interest is primarily focused on the early trains, some modern era trains have sneaked onto my display shelves, too. Seller: mccarthy5513 (4,884) 100%, The 33977 Action Tunnel Deluxe Set features 91-pieces of railway fun including highlights from our interactive Smart Tech Sound range. BRIO attempted to keep older kids interested in wood trains by introducing its innovative Skytrain and Network series and themed sets such as Space, Pirates and Egypt. The current production comes in a red box with a white front, and the 'Made in Sweden' subscript was omitted from the label on the product. Can you help? The line-up included the standard train, the coal train, and two new trains with all-new engines. Art#: 33887
Name: Lift & Load Warehouse Set, Great value starter set including engine, timber wagon and two trees, all on an oval track. Some of the more recent runs are not too hard to find. Wooden railway & animal adventure: This wooden train set comes complete with a safari themed steam train and wagon, wooden tracks for open-ended layouts, off-road track, mountain track support, three wild animals (lion, elephant, and giraffe), wooden tree and even a lions cave with waterhole. The ToysPeriod staff will forward your message to me. Some of our games are one player only, others are more fun played with another adult or other children. I was just wondering how to positively ID Brio trains before they were stamped/painted/hubcaps embossed. In order to satisfy both my research and collecting goals (and stay 'on budget') I usually limit my purchases to trains in excellent condition, with the original packaging if possible. The trains have plenty of tracks and switches to ride on for a fun playscape. If you want to extend your track layout get some extra tracks with the starter track pack. Hours of possibilities for every age from 18 months to 99 years!
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