Can be "None", "All", or any
Configuration for the global Apache server process. # ErrorLog: The location of the error log file. virtualmin email
# alert, emerg. For example. As a reverse-proxy only, which redirects incoming requests to different servers for security purposes. The High Availability (HA) Port 2181 is an internal port that is used as the cluster coordinator for HA environments. To turn off automatic indexing for a directory, you can use directive "Options -indexes". Reduce the minimum number of processes apache starts, lets apache return memory to the server when it is not using it. For example: Latest version tested: ??? java # access control directives for the matching directory(ies). So turn off logging that you dont need, and just keep the essentials in place. Order: specifies the order in which Allow and Deny directives are evaluated. This directive can be used to allow access based on such factors as the clients User-Agent (browser type), Referer, request method, or other HTTP request header. Start the Apache Server.
upgrade Browser through this configuration file. # LogLevel: Control the number of messages logged to the error_log. # AccessFileName specifies the name of the file to look for
Request methods other than GET and POST, such as PUT, DELETE will not be permitted. You can always enable more verbose logs when troubleshooting if that is needed (and you cant do that on your development server). This is a tricky one, since many well known webapps use .htaccess files to help secure and manage the behavior on various parts of a site. Contrariwise, if you *do*
Last modified: September, 2014. Consequently, only hosts in "*" are allowed. Linux Systems Administrator at See Apache documentation for more details. backup kernel # Assume that Apache HTTP server is installed in "d:\myProject\apache2". On the other hand, HTTP/1.0 server supports only one TCP address and one host name. To do so, you need OpenSSL, which is an open-source software available at # (Combined Logfile Format) you can use the following directive. Set the tomcat AJP connector port number. I shall assume that Apache HTTP server is installed in d:\myProject\apache2, running in port 8000. Apache is probably the most common web service our customers use. I focus mainly on dedicated server provisioning with a sprinkling of network administration.
It is an amazingly powerful and mature tool for serving all your website needs. # define per- access logfiles, transactions will be
It will then require incoming and outgoing data access. install Tuning apache for more performance is a pretty easy thing to do on the surface, there is still a lot you can do to get the last erg out of your web server, but these tips are a good place to start, and should work for most setups. # container, error messages relating to that virtual host will be
Access is denied to all hosts to directory "/home". Although the access is allowed by default, Deny from all prohibits all hosts. is used to enclose a group of access control directives which will be applied to any HTTP access method NOT listed; i.e., it is the opposite of a block and can be used to control both standard and nonstandard/unrecognized methods. # combination of "Options", "FileInfo", "AuthConfig", and "Limit".
If you are adding virtual hosts to an existing web server, you must also create a block for the existing host. The configuration process uses the following steps: The following steps will show you how to configure the Apache HTTP Server as a In each directory, you can create a file called ".htacces" to control the access into that particular directory, if AllowOverride is turned on. Therefore you need to have a separate IP address for each host. The client has to issue another request to pull in the redirected page. This happens because, regardless of the actual ordering of the directives in the configuration file, the Allow from will be evaluated last and will override the Deny from As a load balancer (which will also act as a reverse-proxy) in a High Availability (HA) environment. The default configuration puts the error log in "$APACHE_home\logs\error.log" and access log in "$APACHE_home\logs\access.log". # Prevent files beginning with ".ht" (such as .htaccess, .htpasswd
# from being viewed by clients for security reason. RFC 2616 "Hypertext Transfer Protocol HTTP/1.1", 1999 @, RFC 1945 "Hypertext Transfer Protocol HTTP/1.0", 1996 @. # DocumentRoot: The directory out of which you will serve your documents. and blocks can be used to restrict access controls based on the HTTP request method used in the incoming request. The PhantomJS 7777 is an internal port that is accessed by the Incorta Analytics Server locally to enable the send-dashboard-by-email feature. hosting fix [c-f]. The private key is saved in "MyServer.key" (which shall be kept in a secure location). If it finds one, then it uses the configuration for that server. This can be achieved by the machine having several physical network connections, or by use of virtual interfaces which are supported by most modern operating systems (see system documentation for details, these are frequently called "ip aliases", and the "ifconfig" command is most commonly used to set them up). The first step to set up SSL support is to create a certificate for your web server. The next step is to create a block for each different host that you would like to serve. Many servers want to be accessible by more than one name. # logged therein and *not* in this file. If you *do* define an error logfile for a
HTTP/1.1 introduces a new feature called "virtual host", which allows you to running multiple hostnames on the same physical server/machine. # Since .htaccess files often contain authorization information. Read "Virtual Host - How-to" in "htdocs\manual\programs\vhosts\index.html.html". When apache encounters problems and cannot meet a client's request, it generates an error code and returns an error message to explain the error. The default settings for apache in most distributions are reasonable, but tend to favour developers, where testing needs to be easy, rather than for production use. # If your host doesn't have a registered DNS name, enter its IP address here. Access controls are normally effective for all the request methods (such as GET, POST, HEAD, PUT, DELETE). # Controls who can get stuff from this server. Full/partial IP address: For example, Allow from 10.1 grants access to all IP addresses in the form 10.1.*.*. Set up a reverse-proxy by creating a file or use the following sample file, to include your system port parameters: Create a file with the following configuration parameters, or use the following sample file, to include your system port parameters. This is useful if you have implemented PUT request but wish to limit PUT requests but not GET requests; or you might want to allow GET/HEAD but limit PUT/DELETE. Access control applied to the methods POST, PUT, and DELETE; all other methods are unrestricted. bash To allow only particular hosts or groups of hosts to access the server, the host can be specified in any of the following formats: If Allow from env=env-variable is specified, then the request is granted if the environment variable env-variable exists. The following is based on the default configuration of most apache installs. This section deals with access control to directories. Very often, your web server has to support a few hostnames (e.g.,,, and etc. Access control could also be based on other criteria, such as the network address, the time of day, the browser which the client is using, the types of request methods, and etc. configuration options: There are two cases for the Apache Web Server setup: CASE 1 - If the Apache web server is installed on the Incorta Analytics Server, ensure that the HTTP/S port 80 (default) has incoming and outgoing data access. The syntax is: The block directive encloses a set of access-control directives, which will be applied to the matched directory(ies) and its sub-directories. debian Wildcard can be used in matching: "?" reverse-proxy, and as a load balancer (which will also act as a reverse-proxy): Set the Apache Server listening port, which will redirect incoming requests to hack To install Apache 2, read "How to install Apache 2". Of course, you can't just make up names and place them in ServerName or ServerAlias. Name-based virtual hosting is usually simpler, since you only need to configure your DNS server to map each hostname to the same IP address and then configure the Apache HTTP Server to recognize the different hostnames. # a CustomLog directive. deghost ridding the world of the ghost vulnerability one host at a time, apache Often these tweaks will be useful even if you have a hosting control panel in place. Keep your web content small and compact, this will mean less work for the web server to send to a visitor. Our team is often asked to tune apache to run more smoothly, more quickly, and more reliably. Using this technique, many different hosts can share the same IP address. The Listen directive tells the Apache which port to listen to. If Allow from all is specified, then all hosts are allowed access, subject to the configuration of the Deny and Order directives. C:\Program Files\Apache Group\Apache2\bin\Apache.exe. However, the client may not be familiar with the format of accessing HTTP server with a non-default port number. Logging data from your web server can be immensely useful in figuring out issues after you go into production. Apache's Windows binary package includes OpenSSL in "\bin". centos In apache's main configuration "httpd.conf" (under /conf), check the following directives: The LoadModule loads the SSL module and the Include directive includes more configuration options for SSL support in "conf/extra/httpd-ssl.conf", as follows. then requests for all hosts in the domain will be served by the virtual host. As the term IP-based indicates, the server must have a different IP address for each IP-based virtual host. It is better to run many "virtual hosts" within a single physical web server. If apache is not configured correctly, under load this can also affect server stability. However, if the directory contains a file called "index.html", Apache returns this "index.html" instead. Security
For , access control is applied to those methods listed; all the other methods are unrestricted, for example. ssh The following sections will deal with access control to files and locations. Options: controls what kinds of actions are permitted for the set of resources under control. wordpress, Limit the number of apache processes that can be started, via the. The ServerName and DocumentRoot included in this virtual host should be the same as the global ServerName and DocumentRoot. mail Now when a request arrives, the server will first check if it is using an IP address that matches the NameVirtualHost. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial- ShareAlike 4.0 International License. This is possible with the ServerAlias directive, placed inside the section. Some easy and well known methods for doing that include the PHP APC module (now replaced with Optimizer+) and memcached. Nonetheless, you can customize you own error response using directive ErrorDocument as follows: If a client issues a URL selecting a directory, Apache returns a listing of that directory, if Options Indexes is on; otherwise it returns error "403 forbidden". Access control can be based on the client's identity, which is called authentication (discussed in "HTTP Authentication"). script cli Many well known content management systems use php (eg WordPress, Drupal, and Silverstripe), the apache server has to load that in as well, before content can be served. For example. Name-based virtual hosting also eases the demand for scarce IP addresses. To view the content of a certificate (which contains the public key of the server), issue the following openssl command: First of all, move the private key file (MyServer.key) and certificate (MyServer.crt) to the Apache's configuration directory (/conf). This can also makes a small but significant difference to data usage on a busy web server. The method names listed can be one or more of: GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, CONNECT, OPTIONS, PATCH, PROPFIND, PROPPATCH, MKCOL, COPY, MOVE, LOCK, and UNLOCK.
# The first item takes precedence if many exist, the AJP connector port set below. # Possible values include: debug, info, notice, warn, error, crit,
If it is, then it will look at each section with a matching IP address and try to find one where the ServerName or ServerAlias matches the requested hostname. However, to start Apache, you need to either hardcode the passphrase in the apache's configuration file (same security exposure as no passphrase) or provide the passphrase during the start-up dialog (this means that you can't automate the Apache start-up!). # Virtual host for all IP addresses at Port 80. # container, they will be logged here. If you would like to have a special configuration for requests that do not match any particular virtual host, simply put that configuration in a container and list it first in the configuration file. No incoming and outgoing data access is required. Access control deals with controlling access to a resource, which could a set of directories, files or locations. In this example, browsers with a User-Agent string beginning with Mozilla/4.0 will be allowed access. can be used to match names. Since the matching applies to sub-directories, "/www" has options Indexes and ExexCGI, "/www/sales" has option Indexes only (the setting in the parent directory is ignored), and "/www/support" has option ExecCGI (inherited from its parent directory). The arguments for the Deny directive are identical to the arguments for the Allow directive. CASE 2 - If the Apache Web Server is NOT installed on the same Incorta Analytics Server, not only must the HTTP/S port 80 (default) be available and have incoming and outgoing data access, the AJP connector port 8009 must also have an incoming and outgoing data access. Some sample entries in the "common" access log are as shown: The main role of Apache is to deliver document. ), a few IP addresses (with multiple network cards) or listening to a few ports. Take a quick glance into these log files. Apache will return error "403 Forbidden" if a directory request is made. Try connecting to the Apache server via OpenSSL as follows: Generate a public-privage key pair and a certificate request: Produce a short message by providing a text string after a (").
It is rather unusual and messy to run one server for each of the hostnames, IP addresses, or ports. server # Set the permission of the document base directory, // If error "Unable to load config info from /usr/local/ssl/openssl.cnf" encountered, # Include ssl configuration from an external file, # Define a Virtual Host for HTTPS under directory "wwwssl". Apache support (a) Name-based virtual hosts, (b) IP-based virtual hosts, and (c) Port-based virtual host. Rimuhosting # If you prefer a logfile with access, agent, and referer information
If GET is used it will also restrict HEAD requests. Domain-name: Hosts whose names match, or end in, this string are allowed access. Inside each block, you will need at minimum a ServerName directive to designate which host is served and a DocumentRoot directive to show where in the file system the content for that host lives. Configure the Apache HTTP Server (including the load balancing and reverse proxy). updates
: can be used to apply access control to a set of directories. Individually it may not seem like much, but by reducing the amount of data in each request, overall connection time is reduced, which means apache can respond faster to the next thing. Optionally, configure the server for load balancing and reverse-proxy security. shell Server built: Aug8 2016 16:31:34, The default installation location is These documents are usually kept in directory "\manual" or "\htdocs\manual" (where denotes your Apache's installed directory). The .htaccess is check at each access. For testing virtual host without access to DNS server: You can create a few hostnames pointing to your own IP address (or localhost) in your local DNS lookup table "hosts". replication # configuration, error, and log files are kept. sysadmin A network/netmask pair: For example, Allow from Unlike , file-name is relative to the DocumentRoot. docker Accept the warning and continue You can attached a passphrase (i.e., password) to the private key file. Any other hosts are allowed access by default. This is because the configuration directives in "httpd.conf" is read at startup. First of all, a public-private key pair is generated. Some features in apache can be memory hogs, more memory per process means less workers can run in the available memory on your server. Create the document root directory "wwwssl", and place a welcome page (e.g., index.html). Consequently, all hosts in the "*" domain except "*" are allowed. Apache is configured by placing configuration directives, such as Listen and ServerName, into a configuration file, which will be read by the Apache executable during the startup. Apache 2.4 uses a new module called mod_authz_host for access control. Extended regular expression (regexe) can be used, which begins with a "~". There are a few of ways you can improve this. # container, that host's errors will be logged there and not here. # The following directives define some format nicknames for use with
However you really dont want debug data needed by your developers filling up disk space and creating unwanted disk writes. Updated on March 15, 2022, /etc/apache2/sites-available/000-default.conf, /etc/apache2/conf-available/security.conf, /etc/apache2/sites-available/your_domain.conf, DigitalOcean Kubernetes: new control plane is faster and free, enable HA for 99.95% uptime SLA, How to Install the Apache Web Server on Ubuntu 20.04, How To Install the Apache Web Server on Debian 10,, If +/- is used, only that particular option is changed, the rest of the options remain the same (inherited from the setting at the higher level). HTTP/1.1-compliant server can support many hostnames/IP addresses/Ports within one single server. List this virtual host first in the configuration file so that it will act as the default host. # ServerRoot: The top of the directory tree under which the server's
limit the amount of memory php uses (eg in php.ini edit memory_limit=xxxM), keep your php code compact (ie avoid loading unused code, plugins etc). For example, Allow from will match and but it will not match linux # If you do not specify an ErrorLog directive within a
Any change requires a re-start. By using a lot of the tweaks described above (and others), server security is often improved as well, a nice side effect. However, if an Options directive is used without +/-, e.g., "Options Indexes", only Indexes option is available, and the rest of options are off.
# If you do not define any access logfiles within a
All other type of browsers will be denied. The wildcard characters "*" and "?" Error Log: The configuration directives related to error logging are ErrorLog and LogLevel: Sample entries in the error log are as follows: Access Log: The configuration directives related to access logging are CustomLog and LogFormat: You can combine all the 3 access logs into a single log file, using keyword "combined".
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