Are you sure you want to delete your template? Temporary 1-, 3-, and 7-day Fishing Licenses are available to non-residents, dates for use intended will be requested at the time of purchase and the dates must be consecutive. Pheasant:This license allows a person to hunt pheasant during the pheasant season. Residency Requirement:A New Hampshire resident is someone who holds a valid NH Drivers license or Non Driver Photo Identification issued by the State of NH Division of Motor Vehicles and does not claim a residence in any other state for any purpose. Lisbon is a town in Grafton County, New Hampshire. Minors (under 16) are required to purchase the following special licenses: Special Deer Archery, Bear, Turkey and Unit L and M Permits. Saltwater Fishing:A NH Recreational Saltwater Fishing License is required, with a fee of $11, for individual anglers age 16 and older participating in recreational saltwater fishing for finfish from coastal and estuarine waters of New Hampshire (both residents and non-residents need a license). Over Age 68 Permanent Licenses are available free to residents of New Hampshire who were born on or before December 31, 1947 (not valid if the license holder moves out of state). A permanent clam/oyster license is available at no charge to all New Hampshire residents age 68 or older (at Fish and Game headquarters or Regional Offices 1 and 2 only). Moose hunting is by special permit only. Does not include saltwater fishing privileges. Hours of Operation: A general hunting, fishing or archery license is required for any persons 16 years or older. License types available include: Senior Combination Hunting & Fishing, Senior Fishing, Senior Muzzleloader, and Senior Archery. Hunting:This license entitles a person to take wildlife (including small game) during the open season; a deer tag is issued with this license. Apermanent clam/oyster licenseis available at no charge to all New Hampshire residents age 68 or older (at Fish and Game headquarters or Regional Offices 1 and 2 only). New Hampshire Fish and Game Department New Hampshire Hunting Digest & Trapping September 2010August 2011 Official NH Regulations Deer, Bear, Turkey, Small Game, Migratory Birds, Furbearers Hunt New Hampshire More Than a Million Acres of Open Public Land! No deer tag is issued with this license. Deputy Town There is a spring and fall season for Turkey with separate weapon requirements (see theNH Hunting Digestfor details.) Wildlife Legacy Donation:This is a program to benefit fisheries and/or wildlife management efforts in the state with the landowner relations program, which works to preserve access to private lands for hunters and anglers. Obtain at Fish and Game headquarters in Concord or regional offices 1 (Lancaster), 2 (New Hampton) orat limited license agents.
Waterfowl require HIP permit, state and federal waterfowl stamps. A general hunting, fishing or archery license is not required for minors under 16 years of age. Nongame Donation Contributions:This program allows you to donate money to the Fish and Game Department for use on priority fish and wildlife management conservation programs.
Tuesday 8:00am - 7:00 pm Permanent license holders must create their own deer tags, or they may use the generic tag in the back of the hunting digest. Does not include saltwater fishing privileges. Clam and Oyster Licenses:Available to New Hampshire residents only. The holder, upon reaching the age of 16, will be able to redeem it for a lifetime New Hampshire freshwater fishing license and (upon completion of the Hunter Education requirement) hunting license. Your file is uploaded and ready to be published. Clam license is required for ages 6 and above. Special Deer Archery:This permit allows a person to take a second deer during the archery season.This permit must be purchased at the same time the archery license is purchased.It may not be purchased later. EXCEPTIONS: Minors, Permanent License Holders, and Lifetime License Holders. Migratory game birds require aHIP survey permit. Learn More. Must be purchased annually, online or at an agent.
Learn More. There are no exceptions. Small game is defined as: snowshoe hare, cottontail rabbits, gray squirrel, pheasant, quail, ruffed grouse, chuckar, European partridge & migratory birds. Two tags are issued with this permit for the spring and/or fall seasons. Non-resident minors under the age of 16 are also required to purchase a muzzleloader license. Non-resident minors under the age of 16 are also required to purchase a muzzle loader license. Turn your PDF publications into a flip-book with our unique Google optimized e-Paper software. Season is restricted. A New Hampshire resident is someone who holds a valid NH Drivers license or Non Driver Photo Identification issued by the State of NH Division of Motor Vehicles and does not claim a residence in any other state for any purpose. A current NH hunting, combination license or small game license; a Federal Waterfowl Stamp (available at the Post Office) and Harvest Information Survey permit number are also required. The primary settlement in town is located along U.S. Route 302 and the Ammonoosuc River in the southwestern corner of the town. One-day licenses are also available for NH residents. Muzzleloader:This license allows a person to hunt deer during the special muzzleloader deer season. This is an opportunity to provide newborn children (under one year of age) with perpetual future access to New Hampshire's hunting and freshwater fishing adventures at the one-time price of $300 (plus $4.50 for habitat and agent fees). Fax: 603-418-6424, Andrea Kohler, CTC,CMCTown, Sonya Littlefield Temporary 1-, 3-, and 7-day Fishing Licenses are available to non-residents, dates for use intended will be requested at the time of purchase and the dates must be consecutive. Freshwater Fishing Licenses:Allow the taking of all species in the freshwaters of the state. Minors are not required to pay a Wildlife Habitat Fee or file a Harvest Information Survey (HIP). You have already flagged this document.Thank you, for helping us keep this platform clean.The editors will have a look at it as soon as possible. License types available include: Senior Fishing, Senior Combination Hunting & Fishing, Senior Muzzleloader, and Senior Archery. Monday 8:00am - 4:00 pm License types available: Fishing, Combination Hunting & Fishing, Muzzleloader, Archery, and Clam/Oyster. All other license types including Saltwater Recreational Fishing must be purchased annually, at any license agent or online. Wednesday 8:00am - 4:00 pm A current NH firearm hunting or combination license is also required. One-day licenses are also available for NH residents. Hooray! A current NH Hunting, archery or combination license is also required. Lost License: A reprint of a lost or destroyed current year license must be obtained at the license agent where the original license was purchased or at Fish and Game in Concord. If it has been at least one week since purchased at a license agent, the license can be reprinted form the online license sales site. There is no charge for reprints, however there is a limit on the number of reprints allowed. A current NH hunting, archery or combination license is also required. The population was 1,595, at the time of the 2010 census. Oyster licenses are required for all ages. A current NH hunting, combination hunting and fishing license, small game, or archery license is also required. Migratory Waterfowl:This license must be purchased by anyone wishing to hunt migratory waterfowl (ducks and geese). There is a 3-day small game license available; dates and time for use will be requested at the time of purchase. TheNewborn Lifetime Combination Hunting and Fishing License gift certificate can be made only at the Fish and Game's headquarters office in Concord, NH, in person or by mail. A second archery deer tag is issued with this license. Season is restricted. Must be purchased annually, online or at an agent. All other license types are purchased at regular rates.Learn more. By state law, anyone planning to buy a hunting, archery or trapping license must complete the respective hunter, bow hunter, or trapper education course, or show a previously issued license of the same type. You may not purchase a Special Archery Deer permit without an Archery license. Archery:This license allows a person to hunt deer during the archery season, and wildlife during the open season, using a bow as your weapon. General Information:A general firearm hunting, fishing or archery license is not required for minors under 16 years of age. 1. The $2.50 Fee must be paidONCEannually by those purchasing a Combination Hunting & Fishing License, Hunting License, Archery License, Small Game License or 3-Day Small Game License. Unit M Special Deer Permits:Learn about applying for a permit to take an additional antlerless deer in Wildlife Management Unit M. Unit L Special Deer Permits:Learn about applying for a permit to take an additional antlerless deer in Wildlife Management Unit L. Town of Lisbon 46 School StreetLisbon, NH 03585Town Clerk Hours:Monday:3:30pm - 7:00pmTues, Wed, Thurs:7:30am-12:00pm and 12:30pm-4:00pmFriday: 7:30am - 10:00amSelect Board Hours:Monday - Friday: 8:00am - 4:00pm, Website DisclaimerGovernment Websites by CivicPlus, Building Inspector/Code & Health Enforcement, Off-Highway Recreation Vehicle Registrations. You must have JavaScript enabled to use this form. Permanent license holders must create their own deer tags, or they may use the generic tag in the back of the hunting digest. Obtain at Fish and Game headquarters in Concord or regional offices 1 (Lancaster), 2 (New Hampton) or 4 (Keene). Small Game Hunting:Available to non-residents to hunt small game only; if you purchase a non-resident hunting or non-resident combination hunting and fishing license, small game is included This license is for those who do not wish to hunt large game, no deer tags are issued. Learn More, A special gift certificate offered by the New Hampshire Fish and Game Department for residents of New Hampshire. Combination Hunting and Fishing License:Includes the privileges in Hunting and Freshwater Fishing. Minors are, however, required to purchase the following special licenses: Special Archery Deer, Turkey Permit, Bear License and Unit M and Unit L special Deer tags. Under state law, residents are persons who resident in New Hampshire and do not claim residency in any other state for any other purpose. Includes the privileges in Hunting and Freshwater Fishing. Performing this action will revert the following features to their default settings: Performing this action will permanently remove your draft from Yumpu. Minors are not required to pay a Wildlife Habitat Fee or file aHarvest Information Survey (HIP). Discounted licensesare available for resident seniors born in 1948 or later, and have reached age 68. To view fees or purchase online click here. Thursday 8:00am - 4:00 pm Bear:This license allows a person to hunt bear during the bear season. hunting digest - New Hampshire Fish and Game Department. Wild Turkey:This permit allows a person to hunt turkey during the open seasons.
An additional license is required for pheasant hunting. Wildlife Habitat Fee:All persons wishing to take wildlife in New Hampshire must pay this fee each year. The Town hosts an annual Lilac Festival on Memorial Day weekend. Hunter Safety Education Requirements:By state law, anyone planning to buy a hunting, archery or trapping license must complete the respective hunter, bowhunter, or trapper education course, or show a previously issued license of the same type.Learn more. Special Resident Milestone Licensesare available free to residents of New Hampshire who were born in or before 1947 (not valid if the license holder moves out of state). Effective 2017:Persons 68 years or older holding a NH archery license under RSA 208:5, may use a crossbow as an alternative to a traditional bow during the archery deer season without obtaining an additional permit. Turkey is not considered small game. Discounted licenses are available for resident seniors who turn age 68 on or after January 1, 2016. Available to New Hampshire residents only. Friday 8:00am-12:30 pm, Phone: 603-778-0591 x 403 Not valid for any other species or seasons. An archery deer tag is issued with this license. SeeSaltwater Fishing Digestfor more information. Moose hunting:Moose hunting is by special permit only. Allow the taking of all species in the freshwaters of the state. Magazine: hunting digest - New Hampshire Fish and Game Department. All applicants for resident licenses, MUSTpresent a valid New Hampshire driver's license; or New Hampshire non driver photo identification, issued by the NH Department of Safety, Motor Vehicle. The dates must be consecutive. A duplicate of a lost or destroyed current year license must be purchased at the license agent where the original license was purchased or at Fish and Game in Concord. You may login with either your assigned username or your e-mail address. Learn More. CLICK HERE FOR NEWBORN LIFETIME APPLICATION. Minors are, however, required to purchase the following special licenses: Special Archery Deer, Turkey Permit, Bear License and Unit M special Deer tag. Harvest Summaries:Summaries of the most recently completed hunting season statistics for Deer, Bear, Moose, Turkey and Furbearers is available from the annualWildlife Harvest Summary, and for small game from theSmall Game Summary Report. This license entitles a person to take wildlife (including small game) during the open season; a deer tag is issued with this license. Please visit theNH Fish and Game Websitefor More Information, 186 Main StreetNewmarket, NH 03857(603) 659-3617Staff Email, Motor Vehicle Registrations and Estimates, Newborn Lifetime Combination Hunting and Fishing, Town Reports - Provided by the New Market Historical Society.
A NH Recreational Saltwater Fishing License is required, with a fee of $11, for individual anglers age 16 and older participating in recreational saltwater fishing for fin fish from coastal and estuarine waters of New Hampshire (both residents and non-residents need a license). A separate bear tag will be issued.
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