One should never underestimate the importance of sleep for our physical and mental wellbeing. Rest until you are pain-free. An Achilles tendon rupture, on the other hand, may not completely heal without surgical treatment. Allowing your calf muscles to rest and recover between games, practices or workouts. [23]In the latter stages, massage and electrotherapy can be used. Gentle movements, within pain limitations, in the first few days following injury will help to promote healing. Stager, Andrew, and Douglas Clement. 1173185. A torn calf muscle may require treatments such as surgery or alternative therapies such as regenerative medicine. [8]Injury to the plantaris muscle can present with similar clinical features as those of the gastrocnemius and soleus muscle. This can include a complete muscle tear. Its main function is plantar flexion of the ankle and stabilising the tibia on the calcaneus limiting forward sway. If your pain doesn't go away quickly, see a doctor. While it may be difficult to rest your affected leg for a few days, moving around too soon can make the muscle strain worse. Physiotherapy aims to relieve your pain through soft tissue massage, ultrasound, hot or cold packs and TENS. Repeat the process as often as you feel comfortable throughout the day.
[14], Grade III: A third degree or severe injury results in a complete rupture of the muscle and is often concomitant with a hematoma. [2] Calf muscle strain injuries (CMSI) occur commonly in sports involving high-speed running or increased volumes of running load, acceleration and deceleration as well as during fatiguing conditions of play or performance. A ruptured calf muscle can happen if you suddenly overstretch your calf. Major bones in the calf are the tibia and fibula. Grade 1 strains will take approximately 2 weeks to recover. Return to play after soleus muscle injuries. The muscle is tender with pain and loss of strength. 6ASLP^vdghBfq>a#f|53'e; 8MD>1hU9{LY sw-
A strain refers to an injured muscle or tendon that has partially or completely torn. When refering to evidence in academic writing, you should always try to reference the primary (original) source. Orthopedic Center for Sports Medicine Functional PAES is caused by muscle contraction, often active plantarflexion of the ankle that compresses the artery between the muscle and underlying bone. Robinson DM, McInnis KC. By clicking Accept All Cookies, you agree to the storing of cookies on your device to enhance site navigation, analyze site usage, and assist in our marketing efforts. HJ1y$m {'^HBAQz1L3gksk[o6g9em6? Some signs of a severe calf strain include: The calf muscles span the distance from the knee to the ankle. Swelling and bruising may appear within hours or days of the injury. You will have difficulty weight bearing on the affected leg and will most likely have to walk with a limp. A grade III strain is severe. Therefore when we refer to "calf strain" we are often referring to a gastrocnemius strain. The muscle is mildly tender and painful, but maintains its normal strength. - UOs%3Q=BUVrGs Muscle strains are graded from I to III, with grade III being the most severe. Bryan Dixon J. Gastrocnemius vs. soleus strain: how to differentiate and deal with calf muscle injuries. The process of diagnosing a calf strain begins with a consultation. Call OCSM for an appointment: 504-217-5319. This can be in the form of a tear or simply overstretched muscle. Wikimedia Commons contributors, "File:1123 Muscles of the Leg that Move the Foot and Toes b.png," Wikimedia Commons, the free media repository, (accessed July 25, 2018). Symptoms of a torn calf muscle can include: In very rare cases, torn calf muscle complications can include: Your healthcare provider will perform a physical exam and review your symptoms. Over-the-counter (OTC) pain relievers: People can take a pain reliever, such as ibuprofen or naproxen to relieve pain and reduce inflammation. Still, there are other causes of calf pain that may be considered, including: Severe calf strains should be seen by a doctor. With proper treatment, though, they tend to settle down quickly. Muscle fibers can tear when a muscle is overstrained.
[10], Calf strains are most commonly found in the medial head of the gastrocnemius.
H\SMo0+r% R}hli Your healthcare provider may perform imaging exams to evaluate your calf muscles: After confirming you have a torn calf muscle, your healthcare provider may recommend a home treatment known as RICE: Until you receive clearance from your healthcare provider, do not: You may also need to keep your injury immobilized and protected by wearing a soft cast or boot. [8], Soft tissue injury management protocols should be started as soon as the injury occurs. Sprains are characterized by damage to ligaments, which connect bone to bone. In most cases Physiopedia articles are a secondary source and so should not be used as references. Soleus strain: Tend to be less dramatic in clinical presentation and more subacute when compared to injuries of the gastrocnemius. Treatment and rehabilitation depends on the severity of the muscle strain.
The Achilles tendon connects your calf muscles to the heel bone in the lower part of the leg. Flecca D, Tomei A, Ravazzolo N, Martinelli M, Giovagnorio F. Ellen, Mark I., Jeffrey L. Young, and James L. Sarni. Grade II: Moderate stretch or tearing of muscle fibers. Middle-aged athletes and weekend warriors are especially at risk. A calf muscle strain is usually a clear diagnosis. We do not endorse non-Cleveland Clinic products or services. Once the cast is off, your healthcare provider will tell you when you can resume light physical activity and start physical therapy. Diagnosis and rehabilitation of gastrocnemius muscle tear: a case report. [11] Strains in the gastrocnemius are also referred to as a tennis leg as the classic presentation was a middle-aged tennis player who suddenly extended the knee. 2022 Dotdash Media, Inc. All rights reserved. A grade I calf strain is the mildest calf strain. Some patients have been able to heal to the point where they no longer need surgery. Using stem cells or platelet-rich plasma, these types of therapy offer pain relief and faster healing for patients suffering from an injury to the calf muscle. They often occur when attempting to accelerate from a stationary position, or when jumping or lunging forward. Some exercises that aim to strength these muscles are: Recovery and prognosis will depend on the extent of the injury. Knee and lower extremity injuries." Grade 2 is a moderate strain whereby a significant number of muscle fibres are affected and you will have moderate loss of function. A sharp pain is felt at the time of injury or pain with activity. Visitation and mask requirements. The measurement of fluid collection informs about the extent of the lesion. Because there are other conditions that can be confused with a calf strain, see a doctor if your symptoms do not resolve right away. HWKo1W=~Ky!8 Uq@)Uz37'6(||p^4]-gLBeD$BD0;22=JgjqyB.?TJ-'b\}|txgUmv!%>l&rJ8B%Jd%!mW\/$5@! Gradual loading/strengthening exercises of the calf muscles should be given in order to have a full recovery. He specializes in spinal deformity and complex spinal reconstruction. Stuart Hershman, MD, is a board-certified spine surgeon. H\Sj0+tLv>AJ FsWlV3;+DAZxIB>Unry:R$/!"H|CG1}[!.} "EC PD"Y|;\fSzq$d0Sw
Grade III: Severe tear of the muscle fibers. The calf muscles can also be injured as a result of overuse. Archives of physical medicine and rehabilitation 80.5 (1999): S59-S67. Other physiotherapy modalities can be used such as: Strains may cause long-lasting pain, despite adequate early treatment. Conservative management consisting of a graded exercise program usually has the desired outcome for grade I an II strains, but in the case of rupture, surgery is required. A calf strain needs rest to heal. Michigan State University Alumni. Cleveland Clinic offers expert diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation for bone, joint or connective tissue disorders and rheumatic and immunologic diseases. Physiopedia articles are best used to find the original sources of information (see the references list at the bottom of the article). Jonathan Cluett, MD, is a board-certified orthopedic surgeon with subspecialty training in sports medicine and arthroscopic surgery. The gastrocnemius originates from above the knee joint, and the soleus from below the knee joint. Rarely, there may be complete muscle rupture. In the most severe cases that don't require surgery a full recovery may take up to six weeks. Muscle strains most commonly occur in bi-articular muscles such as the hamstrings, rectus femoris and gastrocnemius. More severe strains may be caused by a complete tear of the muscle. Flex your foot and set your heel firmly into the floor. Are young and want to return to competitive sports and high-impact activities. No calf strength, including being unable to balance or bear weight on the injured leg. Content is reviewed before publication and upon substantial updates. Make sure to warm up properly before sport or exercise. Springer, Cham; 2021.
[14], Plantaris is considered largely vestigial and rarely involved in calf strains, although it crosses both the knee and the ankle joint as well. Despite this, calf muscle strains have also been reported to occur during slow-lengthening muscle actions such as those performed by ballet dancers, but also during common daily activities. Experience severe or prolonged pain in your calf. There is little to no loss of strength and range-of-motion with muscle fibre disruption of less than 10%. Sports Medicine Physicians & Pulmonologist located in Metairie, LA Most people who have a pulled calf muscle will not need surgery. Patients may feel pain depending on which muscle has being strained: Typical symptoms for all strains are stiffness, discoloration and bruising around the strained muscle. If you strain your calf, you may notice a sudden, sharp pain in the back of your leg. Some individuals have muscle strain after using the muscles in an unfamiliar way during exercise or other activity. We make your exercises sports specific so that you are better able to handle all the challenges that your sport requires. People who return to exercise too quickly after a previous calf injury can also develop tears. A severely pulled calf muscle can result in partial or complete tears. Full recovery will take 4-6 weeks and you will require proper rehabilitation. All patients want the best outcomes for themselves. Average time to return to sports activities is 10 - 12 days. Ice and heat therapy: People can use a cold compress to reduce inflammation and relieve muscle pain during the first 2 days. [2], It is important to differentiate between muscle strains within the calf complex in order to formulate a correct prognosis, an appropriate treatment program and prevention of recurrent injury. Causing the injury to become worse or more torn can lead to a slower recovery process. The calf is composed of bones, muscles, and tendons that work together to keep it functional and stable. It is rather easy to notice a calf strain if you know what to look for. [9], Various sports such as rugby, football, tennis, athletics and dancing are impacted by calf muscle strain injuries. These muscles come together to form the achilles tendon and all three muscles insert into the calcaneus. Fortunately, this is rarely needed, even in patients with Grade III calf strain injuries. Shoes with a low heel are recommended to encourage improved heel-toe gait. Various sports such as rugby, football, tennis, baseball, soccer, dancing and even simple running are impacted by calf muscle strain injuries.
There may be loss of function. Strains of the proximal medial musculotendinous junction are the most common type of soleus muscle injuries. Policy. Many doctors use Ultrasound imaging to determine the extent of damage and X-rays to asses for fractures or calcifications.
Unlike gastrocnemius, soleus is considered low risk for injury. Korean Journal of Radiology. Fill out the form below to schedule your FREE virtual consultation. Sometimes, though, calf pain may be caused by something else. Notice swelling or serious bruising in your lower leg, foot or ankle. Plantarflexion provides the propelling force during gait. You can reduce your risk of a calf muscle tear by: Most people recover fully from a torn calf muscle within a few weeks or months, depending on the severity of their injury. Tenderness to touchat the point of injury, Stretching of the muscle will reproduce pain. Standing stretches. 8!|jcYR{uf4m0_;A' Improper healing can lead to issues with the soft tissue later in life. When a muscle strain occurs, this part of the calf becomes tender and swollen. Repetitive jumping, long distance running or walking, especially up hills or on uneven surfaces can predispose you to a calf strain. Your provider might require additional studies when the diagnosis is not clear. HJAy? Axial US scans are the most useful for differentiating between partial and complete rupture, as it is possible to depict the whole muscle belly in one single image. Each individual patient will experience a different recovery process. The calf consists of two major muscles. Wearing supportive footwear that fits properly. PEACE and LOVE principles should be applied.[24]. Sometimes bruising will occur. Patient can repeat this exercise up to twice a day. Read more, Physiopedia 2022 | Physiopedia is a registered charity in the UK, no. There is a clear loss of strength and range of motion. May be able to continue activity, without pain or with, May present with considerable bruising and swelling, A calf muscle tear is a most common in sports which require quick acceleration and changes in direction such as running, volleyball and tennis, Muscle strains are graded I to III. (juni 2001). Your warm up should include dynamic stretching, light cardio and sports specific drills, Stretching of the calf muscles before and after physical activity, Allow adequate recovery time between training sessions to prevent your muscles from fatiguing, which can make them more susceptible to injury. y,>N"L:D"Cu3v&h2s(kU@K#_ Your exercise program will include all aspects of fitness including flexibility, power and endurance. In this article Ill go over a few tips for people to get better sleep to wake up feeling more rested and alert. Knowing exactly what is happening inside the body can inform surgical decisions and treatment. Most people wear a cast on their entire leg for about three weeks after surgery. Think you may have COVID-19? Physical Therapy/Exercise: Some patients respond well to certain exercises.The goals of physical therapy are to improve strength, function, and stability. [2][3] The calf complex is an essential component during locomotive activities and weight-bearing. "Popliteal artery entrapment syndrome." Does your arm hurt when you try to move it? Allowing yourself enough recovery time is critical to your calf muscle treatment. Symptoms of gastrocnemius straincan include subjective reports of sudden sharp pain or tearing sensation at the back of the lower leg, often in the medial belly of the gastrocnemius or at the musculotendinous junction. Now scheduling for ages 6 months and up, Coming to a Cleveland Clinic location?
Over-the-counter medication can help with pain. Though muscle strain is one of the most common athletic injuries, it can happen to anyone at any time. These injuries are most often caused by minor tears of muscle fibers. Regenerative therapy can be used for mild, moderate, and severe injuries.
Pain in the calf muscle is often due to a strain, however, there are other conditions which could cause similar symptoms, including deep vein thrombosis and achilles tendinopathy or rupture. Repetitive motions are a common reason why strains occur, though they may occur due to being bent or overexerted. It can be used to help an injury heal before or after surgery, and allow patients to participate more in physical therapy and early activities. See a doctor if you aren't sure if you have a calf strain or if your symptoms don't go away quickly. Straighten your affected leg with your heel pressed firmly into the ground. Click below and just hit send! The gastrocnemius muscle is more susceptible to injury as it is a biarthrodial muscle extending over the knee and ankle. Gastrocnemius Muscle Test Vizniak. Your calf muscles (the gastrocnemius and soleus) are in your lower leg, behind your shin bone. Injuries are more likely to heal incorrectly if they are not treated by a medical practitioner. Calf strain injuries are common. It is also a major postural muscle designed to stop the body from falling forwards at the ankle during stance. Rest is the key to successful treatment. This site contains no medical advice. [7]A tear of the medial head of the gastrocnemius muscle is due to an eccentric force being applied to the muscle when the knee is extended and the ankle is dorsiflexed. Top Contributors - De Maeght Kim, Lynn Leemans, Wanda van Niekerk, Carlos Areia, Abbey Wright, Scott Cornish, Rewan Aloush, Admin, Maite Van Roozendael, Bettina Vansintjan, Yelena Gesthuizen, Sally Ngo, Rachael Lowe, Vidya Acharya, Jan Matthijs, Samuel Adedigba, Esraa Mohamed Abdullzaher, Kim Jackson, Naomi O'Reilly, WikiSysop, Janne Vandenborre and Tony Lowe, The lower leg is a vital biomechanical element during locomotion, especially during movements that need explosive power and endurance.
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